REPORT: Should Gays Adopt? - by Bob Enyart


Axe dropper
Should Gays Adopt? - by Bob Enyart

Michael Galluccio, the homosexual featured on ABC’s Good Morning America, Larry King Live and in USA Today, whom the ACLU helped to adopt a child, is my first cousin. He won this battle but I will not give up. Michael’s homosexuality has brought much heartache to our family. Now, we will grieve anew because we know this ruling will further the destructive influence that homosexuals have on children.

Billions of people in the world oppose homosexuals, as have most cultures throughout civilization. Why? Is it because everyone of those billions is bigoted and narrow-minded? I respect and value racial minorities, even though I am in the American majority. I have learned to honor women, even though my society degrades them. I have long sought out the elderly for friendship and to serve them, though a fraction of their age.

And I welcome disabled men and women to my office each week, because I love them.

So why would I disrespect homosexuals? It is not because they are different but because they are wrong. Liberals fight for personal freedom by knocking down the first moral barrier that restrains them. Once down, they find another restriction that must be thrown off. Hence the notion of the slippery slope as men become more determined to rid themselves of any imposed standards. This process has yielded a nation of sexually obsessed, dysfunctional people living in the world’s violent crime capitol.

Examine the record of those who defend homosexual adoption of children. Jim Joy, the executive director of Colorado’s ACLU, admitted to me during a PBS station’s televised debate that the written national policy of the ACLU defends the right to distribute child pornography. As with many leading voices, the ACLU’s opposition of child abuse is hypocrisy. Every such video sold of a thirteen-year-old sexually exploits the child again. So the ACLU, known to tolerate child abuse, sells children out again by advocating their adoption by homosexuals.

Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse. A prominent gay magazine, Out, quoted Damien Martin, the head of New York’s homosexual Harvey Milk High School, as saying, “No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]” in September, 1994 on page 73. The leading gay publication, The Advocate, in an article titled Getting Over It pondered on May 5, 1992 about how many boys “would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience—one that initiated them into their sexuality—if it weren’t for so-called molestation?”

The July 1998 Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association worked to normalize pedophilia by undermining the “Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse.”
Time magazine also lacks zero tolerance for homosexual child abusers. They quoted the ACLU in defense of an aggressive advocate of pedophilia. NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association exists to promote homosexual sex with young boys. Leading gay-pride organizers in New York and San Francisco allowed NAMBLA to march undisguised in their parades repeatedly during the last two decades. A Time article grotesquely titled For the Love of Kids in November, 1993 quoted the ACLU defending a New York City teacher, Peter Melzer who edits the NAMBLA journal. Melzer published an article In Praise of the Penises, on “how to make that special boy feel good.” As to the police report on Melzer’s alleged sex with a Filipino boy, Time assured its readers, there is no hard evidence that he abused this “or any other boy in the U.S.” In the U.S.?

The media defends homosexuals who want to adopt children, but it also supports homosexuals who openly advocate sex with kids. The national media warmly eulogized Alan Ginsburg this past spring conveniently ignoring this homosexual poet’s public endorsement of NAMBLA. Where I now live, a convicted pedophile, who says today he controls his longings, is running for Denver School Board with the support of many in the homosexual community.

Long-time gay activist David Thorstad, founding member of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and former president of the New York Gay Activists Alliance loudly protested when in 1993 the March on Washington organizers broke with tradition and excluded pedophiles like NAMBLA. With all the attention, they feared the media would expose the homosexual acceptance of pedophilia. Talk about paranoia.

The nation’s largest gay publicist, Alyson Publications of Boston, which distributes Daddy’s Roommate and other homosexual books for kids, published Paedophilia: The Radical Case, hundreds of pages of why and how seven year old boys should be brought to climax. Another Alyson book, The Age Taboo on page 144 insists: “Boy-lovers... are not child molesters. The child abusers are... parents who force their staid morality onto the young people in their custody.”

A Florida judge recently ruled unconstitutional their age-of-consent law, following northern European nations in lowering the age at which dirty old men can legally set their sights on boys. Liberal ideas have taken their expected course with lawyers arguing that since adolescents have the right over their own bodies regardless of what parents or legislators think, then they can elect sex whenever and with whomever they choose, with age discrimination ultimately unenforceable.

