Robert Mueller: Unmasked

Gary K

New member
This article from TruePundit is very good. It includes a 48 page report released by Louie Gohmert on what he has found in Robert Mueller's background. Some of this I have known about before, and some of it is new to me. This report unmasks a sordid tale of unethical and flat out illegal behavior. I know 48 pages seems like a lot, but there are photos interspersed thoughout the document and some significant blank spaces too, so it isn't as long as it sounds. It's worth the time to read as it shows exactly who Robert Mueller is.

“What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that Mueller’s disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully elected President,” writes GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.
Gohmert is referring to the exhaustive expose he just released called: Robert Mueller: Unmasked.
And the GOP Representative does exactly that, shining a bright light on decades of Mueller misdeeds, stating:
“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is
a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility
to lead the prosecution of anyone.”
And that’s the nice part.
To read the report by Gohmert go to the following link:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This article from TruePundit is very good.
As good as its unforgettable:

"Did Nancy Pelosi Suffer Mini Stroke During 15 Minute Speech With 16 Brain Freezes?"

Because I have to say that making light of mini-strokes is a classic. :plain: As is this particular messenger.

It includes a 48 page report released by Louie Gohmert on what he has found in Robert Mueller's background.
What stands out to you?

Some of this I have known about before, and some of it is new to me.
How much of it would be actual news?

This report unmasks a sordid tale of unethical and flat out illegal behavior.
Sounds serious. List the worst thing he was convicted of in an actual court. People should know.

I know 48 pages seems like a lot,
If mostly to Trump supporters. Could be a lifetime's reading.

but there are photos interspersed thoughout the document and some significant blank spaces too
Well, you have to know your audience. :plain:

Gohmert certainly does. He's a colorful character. To match his operating principle, the Houston Press said of Gohmert:

"Louis Gohmert doesn't need evidence. He doesn't need proof, or sourcing, or the ability to back up a claim with anything other than the vitriol in his voice and the consternation in his gut. All he needs is an idea, and a microphone, and away we go." From, The Five Most Idiotic Things Louie Gohmert, Who Sees Radical Muslims Anywhere He Looks, Believes May 1, 2013 (link)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As good as its unforgettable:

"Did Nancy Pelosi Suffer Mini Stroke During 15 Minute Speech With 16 Brain Freezes?"

Because I have to say that making light of mini-strokes is a classic. :plain: As is this particular messenger.

What stands out to you?

How much of it would be actual news?

Sounds serious. List the worst thing he was convicted of in an actual court. People should know.

If mostly to Trump supporters. Could be a lifetime's reading.

Well, you have to know your audience. :plain:

Gohmert certainly does. He's a colorful character. To match his operating principle, the Houston Press said of Gohmert:

"Louis Gohmert doesn't need evidence. He doesn't need proof, or sourcing, or the ability to back up a claim with anything other than the vitriol in his voice and the consternation in his gut. All he needs is an idea, and a microphone, and away we go." From, The Five Most Idiotic Things Louie Gohmert, Who Sees Radical Muslims Anywhere He Looks, Believes May 1, 2013 (link)

Wow, Gohmert is a right clown...

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like marbles on glass
Mueller Time can't come soon enough.

Which reminds me, I wanted to order one of these:



like marbles on glass
Gohmert certainly does. He's a colorful character.

Apparently he was quite adamant that caribou needed the ANWR oil pipeline so they'd be warm enough to get a little frisky. Because, he says, "when caribou want to go on a date, they invite each other to go over to the pipeline."


Which now gives me a better understanding of the Black Eyed Caribous' great song Meet Me Halfway.

I especially like when Furry's chorus comes in::tunes:

Can you meet me halfway? Right at the pipeline
That's where I'm gonna wait for you
I'll be looking out, night and day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further than this
I want you so bad, it's my only wish


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If anyone has seen Mueller being questioned, then you've observed a guy who doesn't seem to know the answers to almost anything he's asked. He also has an uneasy look about him. He's very uncomfortable in his own skin. He totally lacks self-confidence underneath that facade.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In my opinion, Trump needs to terminate: Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions at the same time. I mean, why not, the far-left hate the President anyway. Just give them something else to hate him for, ya know? Will the 'left' hate him more or less either way? I think not.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
At least we can tell the bad guys from the good guys these days. The 'bad guys' wear black hats and look like Mueller and the 'good guys' wear white hats and look like: decency, patriotism, honesty, etc.

The good guys:
The Conservatives.
The bad guys: The far-left liberal Democratic Party.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Dems (Libs) stand for:

Getting rid of the first and second Amendments.
Eventually gun confiscation. (No matter what they say.)
Open borders, so the entire world can make California their; Place of abode.
Unseating a duly elected President by all means necessary.
Total Obstruction.
Creating/accepting a myriad of genders that don't exist.
Destroying our nation and rebuilding it in their own image.
Changing the meaning of words.
Indoctrinating school kids with far-left ideology.

And, the list goes on and on.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Dems (Libs) stand for:

Getting rid of the first and second Amendments.
Eventually gun confiscation. (No matter what they say.)
Open borders, so the entire world can make California their; Place of abode.
Unseating a duly elected President by all means necessary.
Total Obstruction.
Creating/accepting a myriad of genders that don't exist.
Destroying our nation and rebuilding it in their own image.
Changing the meaning of words.
Indoctrinating school kids with far-left ideology.

And, the list goes on and on.


Had any unsolicited PM's recently?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The far-left zealots of this nation have succeeded in dividing this country. The genie has been let out of the bottle. Pandora's Box has been opened. The cat has been let out of the bag. Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall. I highly doubt this 'Division' will at any time, dissipate.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The far-left zealots of this nation have succeeded in dividing this country. The genie has been let out of the bottle. Pandora's Box has been opened. The cat has been let out of the bag. Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall. I highly doubt this 'Division' will at any time, dissipate.

Well hey, you can always bluster on like a pompous crank and completely ignore your own lies on here, eh? Humpty Dumpty Numpty suits you right about now GM...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Old GM has acquired a few, TOL far-left zealot enemies. And, I can handle that. Hey, look how these 'same folks' here on TOL and throughout our nation are attacking our President and his supporters. I wouldn't expect these 'types' to give me a break. I'm a Conservative Christian who always votes Republican. That makes me and others like me, a target for lies, accusations, name calling, hatred, and animus. Go for it, Libs. Take your best shot.