Republicans Deceive Christians

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Republicans Deceive Christians

This is the show from Thursday March 12th, 2009.


Reaction to RNC head Michael Steele, who had a weak answer to the life issue - saying it is an individual choice. He later retracted his statement, saying the republican party is the party of life.

Student molested by two teachers at same school. If you are sending your children to public schools, you are sinning.

Phone interview with Kacey Linsey, Maryland State contact for American Right to life. Kacey gives an update on the Maryland march for life. 1500 people gathered. The crowd is double from last year. A huge number of attendees were young.

8 states now have personhood bills. People can see the vision of personhood.

Rev. O Brian, Archbishop of Baltimore spoke. He supported personhood, but also talked about Parental Content.

National Right To Life also attended, promoting informed consent. Informed consent laws end with "and then you can kill the baby".

Phone call with Brad, driving through Nebraska. He said "Democrats make me sick, and Republicans turn my stomach".
Bob and Doug reply that the two parties (Repubs and Dems) both embrace socialism, childkilling, and homosexuality. The battle is not between Democrats and Republicans, the battle is between good and evil.

Today’s Resource: In preparation for the Fall 2009 release of Focus III, you can get the Focus on the Strategy I & II two DVD combo (for yourself or give it as a gift!) containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion.
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