Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids


New member
When religion stops offering "Sunday School" they can be upset about others recruiting kids.

Until then, this lesbian just stole a page out of your own playbook.


Well-known member
When religion stops offering "Sunday School" they can be upset about others recruiting kids.

Until then, this lesbian just stole a page out of your own playbook.

People aren't forced to send their kids to Sunday school and pay for it with their tax dollars.

You really are getting dimmer as time goes on. You should be banned for sheer stupidity.


New member
No, not a surprise, but it is chilling indeed to see the
methodical nature of such deliberate indoctrination of the very young.

This is the part that stood out for me (I first saw this yesterday on LifeSiteNews):

"Strong related that as she was reading “King and King” in the junior kindergarten class as a springboard to discuss her sexuality with the kids, she got to the part where the two princes become ‘married’ when one of the boys suddenly shouted out: “They can’t do that! They can’t get married. They’re two boys.”

Recounted Strong: “And I said, ‘Oh, yeah, yeah, they can. It’s right here on page 12.”

First, why should kindergartners be burdened with understanding the sexual choices of a middle aged teacher?

Second, she tried to make that boy feel that he can't trust his own common sense. :nono:


New member
People aren't forced to send their kids to Sunday school and pay for it with their tax dollars.

You really are getting dimmer as time goes on. You should be banned for sheer stupidity.

1. People aren't forced to send their kids to public school either.

2. People evangelize to my kids all the time, whether I want them to or not.


No, not a surprise, but it is chilling indeed to see the
methodical nature of such deliberate indoctrination of the very young.

This is the part that stood out for me (I first saw this yesterday on LifeSiteNews):

"Strong related that as she was reading “King and King” in the junior kindergarten class as a springboard to discuss her sexuality with the kids,...:

You guys act like the LGBTQueer movement only infiltrated public education.

Care to talk about every major youth mentor organization including the Boy Scouts Sodomizers of America?


Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids

Where is the moral outrage that for centuries pedophiles (Christian Sodomites) within the Church were given free reign to prey on the innocent children under their care?

As was the case with Cardinal Law in Boston, even when the leadership were aware of these actions, they merely reassigned the perpetrators to other locations to continue "business as usual" and then withheld critical infornation from the authorities.
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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
When religion stops offering "Sunday School" they can be upset about others recruiting kids.

Until then, this lesbian just stole a page out of your own playbook.

Unless Christianity is the RIGHT worldview, and everything else is wrong.

What you are saying here is like someone teaching their child that stealing is wrong, and then complaining that teachers taught them that stealing is right. Some propositions are true, and others are false.

When God said raise your own kids. He really meant it (Pr 22:6). You do not hand your kids over to Marxist Sodomites.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you home church as well?

Do you occasionally peek out of your window to see what's going on in the outside world, or do you believe everything that you hear on the internet?

As much as SD is an outright loon the unintentional irony in your latter is hysterical...



New member
Hall of Fame
Shes a pervert and of course perverts want open acceptance for their perversions and the best place to start is with young children, to guide their minds towards the acceptance of evil.

I completely agree with the radio host who commented on her 'testimony' to young children:

Radio host and blogger Geoffrey Grider recently commented on the report, stating that he believes teachers like Strong are able to indoctrinate young children only because of the silence and apathy of the Church.

have been warning for years now about the concerted push by the LGBTQ to force-indoctrinate young schoolkids to accept the LGBTQ’s radical agenda and same-sex marriage,” he said. “This is being emulated in public schools all across America and Canada. Adolf Hitler was able to capture Nazi Germany in 1933 because he began indoctrinating young German schoolkids starting in 1921. This is no different. This is how the LGBTQ is growing their ranks, with Nazi-style brainwashing.”

“And because America’s Christians have no guts and are afraid to open their mouths,” Grider said, “it’s working quite well.”

I agree with that 100 percent.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Recruiting kids into it..Yuk. :vomit:


New member
Hall of Fame
1. People aren't forced to send their kids to public school either.
Not really the same. The alternatives to public school are expensive and/or unrealistic for many families. For practical purposes many families are forced to use public school.

2. People evangelize to my kids all the time, whether I want them to or not.


Well-known member
Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids

Where is the moral outrage that for centuries pedophiles (Christian Sodomites) within the Church were given free reign to prey on the innocent children under their care?

How's this: Lest they repent of their false gospel and believe on Christ, I hope they burn in the Lake of Fire for raping children.

Will that suffice?


New member

Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids

BTW, the definition of sodomy is any sexual activity that does not lead to procreation.

I have a feeling we have a lot of "sodomites" on this board.