Regarding the Pandemic and Rights, You Perhaps Need to See This

An ER doctor, Dr. Simone Gold, of decades experience, was fired, for expressing her medical opinion on hydroxychloroquine, or HCQ. Her website was taken down, video banned, the prevailing motive that it's not good for the Biden campaign, if there's merit to what Mr. Trump said, in favor of HCQ. What is reprehensible is this totalitarian notion that, now, not even respected scientists may discuss their findings, that's like from the Nazi, Marxist or perhaps even Caligula playbook, that we're now firing respected ER doctors for not being politically correct?

This goes beyond even any opinion being right or wrong, rather involves punitive measures against. squarely, the most legitimate of free speech. What are we becoming, instead of America the Beautiful, should we be singing American the Corrupt? America the Reprobate? Scientists can no longer air differing opinions, because it may not bolster some pinko Democrat, with dementia, entering the White House?

The doctors have a website of their own, in response to all the mainstream media, liberal Nazis taking them down. What have we become? Who calls themselves Americans, that can't stand anybody to disagree with them? How stupid a people have we become, that opinions aren't allowed that don't serve our selfish interests?

This is an interview segment with the fired ER doctor, on Fox News:

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

Gary K

New member
The response to all the science shown is despicable. I'd point out to anyone who hasn't seen the videos that the home page of the AFD website, and it's good to see they have another website up after their original one was shut down without notice by Squarespace, can be accessed by clicking on the Media link at the top of the page.

It's very similar to what was done to the Bakersfield doctors after they spoke out on what they were finding in their treatment of over 6000 patients. Their interviews were censored within a couple of days. Search for Dr. Dan Ericson and you'll be able to find a few places where their information can still be found.

This is full on authoritarianism.
This is full on authoritarianism.

Amen. Just in our faces, isn't it? Thank you for your contribution with details and about this other such case I'd not seen. If there's anything left of sound minds and what is American in the legal system, I pray they make Dr. Simone very rich, to send an important message to these totalitarian creeps. It's pretty clear all the snowflake nonsense and liberal guile has gone way too far.

Gary K

New member
Amen. Just in our faces, isn't it? Thank you for your contribution with details and about this other such case I'd not seen. If there's anything left of sound minds and what is American in the legal system, I pray they make Dr. Simone very rich, to send an important message to these totalitarian creeps. It's pretty clear all the snowflake nonsense and liberal guile has gone way too far.

The attacks on her are nothing compared to the attacks on Stella Emmanuelle. They are crucifying her because she flat out stated that any science that denied HCQ works is fake science. Which is what it is. All studies published claiming HCQ is dangerous or doesn't work have been proven to be fraudulent. Yet the left says that is meaningless because, well, Trump and HCQ.
Here is a link to the study published in Virology which was done while Fauci was at the NIH. Think his close association with companies that are now holding patents for a coronavirus vaccine have anything at all to do with his "change" of mind?

I don't know, but "follow the money" is a tried and true, primary investigative tool, to get to a plethora of truths among the blind of the world, where a favorite pastime is cutting one's own nose off:

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The attacks on her are nothing compared to the attacks on Stella Emmanuelle. They are crucifying her because she flat out stated that any science that denied HCQ works is fake science. Which is what it is. All studies published claiming HCQ is dangerous or doesn't work have been proven to be fraudulent. Yet the left says that is meaningless because, well, Trump and HCQ.

I'm not competent to comment on the science of HCQ, but have been struck by the strong impression that a medicine that has been used for other purposes, safely, for a very, very long time, is suddenly, as if, cyanide? I can't make common sense of that, or even that claims of HCQ having some danger supersedes the danger of succumbing to a deadly virus. What, they must die, lest the drug kill them? I think, mainly, the world is full of idiots. Evil idiots.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein

Gary K

New member
If you go to the Frontline Doctor's website and click on the Media link you will find 5 videos. The video on the bottom left is very good. There is a section in it that explains the science of how HCQ works. The portion of the video that explains this starts at the 3:09 point of the video. Dr Been does this part of the video and he sketches out what happens in the cell while explaining it at the same time. It is highly educational.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The press is already engaged in electioneering (having long ago abandoned the professionalism of remaining impartial), but when electioneering interferes with physicians' advice that isn't politically popular, then that is the only thing about 2016-2020 that rises to the level of threatening our democracy, far more than anything our president is accused of doing.

