silence means your safety

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The Edge

Sorry for my silence. When I came home I took a week off to be with the family, then when I returned to work they are slamming me through a TON of training for various positions all throughout this summer. So I'm working different kinds of hours and learning about several positions and haven't as much time as I wanted to be around here. But my silence means I'm busy learning how to protect America. But I'll come in from time to time.

Nathon Detroit

The Edge said:
Sorry for my silence. When I came home I took a week off to be with the family, then when I returned to work they are slamming me through a TON of training for various positions all throughout this summer. So I'm working different kinds of hours and learning about several positions and haven't as much time as I wanted to be around here. But my silence means I'm busy learning how to protect America. But I'll come in from time to time.
We will do our best to get by. :)


Active member
Even if it was sarcasm, I am sure it of the sincere form of sarcasm (whatever that is). Good luck with the training!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
The Edge said:
Sorry for my silence. When I came home I took a week off to be with the family, then when I returned to work they are slamming me through a TON of training for various positions all throughout this summer. So I'm working different kinds of hours and learning about several positions and haven't as much time as I wanted to be around here. But my silence means I'm busy learning how to protect America. But I'll come in from time to time.
Thank you for your service. Taking care of your family and our nation deserve to come before talking to us!


The Edge said:
Sorry for my silence. When I came home I took a week off to be with the family, then when I returned to work they are slamming me through a TON of training for various positions all throughout this summer. So I'm working different kinds of hours and learning about several positions and haven't as much time as I wanted to be around here. But my silence means I'm busy learning how to protect America. But I'll come in from time to time.

When you're done, teach GW how to defend our borders, will ya'?

Thank you for your service, by the way! :thumb:


The Edge said:
Sorry for my silence. When I came home I took a week off to be with the family, then when I returned to work they are slamming me through a TON of training for various positions....

Are you a missionary? :freak:

The Edge

Knight, I trust that is a friendly joke too.....

I agree that GW needs to defend our borders better....especially with Mexico.

Hope to hear from you soon ;)
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