Roots of the 4,000 years of hatred of the Jews


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"The present hostilities experienced in the Middle East between the Arabs and Jews can be traced to a disposition of hatred originating almost four thousand years ago. At that time, the Lord made an unconditional covenant with the Hebrew patriarch Abraham. Due to the blessings contained within this covenant, the famous Bible characters Hagar, Ishmael, Esau, Moab, Ammon, and Amalek coveted the rich contents of this covenant. These jealous individuals and their descendants hated the Hebrews, who were the heirs of this blessed covenant. Throughout time, the neighboring Gentile populations of the region found it advantageous to embrace this hatred, which ultimately evolved into Islam. The Jihad, as it is often labeled, presently underway in the Middle East, finds its justification in Islam, but its roots in this ANCIENT HATRED." Bill Salus

Sarah vs. Hagar
Isaac vs. Ishmael
Jacob vs. Esau