ECT "Rebellion against Pauline authority"


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One of C.R. Stam's better TWO MINUTES WITH THE BIBLE briefs.

One of the chief reasons why so many sincere religious people are left in doubt and uncertainty as to salvation is because the organized Church has rebelled against a distinct and important revelation from God to us who live in this present age. This revelation is found in the inspired words of Paul, in Rom. 11:13:

“For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles. I magnify mine office.”

Many minimize that which the Word of God magnifies here. They insist upon following Peter rather than Paul, failing to see that Peter’s authority concerned the now-rejected kingdom of Christ on earth over Israel and the nations. Our Lord had said to His twelve apostles:

“Verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed Me, in the regeneration, when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, YE ALSO SHALL SIT UPON TWELVE THRONES, JUDGING THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL” (Matt. 19:28).

Surely there are no twelve tribes in the Church today, nor was any provision, specific or implied, made by our Lord for “apostolic succession.” This dogma is built upon the unscriptural assumption that the Church today is the kingdom which Christ established when on earth, and that our ministry today is but a perpetuation of that which the twelve began.

The fact is that the ministry of the twelve was halted by the rejection of the King and His kingdom and that the apostles themselves finally agreed to turn their proposed Gentile ministry over to Paul, that other apostle, to whom had been committed “the gospel of the grace of God” (Read carefully, Gal. 2:2-9 and Acts 20:24).

If only the confused religious masses could see that when Israel joined the Gentiles in rebellion against God, when the world’s sin had risen to its height and all was ready for judgment, God revealed “the exceeding riches of His grace” by saving Saul, the chief of sinners, and sending him forth as both the herald and the living example of His grace! Thus he writes:

“Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound, BUT WHERE SIN ABOUNDED, GRACE DID MUCH MORE ABOUND: “THAT AS SIN HATH REIGNED UNTO DEATH, EVEN SO MIGHT GRACE REIGN, through righteousness, unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 5:20,21).​

Hopefully the self-appointed Sheriff of MADingham will have the grace not to dispute it, but just let it ride this time.
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Well-known member
One of his better TWO MINUTES WITH THE BIBLE briefs.

Hopefully the self-appointed Sheriff of MADingham will have the grace not to dispute it, but just let it ride this time.

There is no source given, but that doesn't concern me.

this is a hodge-podge of sound-bytes that thinks that just because you say the reign of God is present in the proclamation of Christ as Lord and of his Gospel, that you are automatically RCC or something. Which is not what they proclaim anyway.

There is never another program offered by Christ. There has been no interruption. Everything has taken place as planned, as the end of Rom 16 shows. The term 'epitagen' there is a royal or imperial decree (obviously he did not mean Rome) that the influx of the believers from the nations was planned all along, but not seen (ie mysterious) to Judaism. Because it was through the Gospel not the Law, as Eph 3:6 says.

The resurrection was the enthronement of Christ and is to be preached that way--that he is Lord of this world and that all must obey, and that the resurrection proves he accomplished justification from our sins for us.

There is now another covenant, temple, Lamb, priesthood, tribes, Israel, etc. The time for all things to be made new has come, Acts 3:21. New wine in old wineskins, bursting.


Well-known member
Stone towers remained standing, leaving preterism without the slightest foundation to stand on. Take a hike.

I forgot to name Stam, it's added.

The babies that nursed while the crucifixion happened were adults when the time of wrath in fulfillment of all that was written took place. You really need to know much more about mid-1st century history in Judea before you hang everything on on a soundbyte. No stones is a figure of speech. It means wasted. It was.


Well-known member
There is now another covenant, temple, Lamb, priesthood, tribes, Israel, etc. The time for all things to be made new has come, Acts 3:21. New wine in old wineskins, bursting.


Well-known member
Towers standing after 70 = preterism is a lie. Be a man, suck it up, burn your books and drop your error in the dirt.

