Well-known member
Hi to all and most of Pauline truth escapes them for they will never understand what the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write , and never READ the CONTEXT , and strict KJV - ONLY and do not know what TRANSLITERATED words mean !

Verse 11 reads , And this , knowing that the time , that already ( it is the ) HOUR ( for ) us to be RAISED out of SLEEP for now our SALVATION ( is ) nearer than when we BELIEVED !!

#1 , We know / EIDO , Perfect Tense , Active Voice and Indicative Mood of FACT which means from the BEGINNING of our salvation !!

#2 , The Greek word SLEEP speaks to Resurrection !!

#3 , Then the final part of our Sanctification will be complete when our Bodies are raised , and that resurrection is NEARER than when we believed !!

#4 In other words it speaks to the Departure of the Body of Christ and also speaks of OSAS !!

#5 The Greek word SALVATION / SOTERIA is a Transliterated word and it can be Transalted by the following English words :

#1 , Deliverance , Perservation , Safety , Salvation and a few others !! You will make mistakes when you are KJV - ONLY like Richard Jordan and the like !!

dan p
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patrick jane

Hi to all and most of Pauline truth escapes them for they will never understand what the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write , and never READ the CONTEXT , and strict KJV - ONLY and do not know what TRANSLITERATED words mean !

Verse 11 reads , And this , knowing that the time , that already ( it is the ) HOUR ( for ) us to be RAISED out of SLEEP for now our SALVATION ( is ) nearer than when we BELIEVED !!

#1 , We know / EIDO , Perfect Tense , Active Voice and Indicative Mood of FACT which means from the BEGINNING of our salvation !!

#2 , The Greek word SLEEP speaks to Resurrection !!

#3 , Then the final part of our Sanctification will be complete when our Bodies are raised , and that resurrection is NEARER than when we believed !!

#4 In other words it speaks to the Departure of the Body of Christ and also speaks of OSAS !!

#5 The Greek word SALVATION / SOTERIA is a Transliterated word and it can be Transalted by the following English words :

#1 , Deliverance , Perservation , Safety , Salvation and a few others !! You will make mistakes when you are KJV - ONLY like Richard Jordan and the like !!

dan p



TOL Subscriber
Hi to all and most of Pauline truth escapes them for they will never understand what the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write , and never READ the CONTEXT , and strict KJV - ONLY and do not know what TRANSLITERATED words mean !

Verse 11 reads , And this , knowing that the time , that already ( it is the ) HOUR ( for ) us to be RAISED out of SLEEP for now our SALVATION ( is ) nearer than when we BELIEVED !!

#1 , We know / EIDO , Perfect Tense , Active Voice and Indicative Mood of FACT which means from the BEGINNING of our salvation !!

#2 , The Greek word SLEEP speaks to Resurrection !!

#3 , Then the final part of our Sanctification will be complete when our Bodies are raised , and that resurrection is NEARER than when we believed !!

#4 In other words it speaks to the Departure of the Body of Christ and also speaks of OSAS !!

#5 The Greek word SALVATION / SOTERIA is a Transliterated word and it can be Transalted by the following English words :

#1 , Deliverance , Perservation , Safety , Salvation and a few others !! You will make mistakes when you are KJV - ONLY like Richard Jordan and the like !!

dan p
I'll stick to reading from the KJB, believing the verse means what it says, as it says it and to whom. We have all scripture to throughly furnish us. You should try believing it instead of always trying to correct it!


Well-known member
I'll stick to reading from the KJB, believing the verse means what it says, as it says it and to whom. We have all scripture to throughly furnish us. You should try believing it instead of always trying to correct it!

Hi , so you THINK the KJV is inspired , PROVE it !!

By the way I only use the KJV and always check the Greek text , DO YOU ?

Checking the Greek led me to Gal 3:28 and to prove that the 12 apostles are OUT of the Body of Christ and also prove that Rom 16:7 " in Christ " is not the same as " in Christ in Gal 3:28 !!

Does BAPTIZO / BAPTISM mean the same in Heb 10:9 and in Rom 6;3 and in Rom 6;4 and same in 1 Cor 15:29 , and the same in 1 Cor 12:13 so I am not offended , so prove what I have written FALSE ??

dan p


Well-known member
A little Greek knowledge is dangerous. The proper way to do it is several years under masters. In place of that, the answer is not to 'shop' versions , but to find commentary by a known Greek master on your particular question or otherwise shut your mouth.


