RepublicanChick -- do what I have done. I have learned not to pay any attention to the polls, only to the results of the many fantasy polls from the Left. "Results" I say, as in "what happens in the voting booth."
Examples: Obama came to the 2008 election cycle with a 67% approval rating, via Leftist polling, but only captured 53% of the nations voters.
In his second election, Romney got 1 million more votes than McCain and Obama took in 3.5 million fewer votes than in 2008 -- a loss of support totaling 4.5 million people. Bush, on the other, the hated and "very unpopular" GW, took in 12 million more votes, in his re-election, than in 2000. 12 FREAKING MILLION. And the two midterms, combined, have taken the Dems back to 1928. Obama is our greatest ally, in a way, because he is single handedly, destroying the Dems, in today quickly changing political economy. "We" own 31 state governorship compared to 17 for the Dems. We are looking at the largest elective disparity between the two parties in a 100 years, if not "ever." 66 of the 100 state legislative houses (state Senates and Houses), the largest majority in the House ever, and the most one-sided election (2014) since the historic elections following the Progressive, Woodrow Wilson. The Utopian in our White House, has managed to forfeit super-majorities in both houses of Congress, on his way to having been "lame duck" since July of 2010, when he signed Doddd/Frank. The presidential election 0f 1920, was a 61 to 39 percent destruction of the Dems, the most one sided presidential election in American history. Again, the 2014 mid-terms were historic on THAT level.
We are "winning," young lady. Hang in there.