Seattle Mayor Proposes Offering Sharia Law-Compliant Home Loans for Muslims


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Hall of Fame
Seattle Mayor Proposes Offering Sharia Law-Compliant Home Loans for Muslims

SEATTLE, Wash. — The mayor of Seattle and his housing committee have unveiled a plan to increase housing in the city, with a portion of the plan proposing the offering of Sharia law-compliant loans for Muslim residents.

Among the number of ideas offered to make housing more affordable for Seattle residents is a segment that addresses Muslim beliefs, as Sharia law forbids usury for its adherents.

“For our low—and moderate—income Muslim neighbors who follow Sharia law—which prohibits the payment of interest or fees for loans of money—there are limited options for financing a home,” the proposed plan reads. “Some Muslims are unable to use conventional mortgage products due to religious convictions.”

“The City will convene lenders, housing nonprofits and community leaders to explore the best options for increasing access to Sharia-compliant loan products to help these residents become homeowners in Seattle,” it says.

Arsalan Bukhari, chapter executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the Puget Sound Business Journal that he believes that there are approximately two hundred Seattle residents who identify as Muslim that avoid taking out home loans because of their religion.

“[T]hey don’t want to pay interest,” he said.

Mayor Ed Murray mentioned the proposal at a recent press conference, which will go to city counsel for consideration.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” he said.

Wait, I thought extreme liberals dont think government should be involved in anything religious, or is that just anything christian?


Hall of Fame
Wait, I thought extreme liberals dont think government should be involved in anything religious, or is that just anything christian?

Not *this* liberal ... they should have to meet the same criteria as the rest of us.


New member
Hall of Fame
From what I've read, the government doesn't actually do anything. Instead, the lenders develop a bond that pays investors and allows the borrower to stay compliant with their faith.

IOW, it's the free market seeing an opportunity and making money off of it.

Do tell how one makes money off interest free loans unless of course the taxpayers are the subsidizers and you dont see a problem with that, or any problem with making sure a government actions fall under sharia?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I thought the prohibition was against charging interest, not paying it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do tell how one makes money off interest free loans unless of course the taxpayers are the subsidizers and you dont see a problem with that, or any problem with making sure a government actions fall under sharia?

From JoseFly's link;
In the Barkaat deal, the Chicago-based venture capital firm Prairie Street Capital borrowed from Ohio's FirstMerit bank on standard terms. Prairie Street then entered into what is known in Arabic as a murabaha, a deal that is effectively structured as a lease-to-own agreement. The firm rents back equipment and the building to Barkaat at a marked up rate.

So they just use a middle man.
I borrow the money and pay interest, then I buy the house that the Muslim wants, mark it up for the interest and my profit, then sell it to him on a sort of land contract.
I wouldn't mind making money being a middle man.


New member
They jack the price of the home up in the first place so the person is paying an inflated value which would cover a modest interest amount.