TOL Subscriber
A little Greek knowledge is dangerous. The proper way to do it is several years under masters. In place of that, the answer is not to 'shop' versions , but to find commentary by a known Greek master on your particular question or otherwise shut your mouth.
My final authority is all scripture. What's dangerous is trusting "masters" of "the Greek" to tell you what the Bible says in English. Why don't you non Bible believers shut your mouth concerning the things of God since you don't even believe the words on the page mean what they say?


TOL Subscriber
Hi , so you THINK the KJV is inspired , PROVE it !!
I believe all scripture IS GIVEN (not "was given") by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). I believe I have it in a KJB. Where's your all scripture?


New member
Hi to all and most of Pauline truth escapes them for they will never understand what the Holy Spirit caused Paul to write , and never READ the CONTEXT , and strict KJV - ONLY and do not know what TRANSLITERATED words mean !

Verse 11 reads , And this , knowing that the time , that already ( it is the ) HOUR ( for ) us to be RAISED out of SLEEP for now our SALVATION ( is ) nearer than when we BELIEVED !!

#1 , We know / EIDO , Perfect Tense , Active Voice and Indicative Mood of FACT which means from the BEGINNING of our salvation !!

#2 , The Greek word SLEEP speaks to Resurrection !!

#3 , Then the final part of our Sanctification will be complete when our Bodies are raised , and that resurrection is NEARER than when we believed !!

#4 In other words it speaks to the Departure of the Body of Christ and also speaks of OSAS !!

#5 The Greek word SALVATION / SOTERIA is a Transliterated word and it can be Transalted by the following English words :

#1 , Deliverance , Perservation , Safety , Salvation and a few others !! You will make mistakes when you are KJV - ONLY like Richard Jordan and the like !!

dan p

Nope, that is neither the context of, nor what that passage and its surrounding passages is talking about.

He is merely relating the need to not allow oneself to fall asleep on the job; the need to ever be sober minded; to ever be expecting the Lord's return.

This is a theme throughout Romans through Philemon. Thus, its not that difficult to sort out as its a matter of comparing similar subjects and, as a result, their often similar wordings.

Or, as Richard Jordan might rightly put it "its just a matter of identifying and then comparing the related passages."

The 1st passages in 1 Thessalonians 5, deal with the same issue, for example.

As does Ephesians 4 and others in Romans thru Philomen.

Try English, DP :)


Well-known member
A little Greek knowledge is dangerous. The proper way to do it is several years under masters. In place of that, the answer is not to 'shop' versions , but to find commentary by a known Greek master on your particular question or otherwise shut your mouth.

Hi another LOW INFORMATIONAL UNLEARNED STUDENT and I am Dangerous BUT not you !!

You wasted space BLOVIATING ME instead of addressing the post , so stop it !!:chuckle::chuckle:

It looks like you have nothing to FIGHT WITH !!



Well-known member
Nope, that is neither the context of, nor what that passage and its surrounding passages is talking about.

He is merely relating the need to not allow oneself to fall asleep on the job; the need to ever be sober minded; to ever be expecting the Lord's return.

This is a theme throughout Romans through Philemon. Thus, its not that difficult to sort out as its a matter of comparing similar subjects and, as a result, their often similar wordings.

Or, as Richard Jordan might rightly put it "its just a matter of identifying and then comparing the related passages."

The 1st passages in 1 Thessalonians 5, deal with the same issue, for example.

As does Ephesians 4 and others in Romans thru Philomen.

Try English, DP :)

Hi and the Greek is better than the English that you mouth and that is why I learn more than you will ever know !!

So you are then KJV-ONLY , and that is why all have a hard time understanding you as I do !!

dan p


Well-known member
I believe all scripture IS GIVEN (not "was given") by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). I believe I have it in a KJB. Where's your all scripture?

Hi and as I said I only use the KJV and you are STUCK using KJV-ONLY which is a human translation and you will never consider that there are many TRANSLITERATION which trip up the Non-Dispensationalists and Acts 2 and Covenant Theology and all other Cults !!

