Sin is unlimited!!


New member
These are the things that everyone has overlooked, or simply denied about sin, and the absence of sin. Any sin that is held against a person, that person is bound by the total ungodliness of all sins!! - When Paul was told that: - “It is hard to ( Kick against the Pricks )”, -- that’s what Paul was confronted with. - Paul was (( Bound )) with all the sins of Satan, which are symbolized by the Pricks of the “Thorns and Thistles” that he was ( Bound with ) by Satan, which are the only Bindings that Satan has. Whereas being Bound by Christ, one is Bound tightly by the Truth, not Thorns. -- Jesus’ being crowned with thorns, symbolized the attempt to Bind the Mind of Christ, but Truth Prevailed!!! Jesus gave us His mind in the victory!!

To the lost, there is no individual sin or collection of sins that condemn him. There is no difference in anything that a sinner does. - All is the same. - The sinner is ( in sin all the way ), having no part of him that who he is in mind, - is not sin. -- For he is sin unto himself. -- If he kills, steals, rapes, lies, fornicates, or commits adultery; - it’s all the same. Nothing has been added to his sins. A lost person carries in him the whole burden of sin, where there’s no forgiveness without Christ, the pure and sinless Soul that Jesus has given of Himself to those who have obeyed the Commandments / or the Gospel of Christ.

To the saved, or Christian, - there is nothing that he can do “honestly”, that can condemn him, for he is not sin unto himself, but righteousness unto Christ, and unto himself. That righteous one is one with Christ, making any sin that is done, done without, or outside the Soul that is given him, but in the darkness that he was taken out of into the righteousness of the light, or perfection of “Good” / God!!!

Any belief, or faith that does not correspond with the Truth or Faith of the Word of God is a false Faith, held, and / or taught “deliberately” for some other reason than for the love of the Truth!! – Most, if not all, hold to many false doctrines, which assures their damnation. There is no other sin required for them to see eternal death. - There is no difference in anything that they can do that will condemn them further!!!

There’s not much more that needs to be said; it certainly cannot be shown or proven otherwise. If you have any other idea that disagrees with this, let’s hear it, without any guessing, and not relating it with any other Scriptures of Truth. If you cannot see where I get this, you are blind to the Truth, or you are not interested in the Truth!!

Paul – 071812