Russell Johnson of Family Policy Institute Pt 2

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Russell Johnson of Family Policy Institute Pt 2

This is the show from Tuesday September 16th, 2008.


* Focus on the Family Washington Affiliate: This program concludes Bob Enyart's two-part discussion with Russell Johnson of Focus on the Family's state affiliate Family Policy Institute of Washington. In Part 1, Mr. Johnson told Bob that he is not concerned that Dr. Dobson broke his pledge made while invoking God's name. And neither is he concerned that Focus continues to play video of that broken pledge in their Welcome Center. And neither is he concerned that John McCain authorizes funding to kill some unborn children. Bob presents the $10,000 Offer from American RTL to National if they can name a single pro-life justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. And then FPIW's Johnson denied that McCain said he would appoint judges similar to George W. Bush's appointees, even though McCain's official campaign website says that McCain, "strongly supported John Roberts and Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court and that is why he would seek men and women like them as his judicial appointees." And even though a 100% rating from National RTL almost certainly implies a pro-choice Republican, less than two years ago, National was giving McCain an abortion proponent's 75% rating. Yet to the end Russell argued that John McCain is 100% pro-life even in the face of McCain's decades' long support for killing unborn children.

* Focus II: Click to order the groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy II DVD!

* McCain Lies to Christians, Kills Kids: Please see American Right To Life's powerful press release about Dr. Dobson violating his pledge made invoking God! John McCain funds the killing of countless children for example by voting to allocate monies on Oct. 27, 2005 for tax-funded surgical abortion if the baby's father is a criminal, that is, a rapist. See McCain's Yea vote to authorized funding for surgical abortion to kill an unborn child whose father is a criminal, "if the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest." Also he votes millions to foreign and domestic abortion providers including Planned Parenthood and one week after Rudi Giuliani dropped out of the race, Republicans for Choice endorsed McCain.

Post-show note: The Rocky Mountain News has published a biased article against personhood in which Focus on the Family both supports and refuses to endorse Colorado's Amendment 48. "We think it's important to be consistent," said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of public policy at Focus on the Family Action. Colorado RTL's Leslie Hanks and Bob Enyart's comments appear in the first few posted.

* Cindy McCain with Katie Couric: Which of Cindy McCain's lies about child killing do you believe? Watch and listen to her answers to Couric's questions on the CBS Evening News, and realize that Christians are being blatantly lied to, and most Christian leaders are in a co-dependent relationship, disrespecting themselves, their supporters, and God by being so willingly deceived by a child-killing wolf in sheep's clothing.

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The Graphite

New member
Unbelievably shocking... this was even worst than the first half of the phone call. Even if I believed everything this guy believes, if I were this guy's boss I would fire him effective immediately! If I couldn't fire him effectively immediately, I'd give two weeks notice and suspend him from actual work for that two weeks. His behavior is absolutely reprehensible.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
If you only listen to Bob's show now and then, this two-parter is what you should listen to. Really good stuff, especially towards the end where the debate really came to a head!


Formerly Shimei!
If you only listen to Bob's show now and then, this two-parter is what you should listen to. Really good stuff, especially towards the end where the debate really came to a head!

Agreed. :up:


New member
Without a doubt the most painful hour of radio I have endured in at least two years. Listening to the noise being made by that wet behind the ears little policy puppy (read that as Russel) was hard to do. Bob at least was attempting to be gracious and answer the questions. (hard to do when the attention span of the interviewer/opponent is like 4 seconds.......)

Nathon Detroit

In typical fashion Bob systematically exposed Mr. Johnson as a flaming legal positivist and a person that cares more about politics than he does about doing God's will.

A tragic show further exposing that Focus on the Family and their supporters have completely lost their way. James Dobson is to blame. He is their leader and he has lead his flock in this direction.
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