Real Science Friday: Fingers, Lobsters, Bubbles & Junk

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RSF: Fingers, Lobsters, Bubbles & Junk

This is the show from Friday, June 5th, 2009.


* Real Science Friday Co-hosts Having Fun: CRS webmaster Fred Williams and Bob Enyart enjoy talking about the latest science news and evidence against evolution and for our Creator God, including:
- more "junk DNA" that the scientists just figured out is NOT junk!
- headline for every evolution article on genetics is: Oops!
- the mathematical proof that humans did not descend from chimps (required family size)
- fingertip control: wow!
- lobsters: primitive (but tasty!) creatures outsmarting commercial fishermen
- elephants' tails
- tiny water bubbles collapsing (natural cavitation bubbles reach 27,000 degrees F).

Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!


New member
Best quote: Pastor Bob on red blood cells: "they are shaped like a cup to carry the oxygen". Gee, do those cups have handles? What happens if they tip over, does all that oxygen spill out????
Can we display our ignorance of science any better? Just wait, the answer to that question is certainly "yes".

And there it was, a little later, as Bob was recounting his clear victory in a debate with some godless evilutionists, and the question of the relationship between Newton and the rate at which portions of spiral galaxies spin came up. The scientists had no answer----and they admitted they had no answer. Imagine that!!!! A scientist suggesting he does not know the answer. As opposed to Pastor Bob and his science guy who KNOW the answer cause it is in the Bible. Whew, am I glad I listened to this one. I feel so much better.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Jukia, you are correct of course; I was wrong

Jukia, you are correct of course; I was wrong

Best quote: Pastor Bob on red blood cells: "they are shaped like a cup to carry the oxygen". Gee, do those cups have handles? What happens if they tip over, does all that oxygen spill out????
Can we display our ignorance of science any better?

Jukia, you are correct. I was wrong. I apologize for the false, grade-school description of sickle-cell anemia I gave. This was an error of repeating what was learned as a child without thinking of the absurdity of it. The malformed red blood cells are not even the cause, but the result, of the disease, which arises from abnormal hemoglobin molecules.

-Bob Enyart

p.s. We've noted that I made this error in the KGOV show summary for this program; we removed the error; and linked to this post containing Jukia's criticism.

p.s.s. Of course this error doesn't change the force of our argument: the intensity with which Darwinists insist that disease is evidence of molecules-to-man evolution indicates their lack of actual evidence.

p.s.s.s. As for those missing handles, hey, perhaps they're intentionally hidden in all those suspicious images? And as for spilling out, everybody knows that oxygen does not spill out of tipped cups (see photo)! :duh:
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New member
Jukia, you are correct. I was wrong. I apologize for the false, grade-school description of sickle-cell anemia I gave. This was an error of repeating what was learned as a child without thinking of the absurdity of it. The malformed red blood cells are not even the cause, but the result, of the disease, which arises from abnormal hemoglobin molecules.

-Bob Enyart

p.s. Of course this error doesn't change the force of our argument: the intensity with which Darwinists insist that disease is evidence of molecules-to-man evolution indicates their lack of actual evidence.

p.s.s. As for those missing handles, hey, perhaps they're intentionally hidden in all those suspicious images. And as for spilling out, everybody knows that oxygen does not spill out of tipped cups (see photo)! :duh:

Human red blood cells are concave on both sides. Handles or not, they are not "cup-shaped".

Why is it that you creationists love to use the term "Darwinist"? After all Charlie has been gone for quite a while. There has been a lot of science since then. Perhaps it makes it easier for your followers to jump on board. Sort of like blaming Judas for Christ's death. You can blame Darwin for all that is wrong in society today.


New member
Human red blood cells are concave on both sides. Handles or not, they are not "cup-shaped".

I seem to recall my early biology teacher describing them as "cup-shaped", too, as a matter of fact. Ah, the wonders of grade-school biology books.

Why is it that you creationists love to use the term "Darwinist"?

Gee, I dunno, considering he's the father of the Evolutionary Theory... tough one to answer.


New member
I seem to recall my early biology teacher describing them as "cup-shaped", too, as a matter of fact. Ah, the wonders of grade-school biology books.

Gee, I dunno, considering he's the father of the Evolutionary Theory... tough one to answer.

Perhaps a reason for going beyond grade-school knowledge.

Yep Darwin is at least one of the father's of evolutionary theory, but it seems to me that creationists don't bother to get past Darwin, much as you seem to have not gotten past a grade-school text. It makes it so much easier to ask, as Kent Hovind often did, "Did your grandfather look like this..." and show a picture of an ape or monkey. It suggests a lack of knowledge, intellectual curiosity or, in Hovind's case, dishonesty.


New member
Jukia, you are correct. I was wrong. I apologize for the false, grade-school description of sickle-cell anemia I gave. This was an error of repeating what was learned as a child without thinking of the absurdity of it. The malformed red blood cells are not even the cause, but the result, of the disease, which arises from abnormal hemoglobin molecules.
Have you considered that, because you lack a significant science education, you are susceptible to "repeating" the same sort of false grade-school descriptions of other scientific ideas? If something as absurd as this slipped under your radar, how do you think you would be able to pick up on nonsensical ideas in fields that require a high deal of specialized training, such as genetics?

