Second Video Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Illegal Activity


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Second Video Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Illegal Activity

July 23, 2015

Second Planned Parenthood Video... Many people have obviously seen and heard about the recent videos that completely expose Planned Parenthood. The videos clearly prove that Planned Parenthood violates numerous laws. If any other organization (i.e. one that was not a radically left-wing outfit) were caught violating laws in the way Planned Parenthood has been caught, it would immediately be shut down and its leaders thrown in jail. In fact, raids on their entire operation might be immediately conducted. Yet, Planned Parenthood has not only gotten away with their blatant crimes for years, but still receives hundreds of millions in tax payer dollars. It’s truly incredible. It’s an example of how dark the situation is and that we are almost in an era post-truth. Support cannot even be generated to remove taxpayer funding from that criminal organization. Those in positions of power in our day basically go after groups or people they want to. The two videos exposing Planned Parenthood are both worth watching.

This is the previous video exposing Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood exposed