Report from the Road

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Report from the Road

This is the show from Tuesday December 16th, 2008.

Imagine if the last 25 years had been different. And instead if our Christian leaders had been teaching millions of believers, "At all costs honor God at every moment, never compromise on God's enduring command 'Do not murder.' Be faithful and true to God above all else." Could we imagine what the strength of the Body of Christ would have been like 25 years later? Do we have any idea?

Instead, millions of Christians have been taught (for partisan political reasons) to compromise even on God's enduring command "Do not murder." If we have been taught to compromise on "Do not murder" then where is it we will not be taught to compromise?

Where will we be taught to remain true and faithful? I can actually think of only two areas. One is tithing, don't ever compromise on tithing and two is Republican party politics.


* Headed to Court over Dobson Protest: Bob Enyart gives a report from the road headed to Colorado Springs for one of the court hearings resulting from a sit-in protest at Focus on the Family. Bob was one of the eight people arrested among those at an American Right To Life protest of Dr. James Dobson. What was it all about? YouTube shows Dr. Dobson making the pledge that he has now violated. See also the Colorado Springs TV-11 News report and Denver's Fox 31 report of the protest. From ARTL's site:

American RTL Action, the political 527 group, is exposing Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson for violating his public pledge in which he invoked the name of God. ARTL members will protest Dr. Dobson at his headquarters in Colorado Springs on Thursday, September 4.
On April 28, 1990 at the Washington D.C. Rally for Life on video and to hundreds of thousands of Christians, Dr. Dobson stated, "I want to give a pledge to you on a political level... I have determined that for the rest of my life, however long God lets me live on this earth, I will never cast one vote for any man or woman who would kill one innocent baby." James Dobson has endorsed John McCain for president, a Republican who has recently voted to authorize funding to kill some children by surgical abortion [and who has become increasingly pro-choice even since National RTL concluded that: "John McCain is a Threat to the Pro-Life Movement"]. American RTL Action calls upon Jim Daly, the president of Focus, to take down the video of Dr. Dobson's pledge which still plays for visitors at their Welcome Center. "John McCain funds the killing of countless children," said the group's director of research Darrell Birkey. ARTL Action unfurled the massive DNC Sheets Of Shame abortion protest sign on a mountain overlooking the DNC in Denver. "American RTL will expose both Republican and Democratic politicians who advocate the killing of unborn children," said the group's president, Steve Curtis, who is also a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party.

Please read this letter from Focus on the Family which admits that Dr. Dobson has compromised on the pledge he made before God and then, sadly, tries to justify that blatant sin. And in yet another example of Focus personnel disseminating blatantly false information, vice president of public policy Tom Minnery claimed on TV-11 News, "I believe, that if he [John McCain] becomes president, we will see him turn around and agree with president Bush on a very strong, no exceptions prohibition to embryonic stem cell research." The absurdity and blatant falsehood here is that George W. Bush DOES NOT advocate a ban on killing ANY embryonic boys and girls; instead, he has authorized funding to dissect and kill these snowflake children. President Bush has NEVER advocated a ban on dissecting and killing the tiniest boys and girls by the grisly research done on embryos, but rather became the first president ever to fund such Mengele-esque lethal harvesting of human parts. Worse, his immoral legacy may have had the effect of jumpstarting research on these tiniest of kids. We will report it here if Focus on the Family ever publicly corrects this falsehood. And further, if McCain didn't change his support for killing the tiniest children to get the support of Christians during any of his presidential primaries, win or lose, it is absurd to deceive Christians into thinking that he will do so now that he has the support of the pro-life industry.

Contact American RTL Action 1-888-888-ARTL

Post-show Note: Have you seen Bob's Entropy and evolution debate? Bob debated a trained evolutionist about an article from the American Journal of Physics, and the author of that article, Daniel F. Styer, has joined the debate! If you like science, and have interest in the creation/evolution debate, check out this debate!

* BEL Indiana Seminars: Bob Enyart is coming to Indiana, Goshen in the evening of Jan. 29th and Indianapolis on Saturday January 31st, to present a brand new BEL Seminar titled Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. You'll love it! Click for more info and to register please call 1-800-8Enyart!

Today's Resource: You can view BOTH of our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy DVDs for only $22.99! Get them now while supplies last! (Or, get them later, because we can just make additional copies :) when we run out.)
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