Refuting atheism –Heavenly Father and pride-devil all exists


Refuting atheism –Heavenly Father and pride-devil all exists.

They are really unites of the likes as my signature states. You see that different unities existing all around you. Take the unity of nations expressed as governments. If one is helplessly sick anywhere, then that unity takes care. If one attacks, it attacks back. It is the strongest expression of that unity. That unity is now represented by a parliament and a president. Though one president changes another takes the place maintaining the continuity.

Similarly there are unities of crime syndicates, thugs, bandits and fascist political parties. If you attack, immediately it attacks back. The unity of nations is the United Nations Organization. It helps even those stateless and nation less.

But this material world is only a small thing. In my exorcism experiences I have known the vast spiritual world, which usually we can’t see directly. But can see their effects. Of course we can’t see anything here directly. When we see a person, we see only his garments and a little skin. Seeing a school we see only some walls and children within. Then by mind’s eye we infer what is what. We can better verify it sooner or later.

In case of spiritual world it is the same thing, though verification takes more effort and time. When a ghost claims that, when alive he was a person named such and lived in such a place, verification is time and labor consuming. It is ‘cause we are worlds apart. No wonder! Even here it takes time to verify far apart things.

If one attacks God, the love-unity of heavens, by anti-love crimes, that unity certainly will correct the situation. But it will be done patiently with love as that is a love-unity. Less loving Lower organizations react punitively and drastically. These fickle organizations infected by greed, vengeance, pride etc. don’t survive long. Though love-God is still in them binding together, the bond is being hacked away by anti-love passions. Weak they are overruled by higher love-integrated organizations. More the internal love, more integrated one is, as love’s nature is binding. Higher organizations are in the higher spiritual world, away from this corrupt material world.

As one denying the unity of his own nation, is sure to harm self and others so also are the deniers of Love-God, the love-unity of the universe. But some atheism comes from Christian churches’ bible-contradiction of love-Father presented by Christ. To justify their war and anti-love actions they compiled bible with violent old testament and fake Revelation, marginalizing the pacifist gospel. By that they equated Absolute love Heavenly Father with those bloody unjust gods killing their purported creation. Why! They are the most responsible for their own products, not their products themselves!

This blasphemy of the church is responsible for the prevalence of atheism among Christian base people. Unless they set themselves apart from that blasphemy of churches and come to true Father they are unguarded orphans by their own accord. Often they commit real or virtual suicide when confronted by helpless suffering.


New member
But this material world is only a small thing. In my exorcism experiences I have known the vast spiritual world, which usually we can’t see directly. But can see their effects. Of course we can’t see anything here directly. When we see a person, we see only his garments and a little skin. Seeing a school we see only some walls and children within. Then by mind’s eye we infer what is what. We can better verify it sooner or later.
Spooky spiritual things can be played out perhaps entirely in the human mind it seems, particularly since any boring requirement for testable and comparative evidence can perhaps be rather easily avoided.;)

In case of spiritual world it is the same thing, though verification takes more effort and time. When a ghost claims that, when alive he was a person named such and lived in such a place, verification is time and labor consuming. It is ‘cause we are worlds apart. No wonder! Even here it takes time to verify far apart things.
What specifically do ghosts say about the real world and can what they say be tested and challenged perhaps, maybe that hidden and perhaps otherwise unknowable physical things might be discovered or learnt about?

If one attacks God...
As an atheist myself I am not minded to attack any gods I simply don't believe in any. But then I haven't experienced any of your spiritual encounters. :plain:


New member
But this material world is only a small thing. In my exorcism experiences I have known the vast spiritual world, which usually we can’t see directly. But can see their effects.
Any independently verifiable evidence of this?
Of course we can’t see anything here directly.
Of course.... :plain:
When a ghost claims that, when alive he was a person named such and lived in such a place, verification is time and labor consuming. It is ‘cause we are worlds apart. No wonder! Even here it takes time to verify far apart things.
hardly the most labour intensive research out there... those doing the research don't even need to be especially qualified!

This just sounds like excuses.
If one attacks God, the love-unity of heavens, by anti-love crimes, that unity certainly will correct the situation. But it will be done patiently with love as that is a love-unity. Less loving Lower organizations react punitively and drastically. These fickle organizations infected by greed, vengeance, pride etc. don’t survive long. Though love-God is still in them binding together, the bond is being hacked away by anti-love passions. Weak they are overruled by higher love-integrated organizations. More the internal love, more integrated one is, as love’s nature is binding. Higher organizations are in the higher spiritual world, away from this corrupt material world.

etc... etc...