America’s newspapers are their silent partners. Those who are soft on child sex, or even those boldly endorsing it, have nothing to fear from the mainstream media. Partly because of the media’s silence, the Clinton administration voted to give ILGA, the International Lesbian and Gay Association consulting status at the United Nations even though NAMBLA was a full and active member of that organization, even appearing on its letterhead. Imagine, professed pedophiles advising on international child law. NAMBLA remained at the UN until the outcry of the religious right ousted them.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Thus the broadly overlapping groups, the homosexual community and the open pedophiles, are longtime allies. Both groups work to break down previously unquestioned sexual standards. The national Gay Rights Platform of 1972 called for the repeal of all age-of-consent laws. Gay activist Andy Humm bragged of his influence over the New York City Council in the New York Native, August, 1983 and wrote that, “No one should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation, whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, transvestite, pedophile, sadist, masochist, asexual—whatever one can imagine.”

I am not saying that my cousin will sexually molest a child. I am saying that homosexuals have long given aid and comfort to pedophiles, publicly. And I am saying that the media and other defenders of homosexuals are the silent partners of those who work toward the day when children are a sex commodity. The media rejects but intuitively fears the connection between child molestation and homosexuality. It therefore suppresses reports of the torrent of public advocacy for gay pedophilia. Instead, the media wears out the same worn cliché that homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals.

On homosexual initiation, sex researchers Masters and Johnson wrote in Human Sexual Inadequacy that “Recruitment usually was accomplished by an older male, frequently in his twenties, but occasionally men in their thirties were the initiators… the teenager was left with the concept that whether or not he continued as an active homosexual, he would always be homophile-oriented.” Homosexuals do reproduce sexually, by molesting children. According to a 1994 Out article titled “The Men From the Boys,” the director of a home for runaway youth admits that between 14 and 16 years of age, he “probably had sex with well over a thousand people, most of them much older than myself.” This boy hardly met a homosexual adult who would not have sex with him.

Of Canadians imprisoned for pedophilia, a 1991 report reveals that 91 percent of molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime sexual contact other than homosexual according to Volume 6, page 323 of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. In America, about one third of the children sexually molested are boys, and about ninety percent of them are hurt by men. The refereed scientific journal, Psychological Reports in 1986 presented research in Volume 58 starting on page 327 showing that homosexuals commit a far greater percentage of child sex crimes than demographics alone account for.

Every man molesting a boy is committing a homosexual act. Young boys do not excite straight men. To let a homosexual make the point in his own words, the San Francisco Sentinel published a letter on March 26, 1992 headlined, “No Place for Homo-Homophobia” with the common admission that, “The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not homosexual love is ridiculous.” Activist pedophiles easily find media outlets.

Families have tried to hide their shame when one of their own gives in to vile passions. Many homosexuals claim to have their parent’s complete acceptance, but almost without exception gays show no physical affection, not even a peck on the cheek, in front of parents and grand-parents. Many are in denial but they fail to hide the truth.

Traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs reflect the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuals. Over a billion mothers in the world, in giving birth, did not wish for their children to be homosexuals. Over a billion mothers cannot be wrong. Human beings have a natural revlusion to contaminates. Hence even the thought of ingesting putrefied meat makes one gag, as does the sight of two gay men kissing. We are born with natural defense mechanisms. Homophobes are born that way. Homophobia is genetic. And no one has a right to suppress us. We are not going back into the closet.

Homosexuality is a crime in a dwindling number of American states. Yet in an effort to normalize it, Hollywood ridicules the traditional family. Why mock a family unit of a mom, dad and kids? Because perversion is self-evident next to wholesomeness. Men will accept depravity if first they scorn goodness. So liberals laud every permutation of the family except for the traditional one. They deride Ozzie and Harriet, scorn the Beaver’s parents and fight tooth and nail against the notion that any such family ever existed. Why the dread of normality? Because if it exists, the homosexual life fails by comparison. Out of concern for children, and for my nation, and out of a desire that my cousin experience justice, I will continue to fight to re-criminalize homosexuality.

Bob Enyart Live
PO Box 583
Arvada CO 80001

Listen to Bob Enyart Live anytime on KGOV radio on the Internet at


New member
The July 1998 Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association worked to normalize pedophilia by undermining the “Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse.”

Blantantly false. Either misinformation, or a lie.
From a Bob Enyart? Someone pinch me.

"It was talking about the ASSUMED PROPERTIES of sexual abuse, and how they found out that they were different that what was previously thought. They were not trying to normalize anything, and have made statements as such.

