Shaming the Pop Culture


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Shaming the Pop Culture

This is the show from Wednesday, March 16th, 2016


* Genderation Z: a survey presented a SXSW reveals that the children of the American Government schools and the parents who send them there no longer recognize sexual immorality. Bob & co-host Doug McBurney talk about the threat that unrestrained immorality poses to children, families & the nation.

* Shame, Shame, Shame: Hear how a Christian movie actress who appears on magazine covers half dressed was shamed at a church event, and find out her reaction, (and her husband’s).

* Blaming God for Hillary: Find out how a brain dead, biblically illiterate B-list actress makes the case that Hillary’s low “trustworthiness” numbers are the fault of God & the Book of Genesis.

* Giving the Enemy a Pretext: An evil, pagan Moslem preacher in Gaza is accusing America and Israel of destroying children with pornography & sexual immorality. What is the Christian response?

* Fear of Siri: In yet another sensational headline seemingly designed to stoke the fears of children and the foolish, hear how a SXSW presentation implied that artificial intelligence might someday learn to think!



like marbles on glass
* Genderation Z: a survey presented a SXSW reveals that the children of the American Government schools and the parents who send them there no longer recognize sexual immorality. Bob & co-host Doug McBurney talk about the threat that unrestrained immorality poses to children, families & the nation.

How is choosing products not geared for one's own gender immoral? Or recognizing terminology? How is that immoral?

BTW, on a side note, it's kind of interesting that the survey for SXSW is comparing the opinions of 13-20-year-olds to 21-34-year-olds. How applicable is a comparison between someone who's in middle school to someone who's in their mid-thirties?

(See what I did there? I used a gender neutral pronoun...)