God's Truth

New member
An ER doctor, Dr. Simone Gold, of decades experience, was fired, for expressing her medical opinion on hydrochloride, or HCQ. Her website was taken down, video banned, the prevailing motive that it's not good for the Biden campaign, if there's merit to what Mr. Trump said, in favor of HCQ. What is reprehensible is this totalitarian notion that, now, not even respected scientists may discuss their findings, that's like from the Nazi, Marxist or perhaps even Caligula playbook, that we're now firing respected ER doctors for not being politically correct?

This goes beyond even any opinion being right or wrong, rather involves punitive measures against. squarely, the most legitimate of free speech. What are we becoming, instead of America the Beautiful, should we be singing American the Corrupt? America the Reprobate? Scientists can no longer air differing opinions, because it may not bolster some pinko Democrat, with dementia, entering the White House?

The doctors have a website of their own, in response to all the mainstream media, liberal Nazis taking them down. What have we become? Who calls themselves Americans, that can't stand anybody to disagree with them? How stupid a people have we become, that opinions aren't allowed that don't serve our selfish interests?

This is an interview segment with the fired ER doctor, on Fox News:

Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

Many people have been dying and will die because the doctors can't use hydroxychloroquine.

The rich will get the blood product first, the blood product from those who had the corona virus.

They wait until the last minute to give that blood product to others to make sure the rich don't need it first.

Who would need the blood product if they were given hydroxychloroquine?

What evilness from the Democrats.

God's Truth

New member
Fauci is a little man like Mike Bloomberg. They hold a grudge because Trump made fun of small men, and they hurt the American people because of that grudge, just like John McCain, and others.
If you go to the Frontline Doctor's website and click on the Media link you will find 5 videos. The video on the bottom left is very good. There is a section in it that explains the science of how HCQ works. The portion of the video that explains this starts at the 3:09 point of the video. Dr Been does this part of the video and he sketches out what happens in the cell while explaining it at the same time. It is highly educational.

Thanks for the heads-up as to the other video. I don't know why they don't title their videos, though doctors aren't about creating websites, one can suppose.

Some good comments here. Like many things, maybe there are slimy politics, greed and the devil mixed in, some sort of trifecta of death. It's to where I have difficulty caring much about the news, anymore, as the bottom line is that you can only trust in God. History proves there's no reason to have faith mankind will repeal spiritual blindness and its stupidity, the narcissism and hubris of going our own, corrupt ways, Isaiah 50:11, history itself proving people don't learn from history. You know, the Bible calls it "the world" in a most pejorative sense, that all things temporal system of man and devil. James 4:4.

In any case, it is truly getting worse and worse, in these times, but is the real question, "So what else is new?"

Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Thank you all for the interesting comments and some additional information or views I'd not considered.

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

Gary K

New member
Thanks for the heads-up as to the other video. I don't know why they don't title their videos, though doctors aren't about creating websites, one can suppose.

Some good comments here. Like many things, maybe there are slimy politics, greed and the devil mixed in, some sort of trifecta of death. It's to where I have difficulty caring much about the news, anymore, as the bottom line is that you can only trust in God. History proves there's no reason to have faith mankind will repeal spiritual blindness and its stupidity, the narcissism and hubris of going our own, corrupt ways, Isaiah 50:11, history itself proving people don't learn from history. You know, the Bible calls it "the world" in a most pejorative sense, that all things temporal system of man and devil. James 4:4.

In any case, it is truly getting worse and worse, in these times, but is the real question, "So what else is new?"

Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Thank you all for the interesting comments and some additional information or views I'd not considered.

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

Here is a link to a paper titled, The Remarkable Dr. Fauci. It details a fair amount of his career but leaves out details like how he stole other scientists research and gave it to a friend of his who then published their work as his own.

Gary K

New member
Here is some more on how corrupt this entire plandemic actually is. The deaths from the coronavirus are actually down 75% from the high point. But to listen to the media coronavirus is killing more people than ever. Here's a recap of some of the fraud that is being exposed.

For several weeks, just as most states across the United States began to reopen, following three months of lockdown to “flatten the curve”, several states including Texas and Florida began reporting record new numbers who tested positive for the coronavirus. At least that is what the world is being told. More careful investigation suggests what is unfolding as a huge manipulation of coronavirus tests that includes collusion by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the same CDC who badly bungled initial rollout of the virus tests in March by distributing tests that were found to contain traces of the virus and other serious defects. The present scandal bears the earmarks of more than mismanagement. It looks like political collusion to influence the November election and far more .

It seems that today something is very, very rotten in the State of Texas. The same for Florida, California, Arizona and many other states who just after reopening, now have again imposed lockdown and the foolish and ineffective mask-wearing and social distancing. Yet if we look at the actual data for deaths attributed to the coronavirus, since around the middle of April, the daily deaths designated of COVID-19, whether “with” or “of”, has steadily dropped to a level some 90% below the peak.

Even the highly corrupt CDC has had to admit “Nationally, levels of influenza-like illness (ILI) are low overall…Changes in indicators that track COVID-19-like illness (CLI) and laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 were inconsistent during the most recent week, with some increasing but others decreasing.” Then the weekly CDC report updated 17 July, makes the following statement: “Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 8.1% during week 27 to 6.4% during week 28, representing the twelfth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC… Nationally, ILI activity remains below baseline for the thirteenth week but has increased for 5 weeks now.”

Note the language very closely. The CDC defines ILI as “Influenza-like Illness.” So are we talking about tests for presence of a specific virus, SARS COV-2, that is blamed for the Wuhan outbreak that apparently has spread globally since the beginning of 2020? Or is it “influenza-like” illnesses, a catchall which may or may not include the coronavirus? The CDC has cleverly lumped deaths whether from pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 into one neat basket of death cause they call PIC– Pneumonia, Influenza or COVID-19. All PIC deaths are now conveniently designated as COVID-19 per CDC instructions on a death certificate.

Even with this sly sleight of hand, the CDC cannot hide the fact that all PIC deaths across the USA have declined for twelve weeks now. How to keep the nation in a state of fear and lockdown longer and how to satisfy the agenda of unscrupulous Democrats who seem willing to do everything to weaken the economy to force defeat of the Republican Presidential candidate on November 3?
A ‘Cases Pandemic’?

The response has been a dramatic ramping up of the number of tests on citizens for coronavirus or more precisely for an indirect test of antibodies or other signs that may or may not indicate a person has SARS COV-2. Around the middle of June as most states were rightly opening up to more normal conditions, the CDC pushed for a massive increase in testing. Naturally a dramatic increase of those tested will give an increasing number of persons who also test positive for indications of coronavirus. Just as Trump and many state governors were sensibly advocating steps to reopen, the CDC began pushing for a dramatic increase in tests. Testing went from about 150,000 to more than 700,000 per day. Reuters reported that many of the CDC-approved tests were contaminated as well.

Now the case of Texas is exemplary of what seems to be going on. According to officials in Texas in contact with former US Congressman Ron Paul, himself a medical doctor, the Texas State Department of Health Services changed the definition of what constitutes a “Covid case” in mid-May when cases were in significant decline. The new definition states, “while previously the determination of a Covid “case” was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count “probable” cases as “cases.” At the same time, the threshold for determining “probable” was lowered to a ridiculous level.” Basically if you have a fever and headache, even without a corona test, you can be listed as a “probable COVID-19 patient.”

