Sheets of Shame News Spreads

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Sheets of Shame News Spreads

This is the show from Wednesday August 27th, 2008.

The devil with his mask off, (That's Barak Obama. He's openly, outwardly wicked) is scaring you right into the arms of the devil with his mask on and that's John McCain.
[Barak Obama's testimony for Christ at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church] was blasphemous. And the fact that Rick Warren would allow that? Jesus warned us about wolves in sheeps clothing. It was tragic. Those who say, "Lord Lord" and He will say, "I never knew you, depart from Me into everlasing fire," and Rick Warren is leading people, this false sense of security and trusting the wicked, it's just despicable, Rick Warren's influence on the Body of Christ. It's despicable.
Eight weeks ago [McCain] was the enemy of the right-wing Christian community. Eight weeks ago he was the enemy, he would destroy America. Now they will lie. They will prostitute themselves. They will pimp for this Republican child killer.
McCain advocates killing millions of innocent human beings. He is a liar. His Saturday night conversion was a fraud. Christians who want to be lied to will say, "Please lie to me. I like to be lied to. I'm a buffoon."


* Sheets of Shame News Spreads Worldwide: The massive American Right to Life Action sponsored "Sheets of Shame" sign was unveiled yesterday on the mountain to send a witness to Denver and the world that the DNC kills unborn children. Read the ARTL Action press release.

* Paul from Colorado Springs congratulates on the sign and wants to know how we can advance the campaign of Alan Keyes on the American Independent Party.

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