Should Women Be Beaten?


Once when I was young, my girlfriend at the time whiz zed a coffee cup by my head!
I took the plastic radio clock and tossed it at her (underhand toss) she ducked down an it hit the top of her head. She had to get stitches (2). People, we make mistakes. The funny thing is that she told the hospital I punched her. Then later she called me to pick her up. Man. That girl was nuts! I was too tho


how would you react if you walked in to your wife beating your child?

let's assume that she doesn't stop when you say "honey, stop doing that"

are you justified in using physical force to stop her?

Yes. She might need a lil shock therapy


New member
This is getting really boring.

I had a great idea for a variation of this thread. Just remove one letter. But most of the people here would not be mature enough to handle the topic.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
how would you react if you walked in to your wife beating your child?

let's assume that she doesn't stop when you say "honey, stop doing that"

are you justified in using physical force to stop her?
There is rather a difference between physically restraining her and punching her. Or shoving her.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
My wife beat the crap outta me the other day.

She's I'm a man and she's a woman so it don't count
Sounds like there may be bigger issues in your relationship. In any case, and at the risk of being grossly misunderstood, you do have the right to defend yourself if somebody is attacking you. In my mind, defending yourself is not abuse, it is defense.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

It rarely works and you'd know that if you were in the position, that's why.
I heard terrible yelling one day and went to investigate. I found my wife and two daughters in a very loud argument over something really silly, don't even recall what. I looked at all three of them and sent them all to their rooms. Seriously. They all went and after about 15 minutes, everybody was calm and the whole thing is over. I fail to see why physically restraining somebody would be any less effective. Sometimes you need to get people out of the immediate situation to let them regain their control and then you can deal with the issue.