really strange thing happens when Rs go to Washington..


New member
Yeh, it's the strangest thing, how a conservative can have a really good spiel about how he is going to change WA and do this and tht to cut gov spending and cut the size of government and etc... etc... but then when he gets to WA... he slowly.. or maybe not so slowly... becomes a rino...

and that is BEST case scenario... A lot of the times he just becomes Dem Lite...



How many candidates... Please count them... how many do we KNOW-- just totally KNOW won't do that?

There is really only one... or maybe 2

But we KNOW there is at least this ONE: Ted Cruz

I believe Walker may be another one, but... hasn't been tested in the same ways as Cruz has. Still, he fought the unions in Wisconsin... and did other great conservative things there.

We would like to believe fiorina wouldn't morph into a rino, but again, she hasn't really been tested, hasn't been to WA yet...

ditto Trump

ditto just about all of them



New member

no one disagreed w/ me

Ted Cruz is a virtual saint... He has defied the Washington Cartel even though it meant being excluded...

excluded from their private little, tax-funded boy's (mostly boy's) club

He said in his book that he did not go to WA to join a club.

Gingrich was once a true R... became a rino...

but he is not the only one.. (for more info on Gingrich losing his R-ness, read book by Tom Coburn, another person who refused to become a Dem)


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Yeh, it's the strangest thing, how a conservative can have a really good spiel about how he is going to change WA and do this and tht to cut gov spending and cut the size of government and etc... etc... but then when he gets to WA... he slowly.. or maybe not so slowly... becomes a rino...

Because the world system belongs to Satan, and politicians work for Satan. Why are you obsessed with Satan's kingdom rather than God's?


Originally Posted by republicanchick
Yeh, it's the strangest thing, how a conservative can have a really good spiel about how he is going to change WA and do this and tht to cut gov spending and cut the size of government and etc... etc... but then when he gets to WA... he slowly.. or maybe not so slowly... becomes a rino...

Because the world system belongs to Satan, and politicians work for Satan. Why are you obsessed with Satan's kingdom rather than God's?

Are you not aware that God ordained civil government as one of three institutions (the Family and Church being the other two) for the governance of man?

Are you not aware that the Bible talks quite a bit about the righteous role of government?

Educate yourself Paul:

Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry


New member

Are you not aware that God ordained civil government as one of three institutions (the Family and Church being the other two) for the governance of man?

Are you not aware that the Bible talks quite a bit about the righteous role of government?


yeh, good psg to bring up... for all those who would avoid voting just b/c Jesus Christ (their version thereof) isn't on the ballot...

but then, you know.. if u were to go by this psg alone... you would be free to not vote, wouldn't u? after all, if God is in control regardless of who is in office... and yet we see that... the guy is at least half right: Satan is in control of the world, for the most part..

"We must obey God rather than man"

(one of the apostles... Paul, i believe. . not sure he can be called Apostle?)
