Well-known member
Time once again for a TOL....
Smilie story contest
Submit a story using as many smilies in place of words as you can. You can enter an already existing story or make up one of your own.
Winner gets a level upgrade not to exceed the gold level. If you're already a gold member, you can give a gift to a member of your choosing and upgrade their level.
An short example of a smilie story might be....
Once upon a time there lived a beautifuleach:. She was very smart and loving because she would :Clete: people upside the head with truth. But this made some people
. They would address the
each: and try to :argue: with her over how mean she was. But the
each: told them that the mean thing to do would be to keep :shut: over how wicked they were. Being nice would simply make them think there was nothing wrong with what they were doing which could eventually lead to their :rip:. They continued their :maxi: not having a leg to stand on when they would :argue: with her. She eventually got fed up with them. Their nonsense would make her :yawn:. She knew it was time to shake the dust from her shoes and leave them be to their :hammer:. This made them even more
. So the towns people secretly :listen: against her to :Letsargu: her. Her true friends heard of their plot and :Slippery: her. She was a member of the NRA and a firm believer in her right to bear :Grizzly:. She slept with her AK 47 close to her side and when the evil towns people snuck in to :execute: her, she :crash: the evil conspirators. She blasted their sorry selves until they were
linger:. Then peace was once again restored and they all lived happily ever after.
The end
Set the bar kinda high there, dincha.