Rick Warren to Speak at Papal Mass


[Rick Warren to Speak at Papal Mass Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "More than 1.5 million people are expected for the Mass with Pope Francis in Philadelphia in September during the World Meeting of Families. Some of the speakers listed include Cardinal Tagle of Manila, Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston, Scott Hahn, Rick Warren and Rabbi Abraham Skorka. Underlining the ecumenical and interfaith element of the meeting, Archbishop Chaput said 30 percent of the speakers would be non-Catholic. Read more.

[Mike Gendron Comment] The Vatican has been looking for compromisers in the evangelical world to help them reverse the Reformation. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in southern California, has been an easy target for many years. In a recent interview he said, "We have far more in common (with Catholics) than what divides us. We believe in the trinity, we believe in the Bible, we believe in the resurrection...Now there's still real differences, no doubt about that. But the most important thing is if you love Jesus, we're on the same team." Rick Warren is not bothered by the fact that Catholics love and trust another Jesus who is unable to save them completely and forever. Clearly, he does not understand or embrace the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nor does he seem to care that the Catholic clergy is condemned for preaching another gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). Read more." Pro-Gospel.org


New member
[ Rick Warren is not bothered by the fact that Catholics love and trust another Jesus who is unable to save them completely and forever. org

the Catholic Church has THE Jesus... His very Presence (absent the demons that [outside the Church] surround us humans...)

If you knew history you would know that the RCC was the ONLY Christian Church in the world until 1600s.. and the RCC still IS THE Church Christ founded...

true story... He still founded only One..

Or you have to accept (if you don't accept that) that Jesus LIED to us :dizzy:

or didn't keep His promise to protect the Church :dizzy:

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (Mt 16:18)




New member
The problem isn't that they have "another gospel".

The RC church does its intellectual best (dubious) to present a version of Christianity.

The real problem is that the institution was infiltrated with pedophiles,
and those who's real purpose is to actually sabotage authentic Christianity,
including those who hold views 'heretical' to the RC position.

Thus ever since the Reformation, Vatican agents have been busy dismantling
Protestantism, which is based on the authority of the Bible as primary.

To that end, the main historical attack has been directed upon the King James Bible,
and its independent interpretation and application in churches and community.

Against this, the Vatican sets up itself as the sole interpreter and controller of Holy Scripture.

In that role, the powermongers in the Vatican have attempted to thwart and prevent
the translation of the Holy Scriptures into common languages, and to prevent
the distribution of copies of the Bible to ordinary people.

That war was largely unsuccessful as a direct attack,
and the Vatican rogues set about a more subtle strategy,
undermining the authority of the Bible using criticism and hostile analysis,
planting doubt on the reliability of the text and translation,
and overwhelming Protestant exegesis with Vatican obscurantism.

The Vatican 'interpreters' want to obscure the gross materialism of the priesthood,
and the moral corruption of those who would lord it over us,
by claiming they have the exclusive power to forgive people.

The Bible teaches that it was meant for ALL to hear and act on accordingly,
and it was NOT meant to be held back and spoon-fed to serfs and peasants.

The Bible teaches that the gospel was to be FREELY given to all who would listen,
and no fees or "donations" are to be charged or imposed or requested.
The Bible teaches that a man is to eat by the sweat of the brow (legitimate work)
such as growing food, making clothing, and building housing.
Saint Paul preached at his own expense, working a day-job, and not collecting
donations for himself.

Peter and John and the Apostles travelled without money or expense accounts,
luxurious jets or bulletproof cadillacs. They travelled a humble road in relative poverty
in order not to burden others while they preached the gospel freely.
They carried no gold or silver.

The Protestant Reformation assured that every person could access the Bible for themselves,
and that all had a right to education and the exchange of ideas so they could understand
God's message to humankind.

In the New Testament, Israelites, Jews, and other disciples were ALL priests,
ministering the gospel to everyone. There was no special class of a largely
inherited office of "priest" like it was in the OLD Covenant of Moses.

In the New Testament no one confessed their personal private sins to a "priest".
Instead Jesus offered an open amnesty to all who repented and turned from sin.

Jesus never set up a system of elaborate rituals, or money collections.
Instead he commanded that any and all be brought to Him to learn of God.

The message of God from Jesus wasn't a 'mystery' to be interpreted and guarded by elitist priests.
It was an empowering public call to ministry in the new Kingdom of God on Earth.

The recent activity of the Vatican, infiltrating Protestantism and removing the
authoritative word of God, the Bible, and replacing it with trendy 'interpretations'
that allow for alternate LGBT 'lifestyles' and the negation of Christian morality
and Protestant dogma and doctrine is the worst attack on authentic Christianity in history.

Instead of being openly argued, as the early Jews who rejected Jesus did,
modern Vatican agents have created an elaborate substitute fake 'gospel',
designed to allow an elite priesthood to milk money from simple working classes.