Spooky spiritual things can be played out perhaps entirely in the human mind it seems, particularly since any boring requirement for testable and comparative evidence can perhaps be rather easily avoided.;)

Not when insanity and death happens due to Ghosts as it often happen here.

What specifically do ghosts say about the real world and can what they say be tested and challenged perhaps, maybe that hidden and perhaps otherwise unknowable physical things might be discovered or learnt about?
Certainly Ghosts can speak about unknown things that can be verifed. For that u can see my other posts about exorcism

As an atheist myself I am not minded to attack any gods I simply don't believe in any. But then I haven't experienced any of your spiritual encounters. :plain:
When you seek u shall find even near u. Love-God can be ignored, but evil gods like Jehovah can catch you unaware.


Any independently verifiable evidence of this? Of course.... :plain:hardly the most labour intensive research out there... those doing the research don't even need to be especially qualified!

This just sounds like excuses.

How can I prove it to u from here, apart from this posts and my other similar posts? Of course u can find similar things near u and verify yourself. But if u can purposefully close ur eyes.


New member
How can I prove it to u from here, apart from this posts and my other similar posts?
Are there no experiments with controls?

Proofs are not required, a preponderance of evidence changing the perceived probability of your idea is what is asked for. Proof is for maths and little else.
Of course u can find similar things near u and verify yourself. But if u can purposefully close ur eyes.
There are only a few explanations for that:
A. There is obvious evidence and I choose not to see it.
B. There is no evidence
C. There is evidence but there are alternative explanations

You have provided nothing however so that begs the question, why are you talking? Do you think repetition alone will make you more believable or do you just like the reading your own writing?


Are there no experiments with controls?

Proofs are not required, a preponderance of evidence changing the perceived probability of your idea is what is asked for. Proof is for maths and little else.
There are only a few explanations for that:
A. There is obvious evidence and I choose not to see it.
B. There is no evidence
C. There is evidence but there are alternative explanations

You have provided nothing however so that begs the question, why are you talking? Do you think repetition alone will make you more believable or do you just like the reading your own writing?

Then you have to come here to see the proofs yourself. Even videos can be cooked, But ghosts cant be caught on videos.


New member
Spooky spiritual things can be played out perhaps entirely in the human mind it seems, particularly since any boring requirement for testable and comparative evidence can perhaps be rather easily avoided.;)
Not when insanity and death happens due to Ghosts as it often happen here.
Physical effects can be measured and tested, I wonder if you have more than assertions?

What specifically do ghosts say about the real world and can what they say be tested and challenged perhaps, maybe that hidden and perhaps otherwise unknowable physical things might be discovered or learnt about?
Certainly Ghosts can speak about unknown things that can be verifed. For that u can see my other posts about exorcism
I'll see, but if you want to post specific links I will look otherwise post something here that can be considered. Again you’ll probably need to have actual physical evidence, not simply bald assertions, to be convincing to me anyway.

As an atheist myself I am not minded to attack any gods I simply don't believe in any. But then I haven't experienced any of your spiritual encounters. :plain:
When you seek u shall find even near u. Love-God can be ignored, but evil gods like Jehovah can catch you unaware.
Really? Why don’t gods find me then? I at least am not invisible spirit and can be seen and touched physically unlike supposed gods it seems.
Atheists don't usually attack gods it's all the various ideas of gods that people have that are sometimes challenged.


Physical effects can be measured and tested, I wonder if you have more than assertions?

I'll see, but if you want to post specific links I will look otherwise post something here that can be considered. Again you’ll probably need to have actual physical evidence, not simply bald assertions, to be convincing to me anyway.

Really? Why don’t gods find me then? I at least am not invisible spirit and can be seen and touched physically unlike supposed gods it seems.
Atheists don't usually attack gods it's all the various ideas of gods that people have that are sometimes challenged.

How Can I supply physical evidence from here?
Actually nothing can overcome subjective prejudice.

As your Government god or your municipality god know you, so also the gods of the spiritual world know you. Even if they catch you, you can deny them as in the case Govt. god


New member
How Can I supply physical evidence from here?
Actually nothing can overcome subjective prejudice.
Why don't you have a spirit tell you what is on the picture on the wall nearest my living room TV, that would make me think.

As your Government god or your municipality god know you, so also the gods of the spiritual world know you. Even if they catch you, you can deny them as in the case Govt. god
All I know is that other people will tell me that their god or spirit knows me, which isn't really much use to me in practice. Unless perhaps you can tell me what is on the picture near my TV of course, then I might take notice because that would at least be evidence that you are on to something.
My government knows me as a National Insurance number and because I pay taxes and because I am of this world.:plain: