Real Science Friday: Microbiologist Anderson on Epigenetics


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RSF: Microbiologist Anderson on Epigenetics

This is the show from Friday, June 15th 2012.

Evolutionists, I defy you to give any rational attempt at an explanation of epigenetics from a Darwinian position. You can write to me at the Creation Research Society. I defy you. This is a gauntlet thrown down. It absolutely is completely contrary to any prediction Darwinism ever made.


* CRS Ph.D. in Microbiology Kevin Anderson in Studio Real Science Friday's Bob Enyart interviews Creation Research Society board member and microbiologist Dr. Kevin Anderson about the astounding developments in genetic research, creation science, and the amazing new field of epigenetics. (Question: In the city metaphor for a living cell, if the downtown area is the nucleus, and the central library is the DNA molecule, what would you call the train schedule printed on the wall at the station?)

* Epigenetics: Our DNA, for all it's wonder, complexity, and sophistication, tells only part of the story. Watch the two-minute video embedded here which just begins to give examples of additional layers of information that control how our genes are used. Then consider Dr. Anderson's challenge by which he defies any evolutionist to even attempt to give a rational explanation for the origin of the epigenetic mechanisms by any Darwinian means.

* Our Dinosaur Soft Tissue Page Update: We've just updated our database adding a report on soft tissue in allegedly 50-million year old lizard skin! Last week CRS microscopy expert Mark Armitage complimented our listing as the web's most complete catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue from dinosaurs! Also, in the near future, RSF will upload photos we took of Mark's Triceratops bone and also we'll upload photos that Mark took, but with an electron microscope, of the same fragment!


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