Real Science Radio: Nye/Ham Debate Analysis Pt. 3


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RSR Nye/Ham Debate Analysis Pt. 3

This is the show from Friday February 14th, 2014


* More Nye: Backing Up Claims with Claims: Bob Enyart and Fred Williams answer the remainder of Bill Nye's claims on today's Real Science Radio program showing again how Bill Nye uses claims to back up claims and various arguments that have been rejected by well-known evolutionists. Ken Ham put the debate in it's proper biblical context and the scientific evidence he did use was up-to-date and powerful. He also shared the gospel with the five million people who watched the debate. The guys do, however, list the ten big scientific advances that provide strong evidence against evolution that Ken could have mentioned.

* Ten Big Scientific Advances that Went Unused: A criticism of Ken was that regarding science he didn't take the offensive, and left unused powerful evidence like these ten enormously powerful advances in scientific discovery:

* dinosaur soft tissue * short-lived carbon-14 everywhere it shouldn't be * the tree of life demolished by both genetic sequencing and out-of-sequence fossils * the fine tuning of the cosmos and red-shift evidence for a center to the universe * major discoveries that undermine the big bang * irreducible complexity and everywhere evidence of design * layered strata from Mount St. Helens * Grand Canyon nautiloids and a clearer statement of its flat gaps!

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* You're Invited to Hear Parts 1 & 2 of the RSR Analysis: If you enjoyed this program, you also may enjoy hearing the Real Science Radio:
- RSR Debate Analysis Part 1 & Part 2
- and our interview of Ken Ham on the day prior to the big debate.

* Observational and Historical Science Not as Different as Claimed: Ken Ham was not only reaching out to Bill Nye, but also to the Christians who have been misled into believing in millions of years. It was a tough job and he did admirably. When Ken did present scientific evidence, his was current and relevant, as compared to Nye's, who used a lot of evidence rejected by leading evolutionists years ago. Ken lost points, however, for wasting ten precious minutes needlessly emphasizing the distinction between observational and historical science. That is not the significant factor that so many creationists make of it. With their argument, creationists are mimicking the materialist claim that you can only know that which your five senses tell you. (Rebuttal: Says which of the five?) On Part 2 of our debate analysis, see our article RSR vs. Creationist Views of Forensic Science.

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* Ken Ham's Unanswered Question: The invention of technology does not require a belief in Darwinism or the Big Bang. To make that point Ken asked Bill Nye to name a single technolgy that required a belief in evolution to invent. Of course, Nye did not, and of course he could not, provide an answer. We provide a convenient list at

Light bulb, vacuums, pasteurization, railway, typewriter, electric motor, carburetor, loudspeaker, telephone, phonograph, microphone, photographic film, seismograph, solar panels, punch cards, cars, combustion engine, AC transformer, contact lens, tractor, ballpoint pen, cinematography, wind energy, zipper, escalator, X-ray, remote control, tape recorder, air conditioning, fire fighting foam, neon lamp, EKG, airplane, seismometer, sonar, radio, TV, rockets, radar, sliced bread, transfusion (think Harvey here), EEG, steel, radio telescope, jet engine, computer, Velcro, transistor, atomic clock, nuclear reactor, fiber optics, hard drives, satellites, spandex and spam, lasers, digital photography, optical disc, 3D holography, LED, mouse, lunar lander, Venus lander, video games, video cassette, space station, e-mail, karaoke :), LCD, microprocessor, MRI, Ethernet, PC, DNA sequencing, Internet, Plasma TV, GPS, MP3 player, flash drive? (See more inventions and discoveries.)

The Bob Enyart Live / RSR Telethon is Underway! Real Science Radio on BEL does so much every month on a shoestring budget. With God's blessing and your help, we'll do even more this year. Our goal is $25,000. Please consider helping with a donation or purchase. With any monthly product subscription or donation of $50.00 or more we will give you a Ray Comfort's DVD Evolution vs. God as a free gift. Please order online at the KGOV Store today or call us at 1-800-8ENYART. Thank you so much for helping us reach the world for Jesus Christ!