Ritual rape of Christian women by Muslims in their lands.


We are outraged hearing that Christian women are being raped in Egypt. Not only there, but in all Muslim lands it is a custom to do that to those marked as infidels. In Iran there is a custom of raping virgin girls sentenced to death including Muslims. They believe that virgins go to heaven after death and to stop that they destroy their virginity. They are blind to the truth that virginity, meaning freedom from flesh obsession, is not in the body, but in the heart. Nobody born in flesh except Christ and a few cross-purified saints have that.

But Christians are also responsible for a subtler and more dangerous continuing rape. That rape is of Christ’s unique principles of love and nonviolence expounded in gospel by violent old testament and Revelation. Church did that in 5th century by compiling bible with those, marginalizing Christ’s most important cross-testimony and gospel. They did that to justify their Christ-forbidden war involvement, in order to be great in the world.

That rape gave birth to the bastard violent Islam as was Ismail. No wonder that, Islam conquered the fake-christian Byzantine Empire. It now rules over multitude of Love-God rejecter humanity, fallen in this devil’s world, worshipping pride-devil, like Adam and Eve. The compromising Christians are no better in violence as two world war and impending 3rd one proves.

If they avoided that blasphemy, still war and sin would reign in the fallen world, but not in Christian color. Other religions too glorified war as Hinduism did in the book Gita. But Christian’s glorification of war goes directly against Christ. Whole humanity except the real Christians would be soul-destroyed by attackers and killers by generating hate and revenge in them. Christians die in love and forgiveness to go to love-heaven of integration, while others shall die in hate to go to hate-hell of soul-disintegration.

Islamic paradise is in the likeness of Revelation’s fake walled paradise of enjoyment and consolation of revenge, not of love. Wall signifies pride and hate to exclude others as sinners. In Revelation’s heaven there is no mention of love but constant flattering worship of a haughty hell-torturer god, just as in Islam’s paradise. Wisdom says that it is really a loveless hell in disguise, sure to degenerate into torturing hell-prison of no escape.

Christ never told to worship him or Father but to become like them. It is the real worship in spirit. But the compromising church stressed on fake ritual and verbal worship. They promoted it often by sword, inquisition, educational, political and financial power. Islam, the renegade child of Christianity, did that with more intensity.

Christian heaven is just like the fecund crucified humble Christ. Love and forgiveness flows out of him there barring no one, even the vilest. But haughty and sensual souls are repelled by the matrix of humility and travail-pain wall there. When one really surrenders to Christ, he comes with crosses and lives with him. These crosses condition him to be worthy of higher heaven of responsibility-cross. There Christ and Father is eternally bearing that responsibility-cross, rectifying the disintegrating sins in his growing up returning children. So their family survives to create and rule the world by love.


New member
We are outraged hearing that Christian women are being raped in Egypt. Not only there, but in all Muslim lands it is a custom to do that to those marked as infidels. In Iran there is a custom of raping virgin girls sentenced to death including Muslims. They believe that virgins go to heaven after death and to stop that they destroy their virginity. They are blind to the truth that virginity, meaning freedom from flesh obsession, is not in the body, but in the heart. Nobody born in flesh except Christ and a few cross-purified saints have that.

But Christians are also responsible for a subtler and more dangerous continuing rape. That rape is of Christ’s unique principles of love and nonviolence expounded in gospel by violent old testament and Revelation. Church did that in 5th century by compiling bible with those, marginalizing Christ’s most important cross-testimony and gospel. They did that to justify their Christ-forbidden war involvement, in order to be great in the world.

That rape gave birth to the bastard violent Islam as was Ismail. No wonder that, Islam conquered the fake-christian Byzantine Empire. It now rules over multitude of Love-God rejecter humanity, fallen in this devil’s world, worshipping pride-devil, like Adam and Eve. The compromising Christians are no better in violence as two world war and impending 3rd one proves.

If they avoided that blasphemy, still war and sin would reign in the fallen world, but not in Christian color. Other religions too glorified war as Hinduism did in the book Gita. But Christian’s glorification of war goes directly against Christ. Whole humanity except the real Christians would be soul-destroyed by attackers and killers by generating hate and revenge in them. Christians die in love and forgiveness to go to love-heaven of integration, while others shall die in hate to go to hate-hell of soul-disintegration.

