so many great GOP candidates.. can't DECIDE...


New member
I love all the GOP candidates (except that Jeb Bush's position on Immigration.. uh... bites, shall we say)

I like Rand Paul except that he tends to not want to get involved in overseas conflicts, which I don't either except that ISIS has got to be stopped b/c they are coming here... Geez, what am I saying, they have already BEEN here... 911... (as we all hopefully know ISIS came from Al Queda)

I love Marco Rubio but he has not been a governer

I love Scott Walker, a governor but... he isn't Marco Rubio, meaning he is not Catholic..

and etc... etc...



New member
I am very impressed with Scott Walker and how he fought the Unions and pensions, made the gov workers contribute to their pension and health care. YES!!!

and he faced death threats... Wow, I am very impressed...



New member
Ben Carson.. against same sex marriage, seemingly a true conservative on all the issues..

I need to find out more abot him, but he is a retired neurosurgeon. I think he used to try to save babies' lives--just the opposite of Mr Most Pro Abortion Senator Now Pres...



New member
Hillary Clinton

pathological liar

  • Benghazi was caused by a video
  • It wasn't Bill cheating on me w/ Lewisky, it was the vast right wing conspiracy out to get the Billmeister
  • We were under sniper fire
  • I was sleep deprived



New member
right now i am going w/ Walker





But I think Walker should be pres... He has fought the leftie beast and won... so many times

and even the blue voters like what he has done in Wisconsin

LOWERED property taxes... (and probably other taxes... need to learn more about him)
