Role Reversal: Chrislam America & Christian Russia

It was interesting, though as expected, that as soon as Putin started defending Christians, he became an instant boogeyman of the liberal left, despite aggressively going after ISIS, who the U.S. has allowed to operate in the open: how many pictures have you seen of long ISIS vehicle convoys, out in the open desert, for years? Oil tanker convoys, merrily going down the road, unmolested, to market stolen oil and line the pockets of ISIS and that beast Erdogan, who Obama reportedly talked to everyday, his best foreign friend? Obama drops a few bombs, pays lip service to ISIS being an enemy. Putin actually does something, and he's the instant villain.

As always, these things are only paradoxes, loving Muslims and homos at the same time, persecuting Christian bakers, while apologists for Muslim atrocities, on and on, when you see it's Satan at heart of all of it: Satan would heartedly approve all their contradictory policies. The common denominator, and so obviously so, is sin and evil. Satan's enemies are their enemies, Satan's agenda their agenda. It's even predictable, when you realize who these slimeball politicians and elitists are really working for: sold their souls for a lousy mansion and some baubles from Saks, nothing left on that front. Just ask yourself what Satan would do, and look for it to make the evening news. It’s all a tragic farce.

2 Timothy 3

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


It was interesting, though as expected, that as soon as Putin started defending Christians, he became an instant boogeyman of the liberal left, despite aggressively going after ISIS, who the U.S. has allowed to operate in the open...

is a bad guy.
Obama's worse.

The Horn

Putin's support of the Russian Orthodox church, which was once ruthlessly suppressed by the Soviet government , is causing it to gain unhealthy and disturbing power . Russia is heading from one extreme to the other .
The Orthodox church in Russia is fostering intolerance and hatred of gay people there with Putin's blessing , and laws against homosexuality are being made there with the approval of both .
Atheists in Russia are also being harassed and persecuted under the orthodox church there, too .
Christians , Jews and Muslims were once persecuted by the officially atheist Soviet governmenT - now its atheists who are being persecuted . Not good ! Oppression and persecution are terrible whether it is atheists persecuting Christians or Christians persecuting atheists .
The many millions of Muslims in Russia and the now independent former Soviet Republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus are not hostile to Americans or America - they hate the RUSSIANS because of the centuries long persecution and slaughter they suffered both under the Tsars and the Soviets .
This has caused some of them to commit terrorist acts in Russia , not intention to kill non-muslims in general .


The Orthodox church in Russia is fostering intolerance and hatred of gay people...
The pope :eek:linger: would like them all dead. :dead:

God will use China and Russia to judge the US. Goodbye San Fransicko.

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

The Horn

SerpentDove, the Bible "forbids " homosexuality , but it is NOT the basis of U.S. law. If it were, it would also be illegal in America for anyone to eat pork and shellfish, to work on Sunday,
to wear clothes made with more than one kind of fabric, and farmers would be forbidden to plant more than one crop on the same field .
It would also be illegal for anyone to have tattoos, to cut their hair etc. Fortunately, the Bible isn't the basis of U.S. law - not yet . Stop cherry picking the Bible. My rights should not be based on YOUR interpretation of the parts of the Bible you choose top believe in .


SerpentDove, the Bible "forbids " homosexuality , but it is NOT the basis of U.S. law. If it were, it would also be illegal in America for anyone to eat pork and shellfish, to work on Sunday,
to wear clothes made with more than one kind of fabric, and farmers would be forbidden to plant more than one crop on the same field .
It would also be illegal for anyone to have tattoos, to cut their hair etc. Fortunately, the Bible isn't the basis of U.S. law - not yet . Stop cherry picking the Bible. My rights should not be based on YOUR interpretation of the parts of the Bible you choose top believe in .

Sounds like De Horn made a 'coming out' statement.



Russia is more Christian than America- they are against homosexuality, feminism, and calls their wage against Islam holy.

In America, well, let's look at the inversion: Homosexuality is encouraged, feminism is rabid, and our wage against Islam is xenophobic.

Good job, 'Murica :wave2:

The Berean

Well-known member
Russia is more Christian than America- they are against homosexuality, feminism, and calls their wage against Islam holy.

In America, well, let's look at the inversion: Homosexuality is encouraged, feminism is rabid, and our wage against Islam is xenophobic.

Good job, 'Murica :wave2:
I beleive this is true but with some caveats. I have visited Russia and met Russian people. Russians have a strong sense of Russian nationalism, a strong sense of a Russian identity. This is tied to Christianity to a certain extent. They oppose homosexuality and feminism because it doesn't really align with the Russian identity. Compared to hardcore feminist American women, Russian women in general are far more feminine in appearance and mannerisms. I walked all over Moscow and I don't remember seeing the butch hair cut, body pierced, tattooed women I often see in large cities in America. Russia is a strong patriarchical masculine society, much more than America is today. And most Russians like it that way.