Shotgun Advice

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Shotgun Advice

This is the show from Thursday March 11th, 2010.


* From the Front Lines: of the culture war in the battle to save America from her slide into immorality and ultimate death, special guest host Doug McBurney takes a couple of calls from Personhood advocates out there every day making a difference!

* 6 of one, ½ dozen of another: Convicted murderer Lawrence Reynold’s Jr. should have been put to death in 1994 after his murder conviction. Instead he’s popping pills and mocking the justice system that saves him from an overdose, and preserves his undeserved life. We pray his execution next week goes off without a hitch…

* Murderer Offers Judge Sound Advice: Harlan Drake, admitted killer of pro-life advocate Jim Pouillon and pro-life businessman Mike Fuoss says he should be put to death for his crimes. As shocking as this sounds to the judge and the lawyers involved, we want to encourage them, for the sake of the criminal, to take his advice, and quickly!

* Sex Offender Registries of Granite and Marble: We analyze the insanity of not only registering and tracking child molesters, but the crazy idea that they should be allowed to live on the same earth as the children they hunt and victimize! We’re all for a registry, and would even be willing to donate the land, and the granite, (or if the family prefers, marble).

* Screaming at Ronal Reagan: With the Treasury Department reporting the February monthly deficit at $221bn we long for the “good ole days”, when that was the annual budget deficit in America. An annual debt load that was rightly called criminal and unsustainable then, is now the norm, (and for the shortest month of the year to boot).

* Holy Smoke? Mountain dwelling loser and practitioner of the religion of stupidity Trevor Douglas shocked the nation this week when he failed to convince a Colorado judge that the dope found in his car was a sacrament of his religion. In a break from the foolishness and gullibility so prevalent amogst the judicial claa these days, the Clear Creek judge wasn’t buying it. (Although he did get $450 from the stoner at the close of the case, with which the Clear Creek governing officials could presumably buy something… perhaps paper used to issue “medical” marijuana licenses or some such thing).

* A Capitol Crime: Homos are getting married in Washington DC this week... We had heard they drained a swamp to build DC, so it figures that the number of snakes, and the level of scum there is on the rise.

* Education Dept. Going Ballistic: The US Dept. of Education appears to be requisitioning 27 shotguns. While we answer the obvious question regarding which brand and model, we still have no idea why…

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? Or will you stay in your comfort zone? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join the "curing period" effort by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life and letting them know how many signatures you can get.

Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!
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