Real Science Friday: The Trouble with Chalk (for evolutionists)


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The Trouble with Chalk (for evolutionists)

This is the show from Friday December 21st, 2012.


* More Physicists Suggest Alternative to the Big Bang: RSF co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the latest issue of Creation magazine that raises questions about fascinating scientific matters, including:

- Contrary to Lawrence Krauss Assertions to Bob Enyart: More physicists are rejecting the big bang. When theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical) Lawrence Krauss indicated that only scientists in irrelevant fields would doubt the big bang, and also that "all evidence supports the big bang", he opened himself to being easily proved wrong (by both atheists and creationists). Bob and Fred add to the list of those who disagree with Krauss the physicists from the University of Melbourne, who are part of the growing list of cosmologists, astronomers, physicists, and astrophysicists who are suggesting alternatives to and even publicly rejecting the big bang. (See also our growing List of Evidence that Contradicts the Big Bang.)

- Amazing Ten Commandments Research at the University of California: be amazed!

- The "Simple" E. coli Bacteria Blows Everyone's Mind: Bob & Fred update their previous report on a simpler microbe which required 128 computers to simulate. Brace yourself!

- The Old Earth Is Thwarted By, Of All Things, Chalk: actually, by the chalk-like diatomaceous earth that buried a whale in many, many layers of allegedly super-slowly deposited diatoms.

- Forget Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Now They've Got 86 Million Year Old Living Bacteria: :)

- Fish Swarm Brilliantly, Like Birds & Bees: The researchers say that what fish do is similar to how highway drivers navigate, however, bees, birds, and fish do this not in simple two dimensions as on the plane of a highway, but in a three-dimensional 360-degree space.

For today's show RSF recommends
What You Aren't Being Told
[by NPR's Science Friday] About Astronomy:
Our Created Solar System!

* UPDATE -- National Public Radio Program Suing Bob & Fred: After the NY Post broke the story in the mainstream press, the Denver Post article, Arvada pastor says his science show is real deal, reported:

"We think [National Public Radio's] Ira Flatow is a little bit jealous," Enyart said. "For example, when people want to find out the latest science — like finds of dinosaur soft tissue — they come to 'Real Science Friday.' We beat out a lot of science sites."

A Google search of "dinosaur soft tissue" brings up Smithsonian Magazine first on the list, but Enyart's site is fourth [now second] — well ahead of National Geographic's and NPR's.

Today’s Resources: Get the Spike Psarris DVD What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy and Vol. II, Our Created Stars and Galaxies! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out also Walt Brown’s In the Beginning! And you can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!


New member
Here is an abstract of a paper on the buried whale that buries the claim it supports YECism:

Fossil whale preservation implies high diatom accumulation rate in the Miocene–Pliocene Pisco Formation of Peru

Leonard R. Brand*1, Raúl Esperante*2, Arthur V. Chadwick*3, Orlando Poma Porras*4 and Merling Alomía*4
+ Author Affiliations


Diatomaceous deposits in the Miocene–Pliocene Pisco Formation contain abundant whales preserved in pristine condition (bones articulated or at least closely associated), in some cases including preserved baleen. The well-preserved whales indicate rapid burial. The 346 whales within ∼1.5 km2 of surveyed surface were not buried as an event, but were distributed uninterrupted through an 80-m-thick sedimentary section. The diatomaceous sediment lacks repeating primary laminations, but instead is mostly massive, with irregular laminations and speckles. There is no evidence for bioturbation by invertebrates in the whale-bearing sediment. Current depositional models do not account for the volume of diatomaceous sediments or the taphonomic features of the whales. These taphonomic and sedimentary features suggest that rapid burial due to high diatom accumulation, in part by lateral advection into protected, shallow embayments, is responsible for the superb preservation of these whales, leading to a higher upper limit on phytoplankton accumulation rates than previously documented.


New member
"More physicists" are rejecting big bang?

Looking at the linked list of scientists and others who have signed a statement repudiating the big bang, I see that top of the list, and probable instigator, is none other than Halton Arp!

Halton has become a conspiracy crank because no one took his pet theory, of high redshift quasars being associated with low redshift galaxies, as true. His theory seems to be a result of observational bias, as this unbiased survey paper concludes:

If Arp is top of the list, I don't think I need to check the credentials of the rest. The list is undermined.


New member
The article rebuts Krauss's assertion the scientists are Darwinists by referring to a Harvard paper that give a number of college Professors who approve of intelligent design.

But, this paper surveyed ALL subject areas including art and theology professors, economists and law professors, nursing and management information professors.

Don't you this that quoting this research is somewhat misleading and dishonest?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Funny how evolutionists think that because they have a story, every other story must be false. :chuckle:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Funny how YECs think that because they have a story, every other story must be false. :chuckle:

Actually, no. We tend to say things like "explanations aren't evidence" and then ask for evidence.

Or perhaps you have an example of a YEC telling a story and presenting it as evidence. :idunno:

I know where atheists have done it. :cool:


New member
That would be because

'An explanation is a set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, context, and consequences of those facts.'


In other words, the explanation accounts for the evidence in a consilient, reasoned and, ultimately, falsifiable way.

The Barbarian

And a merry Christmas to you, too, LK. BTW, did you see elsewhere that another creationist tried to recycle the old termite story?