Slaughter of you Sheep:


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Romans 8:36-37 KJV - As it is written, “For thy sake we are KILLED ALL THE DAY LONG; we are accounted as SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER. 37- Nay, in ALL THESE THINGS WE are more than CONQUERORS through him that LOVED US”. -----

I stumbled upon Les Feldick among the TV so called “christian ministries” today and was again stunned at the total lack of Spiritual Mindfulness in his teaching. And he’s among the best of the blind prophets of any of your gods -- TOTAL CARNAL MINDED FOOLISHNESS! – All you who are blind fools; see the carnal, or the Letter all to well, but you’re blind to the Spirit of God. What do some of you geniuses think SEEING IS!! – SEEING THE CARNAL!! – NO, THAT’S THE BLINDNESS OF FOOLS saying, “I SEE”; therefore your foolish sins remain!!

Within his so called lesson, was Romans 8:36-37 KJV -- His analogy, HIS “ANALOGY” of it was, he and all you guys who call yourselves “Christians” are killed all the day long by people who criticize you. - And you all are as sheep, silently led away to the Slaughter. - And because of that you all are More than Conquerors through Him that LOVED YOU!!!! --- What kind of CARNAL FOOLISHNESS is that!!!- That is nothing but a total lack of Spiritual Knowledge, and the total HATRED of Christ and what He said in the “SPIRIT OF THE WORD” there!! – YES!! That’s what the LETTER of the Word says, but it was that Letter of the Word that walked among them a while earlier, and was crucified and buried and was RESURRECTED THE “SPIRITUAL WORD”!!! - Hear HIM not who HE WAS before the Cross, but who Jesus IS NOW AFTER THE CROSS. – OH YES! You all are the geniuses and scholars and can find words that are not related to this doctrine, and you will HOLD TO THEM LIKE MOST FOOLS WOULD, OR DO!!!

The today’s meaning of those two verses is nothing like what Genius Les Feldick introduced for a teaching or doctrine!

Those two verses are ONLY ABOUT THE GOSPEL and what it does and has done and nothing else!! --- Look at the words I capitalized. --- First, - “Killed all the day long”. – That’s the same as “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from all unrighteousness”, Keeps on cleansing, all day every day, all the time!! – Second, - “Sheep for the slaughter”. – The Gospel does that if we die with Him, and are buried with Him, and Resurrected WITH HIM BY THE “GOSPEL”. - We are Slaughtered with Christ if we die with Him, COME ON!! --- “All these things we”. – All these things WHAT!! --- All those things OF THE “GOSPEL”; WHAT ELSE!! – Third, - “Conquerors”. - Conquer WHAT!! – DEATH / “DEATH” by the resurrection, by the POWER OF THE GOSPEL. – There is no other power of God that can DO ANYTHING / NOTHING!! – It’s the GOSPEL that does it ALL, and that was done by the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, - “THE GOSPEL” / “THE GOSPEL” / “THE GOSPEL” is the power of God in which Jesus Christ GAVE HIMSELF FOR US / THE CHURCH, -----BECAUSE JESUS “L-O-V-E-D --- U-S” - THE CHURCH; NOT THOSE FOOLISH BLIND FOOLS WHO CALL THEMSELVES THE CHURCH!! ---- Those two verses are nothing but describing the power of the GOSPEL, and NOTHING ELSE!!

Paul – 110911