Scripture vs. Canon


Active member
What is Scripture and what is canon?

Canon is to define the Scripture clearly. "The Scripture says" means I am sure that what I quote is from the Canon (disregarding that certain part of the Canon may be ambiguous).

Anyway, we seldom said that "the Canon says".


Canon is to define the Scripture clearly. "The Scripture says" means I am sure that what I quote is from the Canon (disregarding that certain part of the Canon may be ambiguous).

Anyway, we seldom said that "the Canon says".
What do you mean by what you have or put in parentheses?


New member
You can view the canon as
“a collection of authoritative books or an authoritative collection of books”

Excerpt From
The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance
Bruce M Metzger
This material may be protected by copyright.

In the early church, the canon identified the books which could be read in church as part of the service. Other documents were often identified as valuable for personal use.


You can view the canon as
“a collection of authoritative books or an authoritative collection of books”

Excerpt From
The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance
Bruce M Metzger
This material may be protected by copyright.

In the early church, the canon identified the books which could be read in church as part of the service. Other documents were often identified as valuable for personal use.
What the Canon is, what it would be, if the word Canon was already in use, etc....


New member
As to the specific meaning of the word canon, it simply means a law, rule, or principle.

If you look up ancient church councils, you will see that they agreed on canons — often many canons. They were rules about this topic or that topic.

For example, there were 20 canons of the 1st Council of Nicaea. A summary:

Canon 1: On the admission, or support, or expulsion of clerics mutilated by choice or by violence.
Canon 2: Rules to be observed for ordination, the avoidance of undue haste, the deposition of those guilty of a grave fault.
Canon 3: All members of the clergy are forbidden to dwell with any woman, except a mother, sister, or aunt.
Canon 4: Concerning episcopal elections.
Canon 5: Concerning the excommunicate.
Canon 6: Concerning patriarchs and their jurisdiction.
Canon 7: confirms the right of the bishops of Jerusalem to enjoy certain honours.
Canon 8: concerns the Novatians.
Canon 9: Certain sins known after ordination involve invalidation.
Canon 10: Lapsi who have been ordained knowingly or surreptitiously must be excluded as soon as their irregularity is known.
Canon 11: Penance to be imposed on apostates of the persecution of Licinius.
Canon 12: Penance to be imposed on those who upheld Licinius in his war on the Christians.
Canon 13: Indulgence to be granted to excommunicated persons in danger of death.
Canon 14: Penance to be imposed on catechumens who had weakened under persecution.
Canon 15: Bishops, priests, and deacons are not to pass from one church to another.
Canon 16: All clerics are forbidden to leave their church. Formal prohibition for bishops to ordain for their diocese a cleric belonging to another diocese.
Canon 17: Clerics are forbidden to lend at interest.
Canon 18: recalls to deacons their subordinate position with regard to priests.
Canon 19: Rules to be observed with regard to adherents of Paul of Samosata who wished to return to the Church.
Canon 20: On Sundays and during the Paschal season prayers should be said standing


As to the specific meaning of the word canon, it simply means a law, rule, or principle.

If you look up ancient church councils, you will see that they agreed on canons — often many canons. They were rules about this topic or that topic.

For example, there were 20 canons of the 1st Council of Nicaea. A summary:

Canon 1: On the admission, or support, or expulsion of clerics mutilated by choice or by violence.
Canon 2: Rules to be observed for ordination, the avoidance of undue haste, the deposition of those guilty of a grave fault.
Canon 3: All members of the clergy are forbidden to dwell with any woman, except a mother, sister, or aunt.
Canon 4: Concerning episcopal elections.
Canon 5: Concerning the excommunicate.
Canon 6: Concerning patriarchs and their jurisdiction.
Canon 7: confirms the right of the bishops of Jerusalem to enjoy certain honours.
Canon 8: concerns the Novatians.
Canon 9: Certain sins known after ordination involve invalidation.
Canon 10: Lapsi who have been ordained knowingly or surreptitiously must be excluded as soon as their irregularity is known.
Canon 11: Penance to be imposed on apostates of the persecution of Licinius.
Canon 12: Penance to be imposed on those who upheld Licinius in his war on the Christians.
Canon 13: Indulgence to be granted to excommunicated persons in danger of death.
Canon 14: Penance to be imposed on catechumens who had weakened under persecution.
Canon 15: Bishops, priests, and deacons are not to pass from one church to another.
Canon 16: All clerics are forbidden to leave their church. Formal prohibition for bishops to ordain for their diocese a cleric belonging to another diocese.
Canon 17: Clerics are forbidden to lend at interest.
Canon 18: recalls to deacons their subordinate position with regard to priests.
Canon 19: Rules to be observed with regard to adherents of Paul of Samosata who wished to return to the Church.
Canon 20: On Sundays and during the Paschal season prayers should be said standing
What about Canon as a word for Scripture separate from the Catholic Church?


New member
Canon is not a word for scripture.

In the context of discussing scripture, the word canon means the list of books that have been approved for reading in the church as holy scriptures.

The early church considered other documents valuable and inspired.


Canon is not a word for scripture.

In the context of discussing scripture, the word canon means the list of books that have been approved for reading in the church as holy scriptures.

The early church considered other documents valuable and inspired.
What does The Biblical Canon refer to?


It refers to the canon or canons that specify which documents are considered appropriate for reading in the church.
I am not talking about Catholicism, are you?

The Biblical Canon is simply those writings that are a part of, or make up, the Bible.