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Genesis 1:2 KJV – “(( Darkness )) was upon the face of the deep”. ---//-- ( And that’s God’s Face ), before anything was, there were only the Light and the ( Darkness ) divided and no one to see or understand the Light but God.
From that time until the coming of Jesus, and then the Gospel of Salvation preached by the Apostles, giving a glimmer of Light to the World. - Only the Promise of that Light was hoped for. -- Followed with God saying, -- Colossians 2:16-18 KJV – 17 – “Which ( are ) a shadow of things to come; but the Body ( is ) of Christ”. ---//-- The things that were to come were going to be in and of the Light in its ( fullness ), but were seen only darkly also as shadows of (( These Things ))!! - Jesus came in the ( fullness and brightness ), ( revealing ) the things that were not seen, but ( now are seen ); ( AD70 ).

1 Corinthians 13:11-13 KJV – “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but ( when I became a man ), I put away childish things. 12- For now we see through a glass, darkly; (( but then )) face to face: now I know in part; (( but then )) shall I know even as also (( I am known )). 13- And now abideth faith, hope, and (( charity ))”. ---//-- (( NOW )) the Hope is fulfilled and the Brightness of the Knowledge is ( Come ) (((( Washing away all Shadows of SIN )))). – Today if you only teach the things to ( come ), you have indeed missed the Truth that now shines (( Through the Darkness )) and is seen only through God’s window of Salvation / the Word of God in all fulfilled Truth / Jesus the CHRIST!!

From the Beginning until the ending there were only the reflections of God, through the Truth that was incomplete, but when the Perfect Truth / Jesus – 1 Corinthians 13:10 KJV – “(( When that which is “perfect is come” )) , ( then ) (( that which is in part shall be done away )). ---//-- That which was in part was the shadows of the perfect Truth / Jesus Christ / (((((( THE LOVE OF THE WHOLE TRUTH )))))). One cannot Love the Whole Truth, unless one KNOWS the Whole Truth / Jesus Christ.

Now we see in the Word of God, the Truth / Jesus Christ, who we are, the same as God did see us in those days. – Therefore, I know who I am, and you are still looking for the Truth of who ( you are ). – (((( That’s what the Judgment )))) is (( All About )), You are ordained to find out just who you are, but ((( THEN ))) it’s too late!!!

Paul – 070212