Islamic paradise is in the likeness of Revelation’s fake walled paradise of enjoyment and consolation of revenge, not of love. Wall signifies pride and hate to exclude others as sinners. In Revelation’s heaven there is no mention of love but constant flattering worship of a haughty hell-torturer god, just as in Islam’s paradise. Wisdom says that it is really a loveless hell in disguise, sure to degenerate into torturing hell-prison of no escape.

Christ never told to worship him or Father but to become like them. It is the real worship in spirit. But the compromising church stressed on fake ritual and verbal worship. They promoted it often by sword, inquisition, educational, political and financial power. Islam, the renegade child of Christianity, did that with more intensity.

Christian heaven is just like the fecund crucified humble Christ. Love and forgiveness flows out of him there barring no one, even the vilest. But haughty and sensual souls are repelled by the matrix of humility and travail-pain wall there. When one really surrenders to Christ, he comes with crosses and lives with him. These crosses condition him to be worthy of higher heaven of responsibility-cross. There Christ and Father is eternally bearing that responsibility-cross, rectifying the disintegrating sins in his growing up returning children. So their family survives to create and rule the world by love.

Yes. Stuff like that is very sad and terrible, BUT!! – IF You had any Idea what Jesus went through, Any Idea at all, to make a “WAY” for the Lost to be Saved from HELL / “HELL”!! – You and they would be much more interested in pulling some out of Hell, before they’re eyes are opened to the Truth of where they are!! – They can, and could have been translated from there in HELL, to the Kingdom of God, - but NO, Not One!!!! - The Vote, and Your prestige of other fools just like yourselves have destroyed, and “WILL” destroy far more than the sand that is on sea shore. You so called “?christians” worry about the “Carnal”, because you’re SOO Carnal Minded these days; I suppose you all just can’t help it, or you just can’t CARE!!
We are not to Offer ourselves a living Sacrifice for the power of the “Vote”, or the Praise of some politician who Lies about who he’s going to VOTE FOR!!! --- ( Acts 2:23 KJV -) ---&--- Luke 7:30-31 KJV -) ---&--- ( Acts 20:27-28 KJV -) ---&--- ( Hebrews 6:16-17 KJV -) --///--- You can choose to whom you Counsel for your Prosecution of the “Evil”!! - ~VOTE~??-?? Preach the Gospel, at least try to save Some!! – But FIRST, You must be Saved to Preach the Gospel. - The Lost hath not the Gospel to Give, it’s a Possession of God, not Satan!!

Again, You are IN Error, of God’s Counsel of The Law of Faith. Christians are to remove the Sinner from the Sin!! Not the Sin from the Sinner!!! – You all have Allowed Satan to have free ~will~ in your world by Leaving the Truth out of it!! – You preach the Word, but you preach it in Vain!! – If there was even One Christian in your Country, God Could not allow Satan to Take it as long as that one was in it. And that is not the ( Rapture ), as being taught by most of you guys!! – It’s:>-- ( Ephesians 2:6 KJV -) – 6- “( Hath Raised Us Up Together, and made us Sit Together IN Heavenly Places IN Christ Jesus )!!! – That’s what you all Call the “Rapture”, but it’s not THAT!! – That has already Happened, God Said So, you all JUST CAN’T believe Christ if He was standing right in your faces!!! –( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV -) --- You all MISSED IT!!!

Paul – 051113


Yes. Stuff like that is very sad and terrible, BUT!! – IF You had any Idea what Jesus went through, Any Idea at all, to make a “WAY” for the Lost to be Saved from HELL / “HELL”!! – You and they would be much more interested in pulling some out of Hell, before they’re eyes are opened to the Truth of where they are!! – They can, and could have been translated from there in HELL, to the Kingdom of God, - but NO, Not One!!!! - The Vote, and Your prestige of other fools just like yourselves have destroyed, and “WILL” destroy far more than the sand that is on sea shore. You so called “?christians” worry about the “Carnal”, because you’re SOO Carnal Minded these days; I suppose you all just can’t help it, or you just can’t CARE!!
We are not to Offer ourselves a living Sacrifice for the power of the “Vote”, or the Praise of some politician who Lies about who he’s going to VOTE FOR!!! --- ( Acts 2:23 KJV -) ---&--- Luke 7:30-31 KJV -) ---&--- ( Acts 20:27-28 KJV -) ---&--- ( Hebrews 6:16-17 KJV -) --///--- You can choose to whom you Counsel for your Prosecution of the “Evil”!! - ~VOTE~??-?? Preach the Gospel, at least try to save Some!! – But FIRST, You must be Saved to Preach the Gospel. - The Lost hath not the Gospel to Give, it’s a Possession of God, not Satan!!

