RSR: Jesus & Anne Habermehl Use the Septuagint
This is the show from Friday January 9th, 2014
Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews creation author Anne Habermehl on the Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, the version of the Scriptures frequently quoted from in the New Testament by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Instead of using a 6,000-year age for the Earth, RSR has always said that God created the Earth "less than 10,000 years ago", in part because the Septuagint's ages for the patriarchs calculates to a 7,500 year old earth. Very recently, Dr. Walt Brown's efforts, see, to scientifically date the global flood, yield a date consistent with the Septuagint.
This is the show from Friday January 9th, 2014
Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews creation author Anne Habermehl on the Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, the version of the Scriptures frequently quoted from in the New Testament by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Instead of using a 6,000-year age for the Earth, RSR has always said that God created the Earth "less than 10,000 years ago", in part because the Septuagint's ages for the patriarchs calculates to a 7,500 year old earth. Very recently, Dr. Walt Brown's efforts, see, to scientifically date the global flood, yield a date consistent with the Septuagint.