RSF: Saturn's Rings & Jellyfish Layers

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RSF: Saturn's Rings & Jellyfish Layers

This is the show from Friday December 26th, 2008.

This [quote from Science magazine, 2002] is from evolutionists: "Talk about a major embarrasment for planetary scientists. There, blazing away in the late evening sky, are Jupiter and Saturn the gas giants that account for 93% of the Solar System's planetary mass and no one has a satisfying explanation of how they were made."


* Co-hosts Have Fun with Science and Evolution: Bob Enyart and Fred Williams talk about the creation/evolution debate while discussing Saturn, ancient evolutionists, the genetic differences between chimps and humans, and a startling jellyfish find!

List of Things Not So Old Things - Geological Time Dilation: Time seems to speed up :) when evidence approaches the light of day.'s Real Science Friday hosts CRS webmaster Fred Williams and Bob Enyart have reported on geological features that many atheistic old-earth geologists no longer claim took millions of years to form:
* Heart Mountain Detachment near Yellowstone, didn't take millions of years, but 30 minutes!
* Scablands in the state of Washington formed rapidly in floods per NOVA's TV show
* Yellowstone Petrified Tree Strata: Nat'l Park Service took down the deceptive sign that claimed successive forests since there were no root systems and the trees were transported there. Bob Enyart worked with the head ranger at a National Park (had dinner at his home; discussed how this sign could be removed), and he corresponded with his colleagues at Yellowstone and urged them to correct or remove the sign. They removed it. (See also AIG.)

* Carlsbad Cavern: New Mexico, Nat'l Park Service took down the sign claiming formation took millions of year (audio tour "rate of formation depends on the amount of available water")
* Lihir Gold Deposit: in Papua New Guinea, which evolutionists assumed took millions of years to form, but which geologists now have evidence could have formed in thousands of years, or far more quickly!
* Box Canyon, Idaho: Geologists now think Box Canyon in Idaho, USA, was carved by a catastrophic flood and not slowly over millions of years with 1) huge plunge pools formed by waterfalls; 2) the almost complete removal of large basalt boulders from the canyon; 3) an eroded notch on the plateau at the top of the canyon; and 4) water scour marks on the basalt plateau leading to the canyon. Scientists calculate that the flood was so large that it could have eroded the whole canyon in as little as 35 days. Creation Magazine, Sept. - Nov. 2008 page 7 from Science 23 May 2008, pp. 1067-1070

Fossils and things that challenge million-year ages:

* Soft tissue in a supposedly 65-million year old T-rex thighbone that remain supple: see startling photos!

* Rare school of jellyfish fossilized in seven layers deposited supposedly over a million years near Milwaukee eons in the Midwest! Too cool!

* Manganese nodules formed "around beer cans" disproving million-year requirement

* European vs. Asiatic honeybees that communicate through dance after a supposed 7-million year separation! See Real Science Friday at, Nov. 7, 2008, from Creation Magazine, Sept. - Nov. 2008 page 8, from, from PLoS ONE (Public Library of Science) 4 June 2008.

* Mitochondrial Eve (researching this is an exercise for the student :)

* Super Nova Remnants: an explosion appeared in the night sky in 1054 A.D. as a supernova remnant (SNR) in the Crab Nebula. Evolutionary scientists have measured and calculated the expected rate that stars would explode. However, if the universe is billions of years old, the vast majority of SNRs (like the Crab Nebula) that should exist, are missing! Instead, the number of SNRs corresponds well to the expected number if the universe is less than 10,000 years old, especially considering that astronomers have not found a single SNR at Stage 3 (a great diameter)! Of course, if the universe is young, there should be no State 3 SNRs! Listen to this Real Science Friday program at!

Post-show Notes: Bob Enyart debated a trained evolutionist about an article on Entropy and Evolution from the American Journal of Physics, and the author of that article, Daniel F. Styer, has joined the debate! This is fun!! If you only have time to read one post from the debate, Bob Enyart recommends this post complete with artwork commissioned by!

* BEL Indiana Seminars: Bob Enyart is coming to Indiana, Goshen in the evening of Jan. 29th and Indianapolis on Saturday January 31st, to present a brand new BEL Seminar titled Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. You'll love it! Click for more info and to register please call 1-800-8Enyart!

Today's Resources: You might enjoy reading Bob's book-length debate, Does God Exist? Remember, unlike virtually any other publisher, BEL offers a money-back guarantee if not satisfied! However, we're usually perfectly satisfied with your money :) Actually, if YOU are not satisified, you can return any particular BEL resource for a full refund! Do you hope to move someone from unbelief to trusting in Christ? That typically involves breaking down both pride and misconceptions. You do NOT need anything from BEL to accomplish this! You can use prayer and the Scriptures. But if you would like some help from BEL, you could consider how the five powerful titles in the BEL Evangelism Pack can help someone decide to convert to Christianity! Also through January 2009, please request our thank you Walt Brown gift set for a donation of $100 or more to BEL, and we will send you:
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