Again, You are IN Error, of God’s Counsel of The Law of Faith. Christians are to remove the Sinner from the Sin!! Not the Sin from the Sinner!!! – You all have Allowed Satan to have free ~will~ in your world by Leaving the Truth out of it!! – You preach the Word, but you preach it in Vain!! – If there was even One Christian in your Country, God Could not allow Satan to Take it as long as that one was in it. And that is not the ( Rapture ), as being taught by most of you guys!! – It’s:>-- ( Ephesians 2:6 KJV -) – 6- “( Hath Raised Us Up Together, and made us Sit Together IN Heavenly Places IN Christ Jesus )!!! – That’s what you all Call the “Rapture”, but it’s not THAT!! – That has already Happened, God Said So, you all JUST CAN’T believe Christ if He was standing right in your faces!!! –( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV -) --- You all MISSED IT!!!

Paul – 051113

I appreciate this post. It is legible and inspiring in contrast to other post from u. but u r telling all along that u have missed, u have failed, u have erred etc. At least show us some truths we can understand and assimilate. A small step ahead is a better than pondering long which way to go.


New member
Yes. Stuff like that is very sad and terrible, BUT!! – IF You had any Idea what Jesus went through, Any Idea at all, to make a “WAY” for the Lost to be Saved from HELL / “HELL”!! – You and they would be much more interested in pulling some out of Hell, before they’re eyes are opened to the Truth of where they are!! – They can, and could have been translated from there in HELL, to the Kingdom of God, - but NO, Not One!!!! - The Vote, and Your prestige of other fools just like yourselves have destroyed, and “WILL” destroy far more than the sand that is on sea shore. You so called “?christians” worry about the “Carnal”, because you’re SOO Carnal Minded these days; I suppose you all just can’t help it, or you just can’t CARE!!
We are not to Offer ourselves a living Sacrifice for the power of the “Vote”, or the Praise of some politician who Lies about who he’s going to VOTE FOR!!! --- ( Acts 2:23 KJV -) ---&--- Luke 7:30-31 KJV -) ---&--- ( Acts 20:27-28 KJV -) ---&--- ( Hebrews 6:16-17 KJV -) --///--- You can choose to whom you Counsel for your Prosecution of the “Evil”!! - ~VOTE~??-?? Preach the Gospel, at least try to save Some!! – But FIRST, You must be Saved to Preach the Gospel. - The Lost hath not the Gospel to Give, it’s a Possession of God, not Satan!!

Again, You are IN Error, of God’s Counsel of The Law of Faith. Christians are to remove the Sinner from the Sin!! Not the Sin from the Sinner!!! – You all have Allowed Satan to have free ~will~ in your world by Leaving the Truth out of it!! – You preach the Word, but you preach it in Vain!! – If there was even One Christian in your Country, God Could not allow Satan to Take it as long as that one was in it. And that is not the ( Rapture ), as being taught by most of you guys!! – It’s:>-- ( Ephesians 2:6 KJV -) – 6- “( Hath Raised Us Up Together, and made us Sit Together IN Heavenly Places IN Christ Jesus )!!! – That’s what you all Call the “Rapture”, but it’s not THAT!! – That has already Happened, God Said So, you all JUST CAN’T believe Christ if He was standing right in your faces!!! –( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV -) --- You all MISSED IT!!!

Paul – 051113

Stephen, You didn't say anything that showed that I was wrong in this! - You just spit more stuff from your bowels again.

If this is wrong as you shrug at it, give us all something to show it, and not just garbage that is not Scriptural!!! - You said to ((( "Show you some Truths that you could understand" ))). ---((((( I put Scripture in this and you simply said that it's not there )))))!! --- Read the Scripture that I Put in it, - or just Read the BOOK!!!!! - And show ME Some Truths that prove me wrong for a change, But you Can't ever do that!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 051113


that is not Scriptural!!! - You said to ((( "Show you some Truths that you could understand" ))). ---((((( I put Scripture in this and you simply said that it's not there )))))!! --- Read the Scripture that I Put in it, - or just Read the BOOK!!!!! - And show ME Some Truths that prove me wrong for a change, But you Can't ever do that!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 051113

What book, what scripture? Are those man-made things or Christ-made things? Those books were made by Catholics, the greatest murderers in history. They sold Christ to get favor of emperors.

Christ lives and guides his followers. As I am following him for 53 years he is guiding me. Should I go back to the violent Catholic book leaving Christ?