Real Science Friday: Einstein's Is and Ought

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Real Science Friday: Einstein's Is and Ought

This is the show from Friday July 18th, 2008.


* Co-Hosts Enyart & Williams: Bob Enyart and creation speaker and engineer Fred Williams discuss articles from's March - May 2008 Creation magazine. Fred is also webmaster for the esteemed Creation Research Society.

* Letter from a Christian Citizen: Doug Wilson tells Creation magazine that the "philosopher David Hume (himself a skeptic) showed, several centuries ago, that there is no real way to get from 'is' to 'ought.' How do I get from a description of the way things are ... to the way they ought to be? ... Should a human mother care for her children... or eat them like some spiders do? Science doesn't give us ethical information."

To this Bob Enyart added from his own notes: "In 1936 Einstein famously wrote, 'the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible,' and in 1944, remarking about Bertrand Russell, he described the ability to get from matter to ideas as a 'gulf-logically unbridgeable,' which some scientists and linguists refer to as Einstein's Gulf, and in 1950, Einstein wrote that 'science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be,' necessarily excluding from its domain 'value judgments of all kinds.'"

Creation magazine then observes the irony that "atheists... actually build their worldview by making illegitimate extrapolations from science."

The Christian Fish: Atheists and evolutionists widely desecrate the Christian fish symbol by putting legs on it to symbolize evolution. Dr. Thomas Lessl of the University of Georgia researched the motivations and was told, "I did it to annoy the Christian right wing, since they are fond of putting the fish/Christ symbols on their cars..." and "Creationists are [expletive]... Humans are no better than chickens [BE: How does he know, has he tasted them?]... earthworms... algae or infectious salmonella..." Dr. Lessl commented, "By inserting Darwin's name in the place of the fish icon usually reserved for Christ, the icthus symbol is ritually profaned."

Christians of course have responded with a larger Jesus fish eating the Darwin fish. And BEL adds to the mix an alien fish standing on end bearing Dawkins' name to illustrate the atheist's claim in the documentary Expelled that microbiology may provide evidence that life on earth may be the result of intelligent design from somewhere out there in the universe! Richard Dawkins added that such an alien species would most likely have evolved by some Darwinian mechanism. He seemed unaware, as atheists tend to be, that this claim merely punts the issue of origins, since the origin of life on an another planet would face the same dilemma as life arising on earth. Yet atheists commonly put hope in aliens with no logical defense of their blind faith.


* Kangaroo and Wombat Pouches: Some very different animals have a pouch to carry their young. Evolution predicts these have a common ancestor, but interestingly, while the kangaroo's pouch is in her front, so little Joey doesn't fly out as she pounces ahead, the wombat and marsupial mole have a pouch in back to prevent them being filled with dirt while burrowing.

* Geological Time Ever Quickening: RSF has reported on geological features that many atheistic geologists no longer claim took millions of years to form, such as the Heart Mountain Detachment (took a couple of hours!), the Scablands (cataclysmic flooding), the Yellowstone strata containing petrified trees (trees lack root systems, and so do not represent successive forests growing there, but were deposited from a flood), Carlsbad Cavern formations (official narrative says age depends on amount of water available), etc., etc., etc. Now, add the Lihir gold deposit in Papua New Guinea, which countless evolutionists always assumed took millions of years to form, but which geologists now have evidence could have formed in years, or even just in hours!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins, Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
Dawkins' Alien Ichthys

Dawkins' Alien Ichthys

Here's a png image of Dawkins' Alien Ichthys. Say that three times fast :)

As part of the American RTL movie marathon, I saw Ben Stein's film 15 times on opening weekend. The widespread claim by evolutionists that somehow atheist Richard Dawkins was misrepresented by editing or tricked about the topic of discussion is untenable. Dawkins is engaged in the discussion with Stein; he admits that the complexity observed in microbiology could be evidence that life on earth originated from a higher intelligence, somewhere out there in the universe. Of course, he claims that such a higher lifeform must have evolved by some kind of Darwinian mechanism. But if genetic and cellular complexity provides evidence that life on earth is too complex to arise by chance, then evolutionists like Dawkins and Francis Crick are just punting to claim it must have originated somewhere else. Dawkins validates the Intelligent Design argument. The film is powerful! And now it's out on DVD and we have one! I'm dropping our copy off at the home of 91-year old holocaust survivor Martin Small. I think he'll be fascinated.

-Bob Enyart

p.s. And from the July 18th BEL show summary: The Christian Fish: Atheists and evolutionists widely desecrate the Christian fish symbol by putting legs on it to symbolize evolution. Dr. Thomas Lessl of the University of Georgia researched the motivations and was told, "I did it to annoy the Christian right wing, since they are fond of putting the fish/Christ symbols on their cars..." and "Creationists are [expletive]... Humans are no better than chickens [BE: How does he know, has he tasted them?]... earthworms... algae or infectious salmonella..." Dr. Lessl commented, "By inserting Darwin's name in the place of the fish icon usually reserved for Christ, the icthus symbol is ritually profaned."

Christians of course have responded with a larger Jesus fish eating the Darwin fish. And BEL adds to the mix an alien fish standing on end bearing Dawkins' name to illustrate the atheist's claim in the documentary Expelled that microbiology may provide evidence that life on earth may be the result of intelligent design from somewhere out there in the universe! Richard Dawkins added that such an alien species would most likely have evolved by some Darwinian mechanism. He seemed unaware, as atheists tend to be, that this claim merely punts the issue of origins, since the origin of life on an another planet would face the same dilemma as life arising on earth. Yet atheists commonly put hope in aliens with no logical defense of their blind faith.
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