It gets worse. Based on possibly unrelated subjective criteria, up to 15 people in possible contact with that “probable” case were also listed as “probable cases.” And “probable cases” were considered cases. Presto! Texas is in panic and mandatory masks and other draconian measures imposed. Further, the Texas health officials added to the fears by reporting hospitals in the state were being flooded by corona patients. Yet when contacted, Houston hospital directors themselves, said they were nowhere near actual capacity and in fact were about the same level as they were last year. Texas has a Republican Governor and is a critical state for Trump in November.
Florida Too…

In Florida where the Republican Governor came under heavy media attack for allowing the beaches to open and other steps, as cases there were dramatically down in “The Sunshine State,” the recent spike in corona “positive” cases is equally suspicious. A local Florida TV station became alerted when they saw a breakdown of lab tests many of which showed that 100% of all tests were “positive.” The TV station contacted test labs across the state. What they found was eye-opening.

TV reporter Charles Billi noted, “We found numerous labs that are only reporting positive test results, so they show a 100-percent positivity rate. That got our attention.” They located twenty-two labs that reported 100-percent positivity rates. Two labs reported 91.18-percent positivity rates. Such results suggest something rotten somewhere. Further investigation showed that many labs did not even report negative results. But when the TV journalists contacted the various labs to question the shocking numbers, data suspiciously changed. One lab, Orlando Health, had a 98 percent positivity rate. “However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.” Similarly, Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. “A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.” That is a huge difference.

No surprise that COVID-19 “infections” showed an alarming rise in Florida in recent weeks. As of July 14 Florida state health officials had not replied to requests from the journalists for comment.

Citing a dramatic rise in corona positive tested persons, California Democrat governor Gavin Newsome on July 14 reversed his decision to allow reopening of schools, offices, public malls and churches, though protest marches like Antifa or BLM are permitted, it seems. That decision in a state of 40 million and the largest state economy, will deal a severe blow to any USA economic recovery before November. Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom last month ordered that ballots be mailed to all of California’s 20.6 million voters for the Nov. 3 general election.

For the rest of this highly informative article click on the following link.


Well-known member
What if the Conspiracy Theory itself is a product of the Aliens/Freemasons/Illuminati/Corsican Cabal, who are trying to fool us into thinking that the virus isn't real. Then, when we are weakened by the virus, they'll come in and "protect us"....

Gary K

New member
What if the Conspiracy Theory itself is a product of the Aliens/Freemasons/Illuminati/Corsican Cabal, who are trying to fool us into thinking that the virus isn't real. Then, when we are weakened by the virus, they'll come in and "protect us"....

No one can stop you from being as stupid as you want to be. Go ahead and keep on placing your faith in an absolutely corrupt media and bureaucrats. It seems you love lies rather than truth as you would much rather choose to believe lies than truth. The amount of evidence that this "pandemic" is not a pandemic grows every day. Have you read the pdf file I posted in which 250 more doctors/scientists have come out against the media narrative? I'll bet not. You have no desire to read the truth from some of the foremost scientists in the world. Here is one of the first researchers on the list. I mean he is so obscure and so unknown it's ridiculous.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No one can stop you from being as stupid as you want to be. Go ahead and keep on placing your faith in an absolutely corrupt media and bureaucrats. It seems you love lies rather than truth as you would much rather choose to believe lies than truth. The amount of evidence that this "pandemic" is not a pandemic grows every day. Have you read the pdf file I posted in which 250 more doctors/scientists have come out against the media narrative? I'll bet not. You have no desire to read the truth from some of the foremost scientists in the world. Here is one of the first researchers on the list. I mean he is so obscure and so unknown it's ridiculous.

You mean the guy who has been advocating lockdown measures and social distancing, wearing masks etc? The guy who was on advert breaks in the UK on television advising the importance of such measures because of the seriousness of the pandemic and to protect the national health service? In fact, you haven't even bothered to read your own wikipedia link have you?


Get a grip.