Say something genuinely nice about a politician you detest.

The Barbarian

It's a well-known fact that political campaigns win by attacking opponents, not by promoting the desirable aspects of a candidate.

So I was wondering what it would be like if those here so inclined would say something truthfully positive about a political figure they can't stand.

The first hurdle is that, by naming someone, you've already said that person is one of the worst, if not the worst.

So, I'm randomly drawing a name from those I don't like very much...

... darn, this is harder than I thought it would be...

Ted Cruz is a very intelligent man, and an exceptionally good lawyer.


The Barbarian

Be nice.

George W Bush probably saved milions of lives in Africa by providing aid to help control HIV and malaria.

The George W. Bush Presidential Library dedication brought together five living presidents who have been at odds about much of the 43 rd president's foreign policy legacy, particularly the Iraq war. But they all agreed on, and offered effusive praise for, Bush's work on Africa.

From the historic peace agreement between Sudan and South Sudan in 2005, to Bush's work on HIV/AIDS and malaria, all the presidents, regardless of party, thanked No. 43 for his involvement in African policies and issues.

Jimmy Carter - who now runs the Carter Center, a non-profit organization whose mission is to fight for human rights, conflict resolution and global health in the world's most impoverished countries - laid out Bush's accomplishments, including increasing aid to the continent by more than 640% by the time he left office.

"Mr. President, let me say that I'm filled with admiration for you and deep gratitude for you about the great contributions you've made to the most needy people on Earth," said Carter.


Well-known member
It's nice that the president has no control over my mute or channel button.

Lord bless and keep the president far away from us.


Hall of Fame
Newt Gingrich's third marriage, thus far, has lasted 15 years ...


New member
Hall of Fame
Rick Perry's optometrist and or handlers have good taste in eye wear.

Ted Cruz was an excellent student.

Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are both quite sincere.

Mocking You

New member
Obama's golf game has improved.

Joe Biden has a nice smile.

Ron Paul brought a lot of money to his home district via earmarks.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Mama always said, if you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all. I wont be participating in this thread. :D