Real Science Friday: Feature creep, poison frogs, & whaddya say?


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Feature creep, poison frogs, & whaddya say?

This is the show from Friday, December 7th, 2012.



* Feature Creep
: Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart discuss articles from two great magazines Answers and Creation, including...

* Elephants Trunks: Robotic engineers wanted to replicate the functionality of an elephant's trunk and were astounded to find out that it takes 40,000 muscles to animate it's abilities! An elephant's trunk must: be able to grasp (anything from a blade of grass to a tree trunk), siphon drinking water (and spray it into the mouth). And an elephant must be able to breath through it, shower with it, smell with it, listen with it, communicate with it (as with trumpet blasts), and snorkel with it (which requires a significant and unique redesign of its lungs).

* Poison Dart Frogs: Hunters in South America rub their blowgun darts onto the backs of these frogs to kill large game. But why would God create poisonous frogs? It turns out that Ken Ham's Creation Museum has a poison frog exhibit, which is perfectly safe, because the poison is a result of a very particular food chain, providing an example of a creature that might have been perfectly safe before the Fall but ...

* Two Pastors, Two Paths: One pastor found out that creation ministries like Creation Ministries Int'l are able to demolish the claims that undermine the truth of the Bible, and the other pastor gave into the false teachings of an old earth and evolution. The latter pastor eventually wrote a "letter to the editor" promoting homosexual marriage, arguing that since we no longer believe what the Scriptures and Jesus say about a global flood, we would be wise to also reject the Bible's opposition to homosexuality. Thus, typically, rejecting Genesis leads to rejection of many life-giving biblical truths.

* Gecko Feet: A recent journal paper claims that gecko feet, eleven separate times evolved their amazing ability (like the ability to run across a ceiling), which is similar to many other extreme claims, including for example that eyesight evolved 40 different times!

* Simplest Cell Would Need Half-a-Million DNA Letters: Evolutionary scientists, hoping to show how simple the first life could have been, have proven the opposite, that the simplest demonstrable life requires more than 500,000 letters of genetic information, ordered in particular sequences (with the appearance of that much genetic information being just one of many other requirements). And for those like Darwin who think that if you get just the right chemical soup, life is likely to arise by chance occurrence, then consider that if you make a frog smoothie (or just observe any decomposing organism), all the chemical elements are there for life, yet no life arises from such chemical stews. Further, like cosmologists typically do, Darwin overreached with his title, Origin of Species, because his story begins with living creatures already in existence. Similarly, Big Bang theorists who claim that they can explain the origin of stars commonly begin their story with pre-existing stars which then explode to provide materials and conditions to form other stars.

* Salt Water Binds with Phosphate: It's awfully tough for chemists to explain how amino acids begin to chain themselves together in long sequences. Why? Amino acids have very high decomposition and melting points, making it tough to get them to assemble in typical dry conditions on Earth. Now, evolutionists have realized that ions that are ubiquitous in salt water will bind with phosphate, making phosphate unavailable to form DNA, RNA, ATP, and OOPS! And even in fresh water, chemists have long realized that they'd need to get rid of water to assemble amino acid chains. In reality, as the law of biogenesis states, life comes from life!

* Humans Can Hear Each Other Even in Loud Environments: Cell-phone (and hearing aid) engineers are mimicing the human brain's ability to minimize background noise to focus on the human voice. Bob and Fred consider this as evidence against the theory of evolution.

Today’s Resource: Getting a science DVD, debate, or book from us will help keep our science program on the air! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine and Ken Ham's Answers magazine! Or to order call BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.

Frayed Knot

New member
Welcome to another episode of "Gee, it sure is complicated, therefore God!"

If the Friday show has to change its name due to copyright issues, I would suggest "Argument from Incredulity Friday."


Well-known member
Feel free to propose a better explanation. :idunno:

Science already did. The explanations are collectively called evolutionary theory. You and Bob just don't like them.

Granted I don't like Richard Dawkins either, but sometimes he's actually right about something.

The Evolution of the Eye

And speaking of eyes evolving multiple times, Scallop eyes use an entirely different system than the one we are used to, they use a reflective mirror to form an image, rather than a lens.