See the Truth in it?


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Can you not see the Truth in what I’m saying here, or do any of you care what, or who The Truth is? The Truth is Jesus after He is anointed in “fulfillment” by the Holy Ghost, of whom all of you are blind to. That’s who the Truth is and what Jesus, the Life “is”.

I’m going to show you what it is to be Christian, or “inspired” by the only thing that is inspiring today, not some fool’s book, or some great in his own mind and yours, who you listen to for inspiration. Don’t even-tell us that you listen to the Scriptures for inspiration, because you don’t even know who the Truth “of” the Scriptures is. Jesus is the Truth, the Life, and the Way. Life reveals Knowledge, and the Knowledge is the one who revealed itself, to the world. Not that the world received the Knowledge, but Knowledge is there for the gathering; “if” one loves the Truth of that Knowledge which is who Jesus “is”. To love the Truth is to love Jesus who the Truth and the Life “is”. So, revelation comes from the Truth, or to say from the Eternal Life that the Truth and the Knowledge gave to the Church, the Truth’s own Body. I’m showing how revelation comes, not that any of you care, but in the Glass we receive it nevertheless. The revealing of Truth of the Knowledge of the Life of Jesus Christ comes from the Word of God, the Truth, Jesus Christ Himself.

Like it or not, the Truth, or the Word of God was “anointed”, by the fulfilling of it to bear witness against you. -( Now follow the Scriptures as I go here, maybe you’ll learn something, - or not )-.
The Scriptures speak the Truth now that they all have been fulfilled making them a powerful witness of your sins and defiance of God and of Jesus the Christ, the Truth of the Word of God. ( Follow the Word now / the Gospel ). The Books have been opened now, and the Book of Life, which contains all the perfected evidence that is used against all of you who dare to question Jesus, the Truth of the Word of God.
Can you imagine Jesus at your judgment bearing “false” witness against any of you? Noooo! Jesus has perfected every Word of “evidence” that is presented as the Witness against all of you at His judgment which is now. The Books are now open to reveal that evidence of your false teachings. And the other Book of Letters of the Apostles to the Churches is open; that Little Book with the seven seals which is the whole Gospel. The whole Gospel or the Book of Letters does not have any name in it that has “rejected the Truth”. All have rejected and refused to obey the ( Gospel which is Jesus ) the Anointed Witness of all your evil, or iniquity, or just plain old foolishness, and denial of Christ the Truth of the Word of God. You all must be proud of yourselves before you see the Truth. Wait until you actually “see” what’s going on with the Truth, which is Jesus and His Judgment! You’ll all see it when you open your eyes in torment, and it’s too late. Then I’ll laugh at your hell, said God.

Now all you geniuses prove that wrong, and that I’m yelling again; giving you an excuse for not even judging me to be wrong like God said to do. You can’t do that, because God said to do it.

Paul – 062312