Revelation Solved - Continuity Break Solution




DEUTERONOMY 34:4 And the LORD said unto him, This [is] the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed: I have caused thee to see [it] with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither.
NUMBERS 36:4 And when the jubile of the children of Israel shall be, then shall their inheritance be put unto the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers.

God originally introduced himself to Moses, and revealed the Burning Bush/Star Wormwood. When God took this action, this marked the beginning of a Jubilee (50 Years). At the end of a Jubilee (50 Years), God would reveal the Mystery of the Burning Bush/Star Wormwood to Moses. God showed Moses the Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program (as they are classified), shortly before God allowed Moses to die. ....................... God did not acknowledge any length greater than 50 Years, to the death of Moses ... God did not acknowledge 490 Years, or 430 Years with Moses, because Moses did not live anywhere near 490 Years or 430 Years. ..................... Likewise God did not acknowledge any more than about 50 Years with Daniel during his lifetime, the Prophet Daniel did not give us missing information when he abruptly cuts to the 62nd week, which is about 430 years of passage. God simply did not acknowledge it.....................I want you to understand the pattern of what God acknowledge by Demonstration.................Now Lets go to Jesus, God takes Jesus up a High Mountain, and says I will cast you from this mountain into the earth ... this event marked the 30th Year of Jesus's Lifespan (Jesus and Joseph the Blessing from Luke 3:23), 4 Years later, God allows Jesus to be crucified where he is placed into a tomb, which is into the earth. God doubles this action with Amos figure of "34", and acts this out in the New Testament with Lazarus, the same figure of division. God has decided what measure of time he has acknowledged by demonstration to the end of the Lifespan of Jesus in this instance ... this brings us to our discussion) (God did not just show Moses what duration of time he had remaining to his lifespan, God also killed Moses and resurrected Moses, as the gospel records, "Moses Killed a Man" because he believed ... God also killed Jesus and then Resurrected Jesus when he took Jesus up a High Mountain, doubling the event, this is another important piece of information I want you to understand)


(Crop Circle Near - Chilbolton Radio telescope grounds, in Hampshire, England)

(Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) message composed and transmitted from the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico in 1974 - 27 years before and thousands of miles away from this Chilbolton field (below, left).

The Last Official, "Son of Man", was very simply shot in the head and dropped dead,, about Nine Years before the Wow Signal. Regardless of the message's design of appearing to reply to an original outgoing message.................God Explains he will Drop the Antichrist from a Building to mark the precise Day and Hour, of the 153 Days of Revelation, which begins with the death of the "Two Witnesses", God is very specific, in the sense that he is declaring the date by demonstration for two reasons, he has performed a few measurements in the hyperdimension that need to be performed right before the actions he takes, and number 2, God is really reproving the Law he has given us with the Gospel, because we cannot discern this information traditionally through the gospel's presentation. We can come very close, but we need correction. Now that we are correct beyond a reasonable doubt:

50 Years, 34 Years, 15 Years (12210+195 Days), which is correct? All of the Above

12210 Days = 2/25/1982 (December Solstice to Christmas?)
42 Days = 7/31/2016 to 9/11/2016 (120 of Moses - 49 Years = 71?)
153 Days = 9/11/2016 to 2/11/2017 (God Demonstrated the Precise Day and Hour)
(Corrected figures parallel, literal observances)

This is what God has in view after his corrected measurement at the end of time. Outside of this, the gospel's conclusion about the lifespan and astrological conclusions are correct, but God had to correct them slightly for his own purposes. We can call this difference a "Continuity Break", the gospel supports this position (example: 69 Weeks of Daniel are called, "Three Days" at the 69th hour of Christ's Crucifixion).................God told Hezekiah in 15 Years, I will take your life, and God demonstrated this to Hezekiah by taking his life and then resurrecting his life. Now God comes to the Antichrist and says in 15 Years, from 9/11/2001, I will take your life, and he also illustrates this at the beginning of this sequence.

