Refuting Professor Dave Pt IV - Oct 11, 2024


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Refuting Professor Dave Pt IV

TELETHON MONTH: We've got an exciting new announcement! With October being our telethon month, we're looking for 30 new sign-ups for Bob Enyart Subscriptions. These are the best of the best available only at ENYART.SHOP! Please do whatever you can to help us reach our telethon goal of 30 new sign-ups to keep the ministry alive and well!
*More On Biology w/"Prof" Dave: finally this week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney offer RSR's "definitive" refutation of David James YouTube series allegedly debunking biblical creation.

*Holey Jeans: actually genes... and assumptions David James makes about their contributions to the origins of enzymes, including gene duplication and other evidence "thought to be" in support of evolutionary biology. Sal Cordova dropped the big hammer on such nonsense last May right here on RSR!

*Mutation as Design: Fred critiques the rank stupidity of asserting that genetic mutations produce lots of complex functions and that this can appear as design to the "unprepared" mind, (meaning the mind unprepared by evolutionary propaganda). Even David James' hell bound, fellow traveling, evolutionist fellows at the NIH and Nature know that gene mutations are overwhelmingly harmful!

*RNA from Nothing: Well, not exactly nothing, but David James' assertion that random DNA mutations are an ample source of functional RNA and peptides is equally absurd, and has been refuted by (among others) Rob Carter at Creation Ministries International.

*Haekel, Hox & a Million Bucks: When David "Professor Dave" James Farina condescends to defend, (and even show) Haeckel's hoax slides RSR declares an end to his career. And it's sad that it ended before he could earn the million dollars he bets against creation.

*Body Check: Find out the truth behind more of Professor Dave's "body" of claims at our Professor Dave FACT CHECK page!