I really don't see where the issue to be solved is.
your claims you follow Jesus but have a no rules love and that He does not expect you to actually walk as He did or when He did...
you actually willfully reject what was made for you...
You like observing Sabbath, there is nothing wrong in doing it. In fact, you do well if this lets you feel in peace with our Creator, the way you perceive Him.
On the other hand, I wonder how knowing that I don't feel the need to observe Sabbath (or else) could affect negatively your life or of anyone else.
hey bro this is HOW we love...if we think our sibling is doing something wrong to displease our heavenly Parent like claim...”nawww that ain’t for me”...well I am just trying to spare you some surprises ya dig?
Of course, if I will visit your home someday and be your guest, I will not only observe Sabbath but any other ritual you see holy if it doesn't hurt anyone... though it is okay if it hurts me
you say that TO ME?
THIS is what you should be saying TO HIM...
I did little for you but challenge your assumptions...He made you and created all this FOR you and sent His own FLESH FOR you...and to die to SAVE you...but you can’t take a day off in return for Him but as my guest you would?
Why you refuse to live as He does in His home where He wants you to live one day?...doing what you already know to do...having learned and practiced here...now
No thank YOU Pilate for reminding me there are some who believe but still wash their hands of it and do not follow...not sure they would truly respect ANYONE’S house rules...Even if they claimed they would...
This is exactly about manners and civility and you seem cordial enough...your Muslim friends when you pot luck with them do you bring ham? And when they object do you claim but I don’t yada yada yada...rude right? How about if you insist the Pig was slaughtered HALAL and has no blood? You see the confusion?
This is what was happening in Acts 15 as Europeans wished to fellowship with Jews but didn’t realize the meat they brought to potlucks despite being clean was made unclean for being strangled or full of blood. The Europeans civilized and well mannered did NOT insist they bring cats bats or wombats because the cross abrogated the law...they merely did not realize that a clean meat can be made unclean...
it’s called MANNERS...civility...but you run around with no rules love...lol
SATAN...His adversary...hopes we forget we are on a detour...we were created to live forever NOT IMMORTAL but eating from the tree of life...we were to tend a garden and live WITH Him...SINLESS...we were meant to live forever...beauty and joy...harmony...do you notice we would be loving and keeping a law NATURALLY...you know house rules BECAUSE we are loving we ARE well mannered...complying and not claiming a no rules love or NOT FOR ME...
was there need to covet In Eden? to LIE? to steal in the garden? To kill? Only when sin was manifest and thus revealed the Law...
Fast forward to Sinai the Law revealed...the Heavenly Parent was desperately trying to tell them who they were and where they were supposed to be headed and why...they wouldn’t hear it...“You voice is too loud...write it down “
so He did...house rules to where He lives if they wanted to be with Him...
translators of course had difficulty applying that into the future as Biblical Hebrew is limited in its law of grammar
”thou shalt not” was agreed by Jimmy’s translators as the most appropriate for their intent...but is it a prediction? “Thou shalt not“ from now on?
or rather is it a faulty attempt to Articulate what a heavenly Parent was actually teaching His family...we don’t do this...this is what we do...
Young’s translation picks up on that
13‘Thou dost not murder.
14‘Thou dost not commit adultery.
15‘Thou dost not steal.
16‘Thou dost not answer against thy neighbour a false testimony.
So with great subtleness the tone changes back to a Parent reminding Israel (BOTH NATIVE AND NON BLOOD descendants of Abraham) of who they are and where they are to live...because they had faith and believed and were SAVED...they now WANT to keep His house rules...you know MANNERS...civility hospitality...
Now the Parent is not predicting or demanding but describing His family lifestyle of who they belong...
You who are mine do NOT do this as there is no need for you to do any of this where I AM...here in My house...
this IS what my family does...as where I AM this is already being done...it’s My House and you are welcome...to DO AS I do...
Finally He sent His only begotten Son (the rest of us His brothers were created on the sixth day)...to actually demonstrate for the world to see what was written on the family gate stone so many years ago...that if we understand ourselves to be His brother well we not only hear and have faith and believe but we DO...the will of Yah our heavenly parent...just as His son our brother demonstrated...
You know...manners hospitality civility...as you offered to me as my guest even doing with me what He asked of us...
Maybe some day...
But remember this world is not our home...He has gone to prepare a place for us...in His kingdom not of this world...and He knows those which are His by their fruits...those that dost not and those that dost...His will not their own...
Shalom...you are most welcome to my home...I will email you MY house rules...so don’t ya come with a “no rules love” cuz my wife don’t believe that either...LOL...
but brother... I would actually prefer seeing you in our Father’s home...ya dig?