In Rom 1:4 the KJV reads " by the resurrwection from the dead " BUT the Greek text READS , " RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD . JESUS CHRIST our LORD " ??

Just one example and TRANSLITERATION just kill you all !!



TOL Subscriber
Hi and as I said I only use the KJV and you are STUCK using KJV-ONLY which is a human translation and you will never consider that there are many TRANSLITERATION which trip up the Non-Dispensationalists and Acts 2 and Covenant Theology and all other Cults !!
I'm not "stuck using" the KJB. I believe every word of it! Where is your all scripture that "is given by inspiration of God"?


Well-known member
I'm not "stuck using" the KJB. I believe every word of it! Where is your all scripture that "is given by inspiration of God"?

Hi and I have a lot of respect for woman who get into the word as I have not known many who do BUT if you do not understand what and why TRANSLITERATION are , not my fault and when you get into the Greek Text you will then find out .

I believe in 2 Tim 3:16 BUT the bible is written in GREEK and not in Engilsh , GREEK , GREEK don't you see !!

If you use KJV-ONLY you are KJV-ONLY , sorry

dan p


Well-known member ,,,are you pretty good at Greek? I sure am stumped on a few things in this fragment,, the etta? in the third line and the "noy" part in line 2,,,

is that an upper case etta in line 3?,,,and in line 2 the letter before Noy looks like alpha?

Hi and I am not a so-called scholar as they can be as dumb as me even with all that studying !

But I underdtand verbs , Tenses , Voices and Moods !!

Sometimes I just google a word , have you tried that ?

What is the verse ?

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and I am not a so-called scholar as they can be as dumb as me even with all that studying !

But I underdtand verbs , Tenses , Voices and Moods >

What is the verse ?

dan p

The verse is always handy I found,lol other than that it's just a bunch of Greek letters that looks like it was punched out of a page in a book.

I'm just a kinder-gardener at Greek so at first I didn't know who was accurate at how they decided what to interpret from the different text we see on the w.w.w....

In my mind I took the fragment and imagined it as if it was,,,

word word word word,word word word RANOY word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word HXIC word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word TOOP word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word EXOYCA word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word YTOYTE word word word word word rd word word word word word word word word word word word word word word TONKAI word word word word word word word word,,,

The next thing that I had to resolve was that I didn't know how many words were in the original papyrus (may have had 18-20 words per line and English only 14-16approx.).

Either way if this fragment was so to speak "punched out of the page" by time, then as it was being punched out it would not cut the words out from one word to the other so it would look like ,,,

word word word word word worD WORD Word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word woRD WORd word word word word word word word ect.ect. ,,,but the words then would have the last letter/letters of one word and the next few of the other ect.,,,

So but anyway I left parts of the fragment out in explaining how I looked at this but in the very first line the last four letters look like "aPio" which is the first four letters of the Greek word arithmos or strongs #706 ,,,,

In the second line looks like "ap/aleph rho then anoy,but anoy has a line above it like it's abbreviated or not suppose to be pronounced ect.

Anyhow can you make heads or tails out of the rest of it?


Well-known member
In the second line looks like aleph,rho then a space and aNoy(with a line above it) which is a type of abbreviation,nomina sacra(sacred names) usually names of God,Jesus holy Spirit cross ect. ,,,I have no idea why they wrote this in nomina sacra because the letters "aNoy,with a line above it" means "human being/man" or sometimes living creature.

the first letter of the third sentence looks just like a capital "H",,Alexandrian text type upper case etta but its not suppose to be in front of the next word thats the puzzle, lol wrong word in front of the words we have in our bible,,lol


Well-known member
Anyway you ask what verse it was,,in my opinion it is not a verse at all from the bible (though most believe it is). The etta is not suppose to be there in line 3 nor the iota. the other surrounding words do not follow the wording in our bible either.

Most say this is the last few verses of Revelation 13 and the first two verses of Rev. 14 but I think it has a higher probability of being one of the commentaries of the disciples of Valentinus the Gnostic.

I couldn't say that though if I couldn't read that fragment. Other than that I would just have to believe the ones who said they new what it meant. If you think about how I explained interpreting it you can do it the same way then you'll know if I was correct or not,,,