Rome, Vatican and Child Molestation Agenda


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thank you for another opportunity to point out that the church no longer knowingly ordains homosexuals


New member
thank you for another opportunity to point out that the church no longer knowingly ordains homosexuals

You're welcome, and I'm glad you are against ordaining homosexuals.

Because no practising homosexual can be a regenerated Christian follower.

The following argument from a "gay Christian" tries to argue that
New Testament references only refer to pagan sexual rituals,
but he actually proves too much, documenting the deep perversion
and corruption of Roman society and the stand that ancient Christians took against it all.


New member
perhaps you should be worried about your own salvation

Salvation is for corrupted criminals who have already broken God's Law
and are under a death sentence.

A Christian receives a promise of salvation in the first few years of
their conversion. It is discussed repeatedly in the gospels and
the Holy Scriptures.

The fundamental basis of salvation was given 600 years before Jesus,
and is found succinctly in Ezekiel 18:21-23.

Eternal Life is a New promise granted to those who choose to follow Jesus.
It was not offered under the Torah or old Covenant of Moses.
Moses told the Israelites to wait for the Messiah and receive Him.

But after the first few years a Christian is expected to put Spiritual Milk
and the crude basics for babies in Christ behind and move forward
to becoming a useful servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

As the author of Hebrews explains, God expects all Christians to continue
to develop and become leaders and productive members of
the Kingdom of God.

Salvation is for babies.