Social scoring credit system

Gary K

New member
The left's wet dream of totalitarianism is here. The financial system is now setting our credit rating and access to banking services according to political correctness. The Bible is being proved true once again: no man can buy or sell except he who has the mark of the beast. And what is political correctness? The forcing of a person to reject truth in favor of lies.


Well-known member
- perhaps a tad more detail about your claims would be in order. What country are you talking about, for starters? I know the the PRC has been doing this type of thing. Who else?


Well-known member
ffreeloader- do you care to give some more details about your claim? Or are you in the habit of throwing baseless claims against the wall, and hoping some will stick?


Well-known member
ffreeloader- do you care to give some more details about your claim? Or are you in the habit of throwing baseless claims against the wall, and hoping some will stick?
Oh! How cruel of you, chair, making such 'orrid suggestions about that 'onest an' true person ffreeloafer..... ummm, I mean ffreeloader.