You've missed the whole point, and that is not what preterism is. Preterism is not a retelling of history. That stands on its own. Preterism is some set of beliefs about an age or ongoing period since then, and is often glommed on as much as D'ism.

As you know, before you reduced everything to "two towers" (don't forget the bonus wall--Danoh), Jesus said the place was desolate. That's from Daniel 9. That's why they asked what was going to happen to all of Herod's pretty buildings and what was coming. He resoundingly showed it was all going to be ruined. It was all coming to an end. The "end" probably meant to include the worship system, which Hebrews said more elegantly.

It does not all hinge on what happened with "two towers." 1.5M died. The zealots were stamped out and tried pathetically again in a generation and failed. there were signs from heaven, sounds, thermal activity, the worst of infighting and of other human behavior. It was an awful event by any standard. It was desolated.

When he said that he said 'house.' That's not just a building, it's an institution that was supposed to stand for years.


Well-known member
Towers standing = Luke 19:44 unfulfilled = preterism is false.

Drop it in the dirt and repent (change your mind) of your errors, which you only compound upon yourself.

There are two many passages otherwise to base a belief on a figure of speech that means the same thing anyway.

You have to provide reasons not dictatorship.


Well-known member
As you know, before you reduced everything to "two towers"

I didn't reduce it to that. Christ did in Luke 19:44. Your problem is a lack of belief because of your having bought in to preterism, which now trumps the plain Words of Christ. I wouldn't be in your shoes for anything. You'd best repent of it while there's grace to repent.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Great points. I have to point out that they are made on TOL all the time. And we are told giants in church history reject this recent teaching.


Well-known member
Towers standing = Luke 19:44 unfulfilled = preterism is false.

Drop it in the dirt and repent (change your mind) of your errors, which you only compound upon yourself.

There are two many passages otherwise to base a belief on a figure of speech that means the same thing anyway.

You have to provide reasons not dictatorship.


Well-known member
I didn't reduce it to that. Christ did in Luke 19:44. Your problem is a lack of belief because of your having bought in to preterism, which now trumps the plain Words of Christ. I wouldn't be in your shoes for anything. You'd best repent of it while there's grace to repent.

Christ did no such thing. He mentioned the city surrounded, the sabbath police, and 15 other indicators. It is you who have reduced it to one thing. And you have no reasonable answer about the nursing babies who become adults and go through the DofJ as adults. As far as I know you have no knowledge of 1st century history.

The extreme threats just roll off like pond water on a duck, so try to come up with some thing rational. this is ridiculous. There is no more anti-Christianity in either of us than there is about two ways of baptising, so knock of the know it all warnings to 'repent' about a debate like this. Save it for a perversion or for adultery, understand?

I'm a historian first, then a linguist, then a theologian. I doubt I'm a preterist from what I've heard. The mission of the apostles and the appeal to Israel to save it from the DofJ are historic fact.


New member
One of C.R. Stam's better TWO MINUTES WITH THE BIBLE briefs.

Hopefully the self-appointed Sheriff of MADingham will have the grace not to dispute it, but just let it ride this time.

:chuckle: Stam himself never held some key aberrations being espoused on TOL as MAD understandings.


New member
Do you have something useful to say or are you a degrading dictator by nature because the actual reasons in scripture have you cornered?

You're just being as one sided yourself.

You are often telling people to get off the forum.

Not to mention; the countless posts you start against MAD - not simply incompetently attempting to address beliefs MAD supposedly holds only to continually prove you know nothing of - but hurling derisives at MADs.

Lazy afternoon

The fact is that the ministry of the twelve was halted by the rejection of the King and His kingdom and that the apostles themselves finally agreed to turn their proposed Gentile ministry over to Paul, that other apostle, to whom had been committed “the gospel of the grace of God” (Read carefully, Gal. 2:2-9 and Acts 20:24).

Made up, The verses say nothing of the sort.

Act 15:7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.
Act 15:8 And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;
Act 15:9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
Act 15:10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
Act 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