"Billions of people in the world oppose homosexuals, as have most cultures throughout civilization."
Ever read about Native American culture? Or read at all ever?

"Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse."
Again, blantantly false, because "homosexual leaders" are not the ones saying this. This is like saying, "Christian Leaders protest gay funerals" because Fred Phelps is christian. Leader is the key word. It's a lie.

"Thus the broadly overlapping groups, the homosexual community and the open pedophiles, are longtime allies. "
Wait. Another lie? I can't believe it.

So, to sum up, Bob lies his keister off in order to point out that all homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt, due to a fringe group that wants to legalize pedophilia. Hm.
Bob doesn't have a problem with heterosexuals raising kids, even though he is aware that incest happens with more frequency than he wants to admit. For those incidences, he's willing to take a risk. It's not like it's organized or

My question - if you point is so strong, why the need to lie so much?
Is it really honest for me to say, "there are a lot of child abusers who are heterosexual. Therefore, no heterosexual is a fit parent."

The KKK, for example, is very anti gay, among other things. So, does that invalidate all heterosexuals from raising children?

Is that family unit mocked? Not that I have seen. It just no longer pretends to be the Cleavers. It admits that, guess what? Sometimes, Pop molests Kitten, and June has a drinking problem, and Beaver smokes pot, and everyone lives in denial. But that would be dealing with truth. Lying is easier, even when it means lying to ones' self.

Here's another truth. Gay people come from families. We aren't some "enemy." We are part of families. I love my family. I'm happy my parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversay. I have friends and co-workers who are married and have children.

But paint me as someone who lives in the shadows, the underbelly, wringing my hands with maniacal laugh. Lie like a pro, and justify it later, and spit on the cross like a serpent.


New member
I agree.

I mean, I could write a better argument as to why gays should not be allowed to adopt, and that isn't even my stand.


New member
The ridiculous thing is that he has so obviously lied in order to support his argument - but, as you have correctly observed, if his case is strong enough to stand alone, why would he lie in the first place?

I don't believe that gays should adopt - but then, I don't believe that single parents should adopt, either...

...and if I were to formulate an argument for these two positions, there would be no need for me to lie.


New member
Right. That's the position and point that I would take - explaining the need for a male and female influence for the child's upbringing. This is my friend's position.

When I ask him if children should be placed in foster homes if one parent dies, and thus, leaving a male or female void, he gets a little tongue tied, especially since he is raising two kids on his own after a divorce, and has full custody.

It's a difficult subject. However, with adoption itself, one has to prove themselves worthy parents, while if you have one yourself, you don't have to pass any kind of approval whatsoever. I've found that a fascinating inconsistancy.


The devoutly religious have an astonishing way of justifying their own behavior. Remember, they're not perfect, just forgiven. They seem to think that phrase gives them carte blanche to do pretty much anything they want and then continue to condemn others.

I thank god every day that I don't believe in him.


New member
Me too. I was a horrible person when I did believe in him. I'm much better off now...and I tend to treat people with dignity and respect now.


New member
Truth or Lie?

Truth or Lie?

Beanieboy, you’re an idiot and here is the proof.

I am not familiar with what was written in the “Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association”. Therefore, I cannot comment concerning this matter. However. I really don’t even understand your angle of objection. What did the article list as “Assumed Properties”?

Bob says: "Billions of people in the world oppose homosexuals, as have MOST cultures throughout civilization." Bob said “MOST”! “MOST”! He did not say ALL. He said “MOST”. Yet you try to debunk his statement by pointing to Native American Culture(s). Do you realize that there are more countries on the earth other than America? And there were many more cultures that existed throughout history other than Native American Cultures. Christians, Jews and Moslems are opposed to homosexuality. These religions account for a very large percentage of people on this planet.

Bob wrote: "Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse.” He then backed this claim by quoting from several leaders in the homosexual community and from popular homosexual publications. Yet you try to counter this by saying that "homosexual leaders are not the ones saying this.” While ‘Mabla’ could be considered a fringe group, the other references that Bob gave cannot.

In your message you repeatedly call Bob a liar. But sense you’re a homo, and thus unable to distinguish between right and wrong, I am also convinced that you are unable to distinguish between a truth and a lie.

“I love animals. They’re delicious.”—Bob Enyart


New member

>>I thank god every day that I don't believe in him

"20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse"


"27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. "

Homosexuality is not the only sin God condemns, but he surely condemns it.

