Record Rise in Anti-Semitic attacks in 2017

The Barbarian

The Anti-Defamation League has identified 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents in its 2017 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents. That's up from 1,267 in 2016, marking the highest single-year increase since the organization released its first audit in 1979.

The annual audit tracks incidents of vandalism, harassment or assault reported to the ADL by law enforcement, media and victims. All reported incidents are assessed by ADL staff members for credibility by seeking independent verification.

"A confluence of events in 2017 led to a surge in attacks on our community — from bomb threats, cemetery desecrations, white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, and children harassing children at school," said CEO and National Director Jonathan A. Greenblatt in a statement.

The Barbarian

Some sanity from the California GOP:

Neo-Nazi Senate candidate kicked out of California Republican Party convention

An anti-Semitic GOP Senate candidate was kicked out of the California Republican Party’s convention in San Diego on Saturday morning, with one witness saying he was dragging and kicking an Israeli flag while being escorted out.

Party officials said that, from the outset of the convention the candidate, Patrick Little, was not welcome at the gathering.

“There's no room for that kind of hate speech that that man uses," said Cynthia Bryant, executive director of the California Republican Party.

In a recent interview with Newsweek, Little praised Adolf Hilter. His website is filled with anti-Semitic rants.

Little was trying to register as a VIP at the party’s convention at the Sheraton Hotel and Marina in San Diego when party officials recognized his name and alerted hotel security, who removed him.

Republican political consultant Luis Alvarado said he witnessed the fracas, and said it was disturbing.

"That certainly doesn't represent the values of the Republican Party," he said.

Little emerged from obscurity after a recent SurveyUSA poll found that he was supported by 18% of California voters, putting him in second place behind Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who is running for her fifth full term.

Establishment republicans, shocked that Little was the most popular republican in the race, reacted by expelling him from the convention.

Hopefully, this starts a trend. Maybe they should do that to Nazis running as republicans in Illinois and Wisconsin as well. It could be a fresh start for the party.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Some sanity from the California GOP:

Neo-Nazi Senate candidate kicked out of California Republican Party convention...Hopefully, this starts a trend. Maybe they should do that to Nazis running as republicans in Illinois and Wisconsin as well. It could be a fresh start for the party.
Agreed. This should be the response of the party with the alt right and anyone who latches onto the brand with that sort of loathsome mentality. I suspect the only reason it hasn't been is the onion skin thin margins of victory to be had these days in a few states. The response to that should be coalition formations, but instead too many pushing extreme agendas are seizing the opportunity to gain stature and power.

Time to do something about that on both sides of the political aisle.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Agreed. This should be the response of the party with the alt right and anyone who latches onto the brand with that sort of loathsome mentality. I suspect the only reason it hasn't been is the onion skin thin margins of victory to be had these days in a few states. The response to that should be coalition formations, but instead too many pushing extreme agendas are seizing the opportunity to gain stature and power.

Time to do something about that on both sides of the political aisle.

I think it is ignored because no state would elect anyone with extreme racist ideals. Some may squeak by because the person keeps that sentiment out of the mainstream media. If I am wrong, I know it would not be a southern state, we know better.

When Trump said the stock market would crash if he were ever impeached, he is using a scare tactic. Actually a president who is more a follower would likely benefit the market!

The Barbarian

Agreed. This should be the response of the party with the alt right and anyone who latches onto the brand with that sort of loathsome mentality. I suspect the only reason it hasn't been is the onion skin thin margins of victory to be had these days in a few states. The response to that should be coalition formations, but instead too many pushing extreme agendas are seizing the opportunity to gain stature and power.

Time to do something about that on both sides of the political aisle.

Yep. Antifa, if they should get power, would be no better than Trump is.

This goes back to the issue of Gerrymandering, which by producing large numbers of safe seats for left and right, ends up giving us increasingly radicalized candidates on both sides.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Antisemitic is defined as being "hostile to or prejudiced against Jews."

The Dems have become the greatest enemy of the democratic state of Israel because they have continually interfered in their elections:

"Special counsel Robert Mueller has sent his gumshoes to Israel. They’re reportedly looking into an Israeli firm that may have led “a social-media manipulation effort” designed to help elect President Trump.

It’s the latest tangent of the sprawling “collusion” inquiry. And the move lays bare a glaring hypocrisy. After all, if the United States wants to investigate meddling in foreign elections, Israel is a great place to look. Just not for the reason Mueller & Co. think.

Just a few years ago in 2015, then-President Barack Obama threw everything he had into an effort to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party in Israel’s most recent election. He became only the latest of our Democratic US presidents to do so.

First, Obama — according to The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, a close watcher of the Obama team’s Mideast work — tried to “force a rupture in the governing coalition that will make it necessary for Netanyahu to take into his government [Tzipi] Livni’s centrist Kadima Party.”

When that didn’t work, the president went all in. A bipartisan report from the Senate, issued in July 2016, found that taxpayer dollars were involved. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations concluded that $350,000 had gone to a group called OneVoice. It obeyed the rules of the grant, intended to support peace.

