Sanders supporters will back Trump if Bernie isn't the Democratic nominee


Bernie or bust: The Sanders supporters who will back Trump if their man isn't the Democratic nominee

“Bernie or bust” is their rallying cry, and many supporters of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., say they will vote for President Trump if their candidate is denied the Democratic nomination a second time. After the 2016 election, the Cooperative Congressional Election Study found about 12% of those who voted for Sanders in the Democratic primaries voted for Trump in the general election. There are early signs that Sanders fervor is so strong that this could double in 2020, a development that could hand the White House to Trump for a second term. An Emerson College poll this month showed 26% of those who support Sanders in the Democratic primaries and caucuses would support Trump over Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., despite their overlapping policy positions.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
now that it looks like hillary won't be able to wiggle her way into the oval office through multiple impeachments, is she making any noises about running again?


ok, i peeked

he'll turn 80 in his first year in office

does that seem practical?

I don't have a problem with his age, only with his policies.

My question is: Do the number of Bernie voters add up to a significant loss if this story is true?

Gary K

New member
ok, i peeked

he'll turn 80 in his first year in office

does that seem practical?

I think Sander's age is a relevant question. I have known quite a few people who are in their 80's, and there is only one of them that I think could have possibly had the energy needed to function at that kind of level of stress. He just happened to have died a couple of months ago though from a brain anuerysm though. Not knowing anything about Sander's long term health I have no clue as to whether he actually has that much energy, so to me it is a valid question that should be addressed. Hey, as much of a dynamo as Trump is the Democrats were saying he was too old too. And he's years younger than Sanders.

In most people reduced brain activity is pretty well underway by age 80 so that's another valid question for Sanders to address. I've known a few 80+ year old people who were still mentally as sharp as they had ever been, in fact, an 80 year old doctor performed a hernia surgery on me and I had no reservations about it at all. People like that though are the exceptions, not the norm.


I think Sander's age is a relevant question. I have known quite a few people who are in their 80's, and there is only one of them that I think could have possibly had the energy needed to function at that kind of level of stress. He just happened to have died a couple of months ago though from a brain anuerysm though. Not knowing anything about Sander's long term health I have no clue as to whether he actually has that much energy, so to me it is a valid question that should be addressed. Hey, as much of a dynamo as Trump is the Democrats were saying he was too old too. And he's years younger than Sanders.

In most people reduced brain activity is pretty well underway by age 80 so that's another valid question for Sanders to address. I've known a few 80+ year old people who were still mentally as sharp as they had ever been, in fact, an 80 year old doctor performed a hernia surgery on me and I had no reservations about it at all. People like that though are the exceptions, not the norm.

Being a socialist, his judgment is far more an issue than his age.


Hall of Fame
Bernie doesn’t have the same support as he did in the 2016 election. Thank goodness for that.

Gary K

New member
Being a socialist, his judgment is far more an issue than his age .

I certainly have no argument with that. It's just that his age, without his ideology, is an issue. At 80+ years of age the chances of him having the energy and stamina to function in the highly stressful environment of the presidency are pretty slim.


I certainly have no argument with that. It's just that his age, without his ideology, is an issue. At 80+ years of age the chances of him having the energy and stamina to function in the highly stressful environment of the presidency are pretty slim.

Well, look at it this way, if he becomes president, I hope he DOES buy the farm.

Gary K

New member
Well, look at it this way, if he becomes president, I hope he DOES buy the farm.

The problem with that is that it would bring in his vice president who in all likelihood would be much younger and energetic and thus capable of doing much more damage to the nation. Bernie would never bring in someone as his vice president who was less radical than he is. He would appeal to his base by having someone more in tune than even he is with the radical socialists.


The problem with that is that it would bring in his vice president who in all likelihood would be much younger and energetic and thus capable of doing much more damage to the nation. Bernie would never bring in someone as his vice president who was less radical than he is. He would appeal to his base by having someone more in tune than even he is with the radical socialists.

Yes, well, that is a good point I had not considered.