1 John 1:9
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

ehh, that includes everybody, not just homosexuals.


Swordfish, a little hint - quoting a fool like Paul is no more significant than hearing you say something. Opinions are a dime a dozen and most of Paul's opinions are pretty worthless.


New member
Re: Truth or Lie?

Re: Truth or Lie?

Originally posted by ClaypoolKid
Beanieboy, you’re an idiot and here is the proof.

I am not familiar with what was written in the “Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association”. Therefore, I cannot comment concerning this matter. However. I really don’t even understand your angle of objection. What did the article list as “Assumed Properties”?

Bob says: "Billions of people in the world oppose homosexuals, as have MOST cultures throughout civilization." Bob said “MOST”! “MOST”! He did not say ALL. He said “MOST”. Yet you try to debunk his statement by pointing to Native American Culture(s). Do you realize that there are more countries on the earth other than America? And there were many more cultures that existed throughout history other than Native American Cultures. Christians, Jews and Moslems are opposed to homosexuality. These religions account for a very large percentage of people on this planet.

Bob wrote: "Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse.” He then backed this claim by quoting from several leaders in the homosexual community and from popular homosexual publications. Yet you try to counter this by saying that "homosexual leaders are not the ones saying this.” While ‘Mabla’ could be considered a fringe group, the other references that Bob gave cannot.

In your message you repeatedly call Bob a liar. But sense you’re a homo, and thus unable to distinguish between right and wrong, I am also convinced that you are unable to distinguish between a truth and a lie.

“I love animals. They’re delicious.”—Bob Enyart

Welcome to yet another intelligent and enlightened poster.

Seriously, just because a religion says something is wrong does not mean that it is wrong. People throughout history have had their own agendas. Take that into account when you review any archaic piece of "evidence".


New member
I feel so bad for the Romans and Corinthians. They actually had to deal with Paul in person...the man who is, in several circles, regarded as the first corruptor of the Bible. If that turns out to be right, God's gonna be angry at a few people on this forum when he gets back.


New member
Re: Truth or Lie?

Re: Truth or Lie?

Originally posted by ClaypoolKid
Beanieboy, you’re an idiot and here is the proof.

I am not familiar with what was written in the “Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association”. Therefore, I cannot comment concerning this matter. However. I really don’t even understand your angle of objection. What did the article list as “Assumed Properties”?

“I love animals. They’re delicious.”—Bob Enyart

I'm kind of an idiot. It was really hard for me to figure out how to find out how to read the APA article quoted. First, I had to highlight the name of the article. THEN, I had to copy it. NEXT, I had to go to a search engine, and paste it in the search window. Somehow, I was able to find many, many sites discussing the article, and the article itself. THEN, I had to read it. Wow. My head hurts. But since I am an idiot, I decided that I would read it, rather than going off on a rant. I have this stupid thing I do where I investigate what is said, and think for myself. I think it's a sin, because a lot of posters get mad when I do that.

Here's what I found:

"The article combined the results of 59 previous studies to examine the long-term impact of child sexual abuse. Using a broad definition of sexual abuse that included incidents ranging from witnessing indecent exposure to experiencing repeated rape, the authors found sexual abuse to be not as harmful as generally believed. They also concluded that some victims, typically adolescents who had sexual relations with adults, perceived the experience as consensual; some even regarded it as positive. The publication of the article led to considerable controversy about both the journal review process and APA's position regarding child sexual abuse.

APA has always condemned the sexual abuse of children. This position is absolutely fundamental to our organization and is demonstrated by our strong record of advocacy on behalf of abused children and our work to educate the public, health professionals, and others about the prevention and treatment of such abuse. We do not support the "normalization" or decriminalization of any form of sexual relations between adults and children. Such behavior must remain criminal and punishable to the fullest extent of the law. APA also totally rejects the contention that much of what we call child sexual abuse is not particularly harmful. While there is doubtless a continuum of harmfulness depending upon the nature, intensity, and duration of the abuse, there is no way to be certain that even the mildest forms of non-contact sexual encounter might not cause serious damage to a vulnerable child. For that reason, it is the position of APA that child sexual abuse is never trivial, never justifiable, and always wrong."

Let's see. Mr. Enyart says:
The July 1998 Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association worked to normalize pedophilia by undermining the “Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse.”

And the article says:
We do not support the "normalization" or decriminalization of any form of sexual relations between adults and children. Such behavior must remain criminal and punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

Now, I don't know. I'm kind of an idiot. But isn't that the OPPOSITE of what the APA says? This has been talked about a lot, because Dr. Laura has made the obscure journal entry infamous. And claiming it says the opposite of what it says spreading misinformation at best, lying at worst.

Here the article. It has a lot of big words, but I didn't see anything about normalization (5 syllables!). In reading the response given to this research, the APA has also condemned organizations, like NAMBLA, (not Mabla) for using the research to draw equally false conclusions.
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New member
"Billions of people in the world oppose homosexuals, as have most cultures throughout civilization."

Well, I guess this isn't a lie. It's a half truth. Attitudes in Europe towards gays are very different. France has gays in the military - it's a nonissue. Roman and Greek civilizations, which gave us a lot of art work and literature, also talk about homosexuality. In fact, the word "homosexuality" wasn't even penned until the late 1800s. At the same time, there are Muslim countries where they kill people who are homosexual, and do it with the permission of their families.

Why the half truth? Yes, there are billions of people who oppose homosexuality. And there are billions who don't. By saying, "there are billions of people who oppose homosexuality" and not acknowlegding those who do not, you are making it sound like everyone is opposed to it.

Fifty-four percent of those interviewed said that homosexual relations should be legal, 42% not legal, with 4% unsure.
So, I'm kind of an idiot. Someone help me out. Is 54% bigger than 42%?

"In general, do you think homosexuals should or should not have equal rights in terms of job opportunities?" The percentage saying yes has risen from 56% in 1977 to a significantly higher 85% today."

Let's see. 85% in favor of equal rights for gays. Is that a lot?

"Do you feel that homosexuality should be considered an acceptable alternative lifestyle or not?" Of those saying yes: 52%, with 43% saying no.

So, more people are in support homosexuals, and consider it an acceptable lifestyle.

And Enyart says, "Most people/civiliations oppose it." Again, I'm slow, but isn't 52% vs. 43% and outright lie? LIE # 2.


New member
Re: Truth or Lie?

Re: Truth or Lie?

Originally posted by ClaypoolKid
Beanieboy, you’re an idiot and here is the proof.

Bob wrote: "Homosexual leaders blatantly voice tolerance for child sex abuse.” He then backed this claim by quoting from several leaders in the homosexual community and from popular homosexual publications. Yet you try to counter this by saying that "homosexual leaders are not the ones saying this.” While ‘Mabla’ could be considered a fringe group, the other references that Bob gave cannot.

In your message you repeatedly call Bob a liar. But sense you’re a homo, and thus unable to distinguish between right and wrong, I am also convinced that you are unable to distinguish between a truth and a lie.

“I love animals. They’re delicious.”—Bob Enyart

What I said was, these are not necessarily voices of the homosexual community. Damien Martin founded The Harvey Milk School, a school for drop outs that are gay and felt unsafe about going to school because they were harrassed for being gay. I've never heard his name before Enyart quoted it. Because he doesn't provide the article, or a link (heaven forbid), I am expected to take his word for it. Unfortunately, at LIE #2, I started to think his word was worth anything. And then he quotes an article from the Advocate (again, with no link) and draws a conclusion.

Now, let me apply this same kind of "truth." Christians protest funerals of people who have died of AIDS, and yell "God hates Fags" to those who are grieving and walking toward the funeral home. Christian leader Fred Phelps, the pastor of his church, even has his own website:

Pat Robertson, another prominent Christian leader, claims that homosexuals among others, are the cause for the World Trade Center. It wasn't terrorists. It wasn't government involvement with other countries. It wasn't religious fanaticism. It was homosexuals. Christians don't look at the facts.

Is this fair? Is it honest? No. It's a lie. Most christians don't agree with what Pat Robertson said. They understand that we are at war with terrorism, not homosexuals. Fred Phelps is a small, hateful little man that uses christianity to cloak his ugly hatred and hard, black heart. I am fully aware of that. And while they are christians, they do not necessarily speak for all christians.

So, giving Enyart the benefit of the doubt, which he doesn't deserve, even if these people had made these comments in the article in context, they still don't speak for any organization, or a community as a whole, any more than Pat Robertson or Fred Phelps does.

I understand that. Then again, I am an idiot.

And you have said that because I am a homo, I can't distinguish between right and wrong. LIE #1. Now, I'm not a christian, and I'm a homo unable to distiguish between right and wrong, but isn't lying one of the 10 commandments, and considered a sin?
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