Once the grant ended, though, the infrastructure and resources “created, in part, from US grant funds” were, said the Senate, used “to support a political campaign to defeat the incumbent Israeli government.”

That campaign was known as “V15,” as in Victory 2015. Its aim seems to have been to elect as prime minister anyone other than Netanyahu. It looked like that was in the bag, too.

Only four days before the election, Reuters reported, the opinion polls showed Netanyahu’s Likud losing to Zionist Union by something on the order of four seats. Why not, with all the help Obama mustered?

Those wily Israelis, though, turned around and elected Netanyahu prime minister anyhow. The Democratic press here in America was in a snit almost as bad as the one that followed the election of Trump.

“Go ahead, ruin my day,” was how Thomas Friedman of The New York Times greeted Netanyahu’s upset. He suggested “facts on the ground” had made “a laughingstock of our hopes.”

In Obama’s defense, interfering in Israel’s elections had almost become a Democratic Party tradition. President Bill Clinton started it in 1996, when he tried to tilt the vote to Labor’s Shimon Peres — also against Netanyahu. This was after Peres’ predecessor, Yitzhak Rabin, was killed by a right-wing assassin bent on stopping the peace process Rabin and Peres had begun.

Clinton failed, and Israelis gave Netanyahu his first term as premier. Netanyahu promptly accepted an invitation from the new Republican speaker, Newt Gingrich, to address a joint meeting of Congress.

That infuriated Clinton. He got his revenge in 1999, when Netanyahu lost a no-confidence vote in the Knesset, precipitating an election that pitted him against Israel’s most decorated war hero, Ehud Barak.

The irony this time was that Democrats almost certainly didn’t need to lift a finger to knock Bibi from office, and it’s debatable whether they deserve any blame for the result. Nonetheless, they sent in the big guns: Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg and Clinton-campaign mastermind James Carville went to work for Barak. Netanyahu lost in a landslide.

Barak won office after promising never to concede even part of Jerusalem to the Arabs. Once elected, he went to Camp David II and offered up part of Jerusalem for a Palestinian capital.

He was trounced in the next election by Likud’s Ariel Sharon.

Amazingly, it was only this spring that Clinton confessed his surreptitious role in Israel’s 1996 election. “I tried to do it in a way that didn’t overtly involve me,” he told Israeli television.

So every Democratic president in Netanyahu’s career meddled in Israeli elections to depose Bibi.

Which brings me back to Mueller’s mission. Maybe he’ll find the Israeli firm — called Psy-Group — broke American law (a lawyer for one of its principals denied any wrongdoing, the Times reported). And there’s no connection to the Israeli government.

My own view is that if a superpower can’t try to influence elections around the world, what’s the point of being a superpower to start with? If we’re going to interfere, though, how is Mueller’s mission to Israel not the height of hypocrisy?"

The Barbarian

The rise in terrorism in the United States is primarily due to emboldened right wing extremists, who are convinced their time has come:

Terrorism is in retreat around the world. Attacks fell from about 17,000 in 2014 to about 11,000 in 2017, and dropped almost 40% in the Middle East. Yet not in the US.

The country is seeing a surge in terrorism. There were only six attacks in the US a decade ago, but 65 in 2017. The number of fatalities is also increasing.

Most attacks in 2017 were thought to be motivated by right-leaning ideologies, a Quartz analysis of data from the Global Terrorism Database shows. Out of 65 incidents, 37 were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations.

That list includes the case in which neo-Nazi extremist James Fields is accused of driving into a crowd of counter-protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia last year, killing one person. It also includes attacks on a gay bar in Puerto Rico, mosques in Washington, Texas, and Florida, and a vehicle decorated with Jewish iconography in New York.

Meanwhile, 11 attacks were inspired by left-leaning ideologies. And seven were linked to Islamic extremists, including the vehicle-ramming Sayfullo Saipov was arrested for in New York that left eight people dead.

The Barbarian

‘Jews will not replace us’: Why white supremacists go after Jews

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
What could be more anti-Semitic than the Dems giving funds to support a political campaign to defeat the incumbent Israeli government?

Nothing, that's what!

A vote for the Dems is a vote for lawlessness!

The Barbarian

Let's see what Israelis say...

As anti-Semitic incidents in US soar, ADL says Trump is part of the problem
Jonathan Greenblatt: US president's Twitter account has 'emboldened and given encouragement to the worst anti-Semites and bigots'

“I think what’s new is today we have a situation where literally the presidential Twitter account is retweeting memes that originate on sub-reddits that are developed by some of the worst segments of society,” Greenblatt went on. “The president’s retweeting of white supremacists and anti-Semitic memes during the campaign and, more recently, sharing tweets from a UK racist group — those are alarming. Those tweets and rhetoric have emboldened and given encouragement to the worst anti-Semites and bigots.”

Whereas previous presidents often denounced hateful groups and their leaders, Trump has failed to consistently and unequivocally do the same, such as after a white-supremacist rally turned violent last summer in Charlottesville, Virginia. He said in a press conference days later that there were “very fine people on both sides.”