Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Imrahil said:
I realize it is rare but the point is that means that what is the law is relative, depending on what we want it to be. That is wrong.

Nothing wrong about it. We, as a nation, write our own laws based on our culture. Would you prefer to live under Islamic law?


New member
Agape4Robin said:
We also have the capacity to forgive evnthose who are unrepentant.
Luke 17:3 says differently. IT says that if someone sins, we are to rebuke him and if he repents to forgive him. Forgiving someone who has not repented only makes them think that the problem is gone and if they die unrepentant, they will be separated from God forever.
Forgiveness is not just for the offender, but for the offended.
Sorry, what do you mean by this?


New member
BillyBob said:
Nothing wrong about it. We, as a nation, write our own laws based on our culture. Would you prefer to live under Islamic law?
No. How is that relevant?


Imrahil said:
Luke 17:3 says differently. IT says that if someone sins, we are to rebuke him and if he repents to forgive him. Forgiving someone who has not repented only makes them think that the problem is gone and if they die unrepentant, they will be separated from God forever.

Sorry, what do you mean by this?
May I PM you about this?


New member
Mammals....not animals. Maybe your family "evolved" from monkeys, but I was made in the image of God.

I see you have a very clear understanding of the scientific theory of evolution.

Nothing has proved that homosexuality is "genetic"....that fraudulent "research" was debunked long ago!

Debunked by who? According to the scientific community, homosexuality is genetic. And I'm quite sure I was born bisexual. It was not a choice I made.


Imrahil said:
Luke 17:3 says differently. IT says that if someone sins, we are to rebuke him and if he repents to forgive him. Forgiving someone who has not repented only makes them think that the problem is gone and if they die unrepentant, they will be separated from God forever.

Sorry, what do you mean by this?
So, if a brother or sister in Christ offends you and you rebuke them and they are unrepentant.....they lose their salvation over it?

Would God want you to carry the burden of unforgiveness if a person remains unrepentant?

Jesus forgave those who crucified Him and yet they were for the most part unrepentant.


New member
BillyBob said:
You're kidding, right? :confused:
No. I fail to see the connection between people voting on what should be law and living under Islamic law. Except for the possibility of the Constitution being ammended to enforce Islamic law.


New member
lovemeorhateme said:
Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

If so, why so? If not, why not?

Yes and No. All things being equal, I think the biblical prescription for homosexual acts is capital punishment. However, given the situation that the West currently finds itself in, the question is a bit like someone on the Titanic asking if one of the lifeboats should be set aside and filled with toilet paper rolls. Or something.


Imrahil said:
No. I fail to see the connection between people voting on what should be law

People don't vote on Constitutional Ammendments.

and living under Islamic law.

That would be unConstitutional.

Except for the possibility of the Constitution being ammended to enforce Islamic law.

We will have a revolution long before that ever happens, trust me.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
So, if a brother or sister in Christ offends you and you rebuke them and they are unrepentant.....they lose their salvation over it?
Of course not. Obviously someone sealed by the blood of Christ is under different house rules than an unsaved person. [/QUOTE]
Would God want you to carry the burden of unforgiveness if a person remains unrepentant?
The only burden I would carry is the desire for that person to come to Christ and I would use their sin as a tool to bring that about if possible.

Jesus forgave those who crucified Him and yet they were for the most part unrepentant.
Yes, but what did He forgive them of? He asked the Father to forgive them, "for they know not what they do". What did they not know. OBviously they knew they were killing an innocent person, they said as much. The thing they didn't know was they were killing their Savior. This was the thing for which Christ was asking the Father to not hold them accountable.

Certainly He did not always forgive. One example was the money-changers. He whipped them and rebuked them for their sin. Obviously, he did not forgive them without their repentance.


Surr said:
Debunked by who? According to the scientific community, homosexuality is genetic. And I'm quite sure I was born bisexual. It was not a choice I made.

No one in the scientific community disagrees that homosexuality is genetic?


I know what Surr means, I certainly didn't make a choice about my for being gay, I have no idea.


Resident Fiend
Agape4Robin said:
Being disgusted by homos is NORMAL,
Most folks are indifferent to homosexuals.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell a person's sexual orientation unless the person tells you. And for me, anyway, the topic of a conversant's sexual orientation has never once come up.

I mean, do folks you talk to make a big noise about how hetero they are?


Resident Fiend
Imrahil said:
I realize it is rare but the point is that means that what is the law is relative, depending on what we want it to be. That is wrong.
Well, the only way for it to be right as far as you're concerned is for the local deity to show up and start running things, something we both know ain't gonna happen.