It would be interesting to hear what sort of criteria you have for scientific material you let on the air (I have no doubt that you have only the best intentions for your listeners). Is there a fact checking process or protocol that you run through? Are there any qualified consultants that skim over information that you intend to broadcast?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
yes; identify; eliminate; just today; dino-birds; Johnny, Jukia & ThePhy

yes; identify; eliminate; just today; dino-birds; Johnny, Jukia & ThePhy

Have you considered that, because you lack a significant science education, you are susceptible to "repeating" the same sort of false grade-school descriptions of other scientific ideas?
Yes, I consider that often. I probably average three hours a week over the last thirty years reading science magazines, evolutionist books, science news articles, creationist books, etc.

(The last time I got correspondence from a leading American evolutionary science personality was... last week. And the latest article I've read was... today's Doubts About Dinosaur-bird Links from ScienceDaily helping to debunk the silly notion that birds evolved from dinosaurs... oh, ok, from theropods; so, there's yet another silly notion from my evolutionary school days that I've had to toss :) )

So yes, I undoubtedly have left-over silly images from my evolutionary childhood classes, but I do my best to identfy them (like an animal that stretches his neck will produce longer-necked offspring) and eliminate them.

If something as absurd as this slipped under your radar, how do you think you would be able to pick up on nonsensical ideas in fields that require a high deal of specialized training, such as genetics?
I'm not averse to being corrected. There are countless thousands of observations and science facts that young-earth creationists and atheists agree upon. The tremendous disagreement comes with the interpretation of the evidence. Like the fact that a protein with a thousand parts, each of which must be folded according to a plan, you and I agree with that: you just have a high degree of confidence that they'll fold in the one out of a trillion ways that fortuitously gets the job done, and I think that's silly. But we do agree on the folding and all :)

Are there any qualified consultants that skim over information that you... broadcast?
Actually, I thought that was your job... well, along with ThePhy and Jukia. No?


Bob Enyart

Staff member
Jukia, why can't you ask fun questions like Johnny?

Jukia, why can't you ask fun questions like Johnny?

Human red blood cells are concave on both sides. Handles or not, they are not "cup-shaped".
Jukia, at least Johnny asked good questions. If I found a mainstream evolutionary technical journal that used "cup-shaped" for erythrocytes, would you drop it :) ?
Why is it that you creationists love to use the term "Darwinist"?
It's shorter than referring to you as:

Jukia, another gullible person who believes that matter self-organizes into symbolic logic components (even though the laws of physics have no symbolic logic functions) which implement billions of wildly complicated three-dimensional machines which function within extraordinarily sophisticated interfacing systems, all of which came into existence through a system called natural selection, which conserves pre-existing species.

It just seems easier to say:
Jukia's a Darwinist.


Jukia, at least Johnny asked good questions. If I found a mainstream evolutionary technical journal that used "cup-shaped" for erythrocytes, would you drop it :) ?

It's shorter than referring to you as:

Jukia, another gullible person who believes that matter self-organizes into symbolic logic components (even though the laws of physics have no symbolic logic functions) which implement billions of wildly complicated three-dimensional machines which function within extraordinarily sophisticated interfacing systems, all of which came into existence through a system called natural selection, which conserves pre-existing species.

It just seems easier to say:
Jukia's a Darwinist.



New member
Jukia, at least Johnny asked good questions. If I found a mainstream evolutionary technical journal that used "cup-shaped" for erythrocytes, would you drop it :) ?

It's shorter than referring to you as:

Jukia, another gullible person who believes that matter self-organizes into symbolic logic components (even though the laws of physics have no symbolic logic functions) which implement billions of wildly complicated three-dimensional machines which function within extraordinarily sophisticated interfacing systems, all of which came into existence through a system called natural selection, which conserves pre-existing species.

It just seems easier to say:
Jukia's a Darwinist.

Wow, Pastor Bob, I feel honored. Not only did you use my screen name correctly, you went beyond Stripe's smilies to call me names.

But my comment stays---it is sooo much easier for you to use the code word "Darwin". It makes it easier for your followers to continue to be brain dead.

As far as asking good questions---I gave up on that when the manganese nodule thread died.

And by the way, I am not sure I would hang my argument on the "laws of physics". You might wind up having to explain why you "believe" in only some of them---you know those nasty 1/2 life issues might come back to bite you in the butt.
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
Wow, Pastor Bob, I feel honored. [Don't mention it :)] is sooo much easier for you to use the code word "Darwin" [ok, so another liberal rule: now we can't say Darwin. Fine :) but can we still say Dawkins?] know those nasty 1/2 life issues might come back to bite you...

You mean these nasty 1/2 life issues and these?


-Bob Enyart


New member
C-14 happens when radiation hits nitrogen.
Diamods have nitrogen and there's radiation in the ground.

Fool: Pastor Bob has difficulty understanding that sometimes you need to dig a little deeper, remember he thinks Walt Brown's hydroplate theory is valid.
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