Science and Philosophy:


New member
1 Timothy 6:20-21 KJV – “Avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED: 21- Which SOME PROFESSING have erred concerning the faith”. -----
Colossians 2:8 KJV – “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world”. -----

The LOST will hold to anything before they will hold to the Lord Jesus. There is nothing too vile or deceitful. – The lost will lay hold to anything or method as long it’s not the Truth and the Word of God. --- Over the years, I’ve observed this people slither down into the darkest and the most ungodly pits of faithless foolishness one could have ever imagined. --- The Knowledge of the Creation, Wisdom, and the Glory of Christ has been turned into a Hoard of Giant bodies of raging madness and greed, and fraud. - Arrogant / Proud, ready for any photo-op, or notice of any kind. – “To the devil with everything”, as long as they get everything they lust for!!

You so called “Christians” have fallen for every snare, trap, and cunning device the dark side can entice you with, - and you all FELL FOR EVERY EVIL FRUIT ON THE TREE!! – I don’t expect anyone to care at this point. – Over four years ago, I told you all, you were fixing to lose your Government, and of course you gave me nothing but spit and your father’s vomit.

Your Science and Engineering FOOLS have cheated you out of some of the most wonderful things, but gave you death and destruction, waste, and ruin.
You have been cheated out of “apparent” “perpetual energy”. – You dug up your COAL AND BURNED IT BY THE TENS OF MILLIANS OF TONS, like the foolish and greedy people you are.--- You never had to burn the coal; - it would have produced energy just by SITTING THERE!!!! – God gave you the coal, and the Oil in abundance, and you destroyed your living world by burning it. ------ Carbon compounds under the surface of the earth, provide a “Carbon Energy Atmosphere”, that enhances the development of carnal life of every kind, - AND YOU BURNED IT!! – THANK GOD THERE’S A HELL!!
What did you people get in RETURN?? – You got fires, and cars. Your foolish cars KILL OVER 40,000 PEOPLE EACH YEAR!! --- If that many people died from eating eggs, there would not be a chicken or bird anywhere!! – But your scientists blame the action of the sun on YOU people who drive cars, and cool your houses and drink your coffee.
You have more FAITH in “SPACE ALIENS”, “GHOSTS”, AND YOUR CURSED “POLITICS”, than you could ever have in Jesus Christ!! – Look at your LYING rulers on all sides!! – They’re nothing but lying carnal gods in their own minds, and you all worship the process. – Thank God there’s a Hell!!

Your churches have done nothing short of turning its appearance of Jesus Christ into a Bum, and a Beggar with nothing but a tin cup for the Cup of the New Testament!! – THANK GOD THERE’S A HELL!!!
There is nothing more ungodly than a coward calling himself a ”Christian and a warrior” for Christ; Geniuses and Scholars and Mensa arrogance. – FOOLS deserving of their reward!!

Paul – 092811

some other dude

New member
Have you ever thought about channelling your energy into something useful, like helping out at a soup kitchen, or a hospice, or a cancer ward?

You know, actually helping some of God's creatures instead of getting flecks of spittle on your monitor?


New member
Have you ever thought about channelling your energy into something useful, like helping out at a soup kitchen, or a hospice, or a cancer ward?

You know, actually helping some of God's creatures instead of getting flecks of spittle on your monitor?



You son of a fool!, you've pestered me to no end the past several YEARS, now get the H, off my Threads!!!

Paul -- 092811