Ringing in a Merry Christmas Tree

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Ringing in a Merry Christmas Tree

This is the show from Friday December 22nd, 2006.


* KGOV Karols: BEL finds a way around the culture war on Christmas!

* Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings: do NOT provide dendrochronology evidence as long-claimed by evolutionists of an age for the Earth greater than the Bible's record. The refereed scientific Journal of Creation presents the overwhelming evidence that these trees growing in the arid White Mountains of California grow multiple rings per year!

Today's Resources: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack and watch tremendous documentaries, listen to Bob's Genesis Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth!


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Jefferson said:
Ringing in a Merry Christmas Tree

This is the show from Friday December 22nd, 2006.


* KGOV Karols: BEL finds a way around the culture war on Christmas!

* Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings: do NOT provide dendrochronology evidence as long-claimed by evolutionists of an age for the Earth greater than the Bible's record. The refereed scientific Journal of Creation presents the overwhelming evidence that these trees growing in the arid White Mountains of California grow multiple rings per year!

Today's Resources: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack and watch tremendous documentaries, listen to Bob's Genesis Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth!
I really liked the new information on the Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings. Imagine that trees having trouble surviving in low water areas producing extra rings each year, and evolutionary scientists being so desperate to prove the Earth is more than 6000 years old that they wouldn't consider extra rings per year, but instead talk about years with missing rings. :banana:


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genuineoriginal said:
I really liked the new information on the Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings. Imagine that trees having trouble surviving in low water areas producing extra rings each year, and evolutionary scientists being so desperate to prove the Earth is more than 6000 years old that they wouldn't consider extra rings per year, but instead talk about years with missing rings. :banana:
Just goes to show you how atheist scientists are neutral, unbiased, objective, pure as the wind driven snow, desiring only the facts and letting the chips fall where they may......NOT!!!


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"Not"? Oh, well. I'm glad centuries of secular science just got invalidated by waving a wand.:chuckle:
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