Senate candidate running for the Senate in Georgia has a very unsavory background

Gary K

New member
Warnock has a background that contains some pretty serious charges of abuse and of covering up abuse. His victim says he has no business being a US Senator and that he is completely unqualified for the job.


Gary K

New member
Could I get a mod to edit the title of this thread? I inadvertently hit the enter key and it messed up the title as i was trying to edit it before I posted the thread. It should read "Senate candidate" in front of the current title.


Staff member
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Could I get a mod to edit the title of this thread? I inadvertently hit the enter key and it messed up the title as i was trying to edit it before I posted the thread. It should read "Senate candidate" in front of the current title.


Gary K

New member
I really thought there would be some outrage over this. Warnock was in on dumping urine all over a 12 year old kid, and then forcing him to sleep outside without allowing him to clean up. It made my blood pressure go up just reading it. That kind of cruelty deserves jail time. That he got away with it says he's even more likely to have even less respect for those under his power now. And Warnock not only holds himself up as a model Christian he actively obstructed the police investigation of this. What that tells me is that he not only knew what he did was wrong but that he did whatever else he could do to make sure he got off with no justice being administered to himself. I just wonder how much of an iceberg is under this one instance that appears above the stream of events at that camp and in Warnock's life.