Blood Sacrifices to Molech, for more of the Sign of Divorce, should begin within about 1 months and 2 weeks, that includes Aaron's Resolution, and perhaps Antipas/Antiparticle also, for those reasons we must keep watch. However the most likely situation is simply, "Blood Sacrifices to Molech (Sign of Lord's Body/Divorce)of Genetic Dan". For quite a few reasons we must continue to keep watch. Love and Blessings. (Right now, if I call the Police Department, and claim I can produce corpses based on the level of force, wait outside somewhere, because their kinds are not using my address or when I give their kinds opportunity, assuming enough force is used against me, and then allow the media and the authorities to get involved with this public threat ... that situation is not likely to happen, as I've stated, to use enough force, or lethal force, when I decide because as I've unfortunately developed a reputation for making sport of their suicides, so you'll just have to wait for the next level, at least you know beyond a reasonable doubt, what secrets the Antichrist has been withholding).
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1. 36 Years from 1980,1998,2012,2016 for the Solstice Precessional Alignment
2. 34 Years from 1982 (Jumping Jesus Phenemenon, Singularity, Billy Meier) to 2016
3. 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2016 (Doubled, just like number 1 and 2)

This is a Logical Statement, observing two parallels, and doubling God's Demonstration. 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2016 is 1825 Days or 5128 of the Mayan Calendar's Measurement which recounted 34 Years or 12210 + 195.............Four Parallel Divisions, 1980/1998/2012/2016 and 12210/42/3/150..............God just bumps the 195 Days to begin around 7/31/2016, so that the 153 Days begins on 9/11/2001:

LUKE 17:15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,
LUKE 17:16 And fell down on [his] face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
LUKE 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where [are] the nine?

God talks about the 9/11/2001 Falling Man, as the definitive Day and Hour of the 153 Days of Revelation doubling the Event. God is specifically talking about Hezekiah in Luke 17:15-17. Hezekiah was killed and then healed, so that he lived for 15 more years, this is exactly what happens with 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2016....................."Two Witnesses" are killed for the "Three Days of Darkness", this translates the Earth's Moon into Star Wormwood, then after God reveals his mercy of resurrection, those that remain alive for 5 months are allowed to receive of the same gift, God has given the "Two Witnesses".

Spirit, Water, Blood (God Kills the Sons of Man in the same relative way before their testimony is actually completed, the word is not Blood, it should be called "Earth", God uses the Earth as a Parallel Witnesses, then the event must be doubled, or else, the Earth cannot be a Parallel Witness ... Spirit/Jesus, Water/Gospel Program, Blood/Earth or Curse ... all spiritual elements essentially)


God drops the Antichrist off a Building, and this precise day and hour, marks the "Three Days of Darkness", when the Earth's Moon becomes Star Wormwood....................The Earth must Give Testimony of What God intends todo, this is apart of the gospel's law. Because of this fact, we are, "Commanded to Keep Watch", because this adds a deviation of somekind to our observance of the Gospel's Law. That said, globally and this us true for billions of people, they are very sick mentally and morally, and they seek only suffering and pain. "Suicide by Antichrist", is very simply their messiah, so its a sin to take the remedy of their pain away. I believe, if we continue in our current pattern, when 9/11/2016 arrives, billions will simply be deceased, with no hope of repentance, no hope of salvation, and our momentary delay from 6/18/2016 to 6/21/2016 (which results from rejecting God's usage of the Earth as a Parallel Witnesses), will simply begin as the "Three Days of Darkness" on 9/11/2016 to 9/13/2016. Love and Blessings (10 hour walk tomorrow, then we'll fall back into our typical pattern perhaps, most important thing is to keep the level of force persistent ... ... ... ... we will know by the time we reach the 42 Day mark on 7/31, what happens, this time its for real). (In terms for force and lethal force, everything must continue, use my relatives to hurt me a little bit more, and the non-wh**es, right now I've compensated somewhat through suffering, but you must keep up the pace).
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